Page li (Mlé cones Iwro THE LIVING ROOM HE'S. VERY. POLITS, a BUT WHAT'S THIS? a CORD HIVDi OUT OF SIGHT? NOW MOTHER, NOW. FATHER : -- | MUSIC EXAMINATION RESULTS ANNOUNCED Results of examinations held in Schreiber by Western Ontario Conservatory of liusic have been announced,. ~ Grades are marked on a basis of 80-100 for first class honors; 70-79: honors and 60-69 for passing mark and names are Listed in order of merit, CITY CENTRE PIANOFORTE: Grade 8 - Bruce Young - honors, Grade 6 - David Winters - honors, Grade 3. - Dillie Esther Weaver -- honors, THEORY ¢ | Grade 3 Grade 3 i Grade Edith ; ricia Grade | Wendy Harmony - Carolyn Power-lst class hon iiistory - Carolyn Power i -- i) iv Clemens; honors; Thomas Knight, © Pat- Simmers, pass. 1 - Ronald Matuszack, "Lynn Simers, Veaver - Ist class honors, OUR _LADY?S PIANOFORTEs CONVENT | Grade 5 -- Linda Frafiées Hayes, Honors: Eliza- | beth McGuire, Betty Reid (equal) - pass. { Grade 4 = Cora Spadoni'; pass, ~ { Grade 2 - Carolyn Glad, Colleen Kenney, hon- ors, Grade 1 - Barbara Stefurak = honors, EXCITING HOCKEY GAME FRIDAY On Friday at 7:00 P.M, another exciting hockey game is in store for us, A group of ex-minor players have challenged a team of. ex-house league players to a: game that pro- mises to be a lot of fun, The "has-beens' could possibly show the 'might-have~beens" that the old boys still have the edge when it comes to tricky play and caginess, So for some fun and possibly some good hockey it*s the Arena on Friday, .. March 15th at 7300 P,M, Said the, tooth paste to the tooth brush, in terms of wild delight - I'm going to give you a great big squeeze when we meet on the bridge tonight, TERRACE BAY News ' N.McCuaig. 2 - Patricia Dimery-lst class-honers; | Turned out to be plaster of paris, March 14, 1963 "SEE HERE" SAYS SPARKY "THIS IS NO JOKE IF THIS, CORD SHOULD GET. FRAYED YOU COULD GO RIGHT UP IN SMOKE" T.B.P.P.C.&T.B.F.D, SCHREIDER-TERRACE BAY C.G,1.7. GET TOGETHER || The senior members of the C.G,I,T. were | guests last week of the C,G.I.T, in Schreiber-,: enjoying a very fine evening. Commencing with Worship led by Marlene. Jartus and Judy D'Arcy, they were then shown a film on Tuberculosis with Boyd Drake pro- jectionist and through the. courtesy of Mrs. A discussion on the film followed and lunch was served by Linda Handel and her _ SOI CEES o.. ; CATHOLIC GIRLS CLUB TO SELL SHAMROCKS, Thirty-nine members were at the meeting held by the Catholic Girl's Club on Sunday night in Holy Angels School, Marion Prescott presided, Georgette Le Blane called the Roll and L. Bedard read the minutes and SOAP EAPOAT dence, Father 'Cano opened with pone a spoke briefly on the purpose of the Mission. . He conveyed the pleasure of the Missioners in the attendance and behaviour of the. girls who were present at the Mission, Current projects were discussed 'amd at was announced that Knitting Classes. will begin (mitts) .on Monday, March 18th at 7.30 P.M, in the Guild Hall, CANCEL SOCIETY PLAN CANVASS The Schreiber Cancer Unit met in the home of Mrs. J,D,Bryson on March 7th to make arrangements for the canvass. for.funds which will take place on April 17th, Mrs, 2.G,Macadam was named Campaign Chair- TAN... alliance sd oamcerienoe annie ciinin Mr.. and Mrs, R,E,Gray, accompanied by Miss Dorothy Sly were in Port Arthar for the Christening of their. Grandson,. Jeffery, son of Mr, and Mrs, Dennis Craig of Port Arthur, ; connor nsitieh shennan ete ocean tii mepeuntine pemtetenr Bose | There, wasa young lady names Harris, whor nothing could ever embarrass Till the bath salts one day, in the tub where she se |