_ _sS eRe eae IN MEMORY OF BEAR MOTHER, Se AsLAWRENSON, who passed away March 12th, 1960, -- Three long and lonely years have passed _ Since our great sorrow 'fell, The shock that we received that morn' We still remember well. Our hearts still ache with sadness And_ secret. tears, still flow, What it meant to lose you Mother Dear, No one will ever knows When we are sad and lonely And all things seem wrong, We seem to hear you whisper y. Have Faith and Carry On} Each time-we see your photo - Yeu seem to smile and gay, Don't cry I'm only Sleeping -- We'll meet in Heaven some days -- 4 i Sadly miSsed and always remembered - Daughter Marjorie, Grandchildren and Son=in=laws | FOR SALE =~ 1956 Buick 2~Tone Hardtop, fully equipped, power steering and brakes ~ excel- lent condition, This car is being sold at a | reasonable price, Phone Schreiber 260. MINOR HOCKEY (Continued from Page 8) and singles went to Sitko and Cadicux. Terrace Bay won the round 6 - 3, With the victory over Schreiber the locals qualified for the finals and Played their first game at White River on Saturday and were defeated 4 - 0, The locals will have their backs to the wall when they meet White River this week-end at Terrace Bay as they will have to overcome a 4 goal lead, The local Bantams elimainated :Khite River Bantams over the week-end by scores of 3, -2 at White River on Saturday-and on Sunday at hone by the score of 4 - 1 --winning the reund 7 - 3,.--Coach Ed, Pineaultts crew will now meet Geraldton and the winner of this serics will enter the Northwestern Ontario Playdowns, In the game at White River Coates scored : 2 goals and. Morres singled, At home on Sunday Pineault sccred two gceals with singles going to Heenan and Coates., The local Midgets defeated Manitouwadge 14 -T last Friday night at the Local Arena in the: first game,of a supposed: 2, out of 3 serics, Manitouwadge however decided to cancel the remaining games,; Terrace-Bay- will now meet Geraldton to see who will go into the Northwestern playdowns, Frank Schock lead the locals with a 6 goal performance, while brother Dan had 2 goals along with Falzetta and Stachiw, Scoring': singles were Gaulin and Cavanaugh, 1963 DIS STRICT. LEADERS# INSTITUTE , We are pleased to announce that the 1963 Community Prégrammes Branch District Leaderst Institute for Northwestern Ontario will be held at the Quetico Conference and Training Centre, July 8 - 12, Courses. being offered include: Art," Ceramics, Community Leadership, Drama, Millin- ery, Physical Recreation, Tailoring and Weaving. The. minimum enrolment for each course is eight candidates, Where the minimum is not © gauge bert 4 eeo~ "|RECREATION FLYER - MEN'S BASKETBALL -Turnouts at the last few Basketball sessions 'have been encouraging and it is hoped that even more will take an interest, Workouts 'tare held every Tuesday evening at the High School Gym, from 8315 -'10:30 p.m, _ SKILL_OR PAST EXPERTENCE IS NOT REQUIRED. Anyone who has playéd"at all, in learning, is more than welcome. _ Letts have you out next Tuesday. Bacminton continues every Monday from 8:15 poms to 10:30 at the High School Gyn, et seem i et a ei ~ | "THURSDAY ARENA SCHEDULE 'With the possibility of another North frcre Playoff game here on Thursday, the Arena schedule may changes ' IF THE SUPERIORS WIN TUESDAY AT "MARATHON, the next game of the series will be played here at 8 p.m, On Thursday. IF THE SERIES ENDS TUESDAY, the Thursday scledule will be as 'follows: 4 - 6°Figure 'Skating, 6 - 7 - Bantam-Allstars, 7330-9 Oldtimers Practice, 9 - 10 - Broomball ; Shift 2 vs. Beauliecu!s. La = ec nh "Ments Fitness classes continue every. Thursda' from 42:30 +6 p.m, at the High School, HAVE FUN AND = In TRIM AT THE SAME TIME, LADIES TEN PIN BOWLING LEAGUE (K. dream) Team standings:° Rockets - 266, Pluta'- 228, Miss-l's -- 226 1/2, Handycaps-- 204 1/2, Tele- stars ~)/219 1/2, Alibiers - 208, cope ~ 205, Inorbits - 187 1/2. High games last week: - K, Graham - - "427, E, Knauff - 416, L. Malashewski - 412, M. Simne 41l, A, Papousek ~ 403, V, Hanna - 405, G, Banks - 400, _ 'MEN'S TEN PIN BO: LING LEAGUE® (J. Graham) "6r is interested | 2 1965 4 1 Team standings:+ Bears - 199 1/2, Team #5 - | 189, Team #6 -'161, Block Busters > 150 1/2, Team # 2 - 146, Team #3 - 145, Team # 4+ 1436 High. games' last week3- C," 'Buck, -- 566, f- Stachiw - 567, K. Ward._- 529, F, Sechesiy: ~-525- High single last week - R, Stachiw 2 C. Buck = 212, Te Turner - 210. SKI-CLUB NEWS (by W.Megraw) nak Championship. results are as follows1- : Jr.Downhill-Graham Coe, Stan Megraw, Sam, , cers: Harris. Jr.Combined-Graham Coe, Sam,Harris, Ton Knight, Int.Downhill-Alvin Leblanc, Lyle 'iNicol, Dave Shivas, IntsSlalom-Lyle Nicol, Al. Leblanc, Dave Shivas.- Int, Combined-Al, a, Lyle Nicol, Dave Shivas. GIRLS - Jr,Girls- all three events won by Patsy: Megraw. Int,Girls - all three events won by Ellen Knight, SR. DOWNHILL (MEN(-Bill Megraw, ie Ni@ol., Bruce } i + | Jr,Slalom-Graham Coe,° Jim Shivas, San, , { | ' | ' j | '|Rapke, ~Sr.Slalom--Bruce Rapkey Bill Megraws; Bob ° Hopper. Sr,Combined-Bill Megraw, Bruce Rapke, Lyle Nicol, All names are in order of merit. The Ski Club would like to. thank Mr,Bill Farrell who came out and presented 'the awards to winners in all events, A special thanks also goes to those who came out to watch the reaGeSa")' With the new fall of snow skiing conditions will be~better than ever, Letts dig some of those skis out of the attic and try the hill, A 'speaker who does not strike oil in ten attained the course will be cancelled, Contactjminutes should stop boring, the Recreation Office for further informetion, | 1