-- Page 8 eee a ene MINOR. Geer CE yo seinrarntneneatieed HOCKEY (Continued from Page 7) Tookenay for Midget, Geraldton Midgets defeated Schreiber 8-5 in| an exhibition game played: Sunday afternoon, officials being kh, Bryson, J, Ross and J, Cos- grove. ST. JONN'S W.A, PLAN TEA AND BAKE SALE ! Mrs, J.D. Bryson presided for the regular meeting of the Woh of St, John's Anglican Church held Feb, 6th in Mrs, R. Gray's home, The Scripture was read by Mrs, W.G,. Fur- longer, A letter from Mrs. G, Edwards, North nay, Secretary of the Christian Service Social Fund, requested reports on the various woments activities in this parish, Mrs. J. Corbett reported on cards sent and baby gift presented, Plans were made for a tea and bake sale on February 23rd in the Church Nali from 3 to 5,30, Minutes were read by Mrs. C. Sparkes and the treasurer's report given' by Mrs, Gray. iunch was served by the hostess. eerncensnsnctecmnsitene-wsaneisascnamsranystitn ates ssa shone ' CATHOLIC GIRTS. PLAN BAKE se Marion Prescott presided for the regular meeting of the Catholic Girls'? Club on Sunday afternoon with Father Cano giving the opening and closing PERI OEEs there were 45 present with Georgette Le- Blanc taking the roll call, Lorraine Bedard reading minutes and correspondence and Geral- dine Duggan giving the treasurer's report. Father Cano reiainded members of their duties in distributing the Church bulletin following cach Mass on Sunday. i Billie Ann Cocks gave the Spiritual report, Deb, Stewart's group planned a bake. sale ' for February 23rd in the J, Cebrario Hardware | Store from 3 to 5, | A panel discussion, with religious theme, | will feature the next regular meeting, Director Mrs, H, Shack has arranged for in- | Structors!t for knitting class which will be | next handicraft for the group. Cora Spadoni ' won the door prize, | Following the meeting 20 embers of the C.G.I.T,.were entertained at badminton and | other games with lunch served, as | | | | | { | j | | i | { | | i | UNITED CHURCH WOMEN PLAN TEA Mrs, i.G. Macadam presided for the regular meeting of United Church Women on Feb, 6¢h with Mrs, A, Gordon taking the devotional period, and Mrs, H, McCanna the Scripture | reading, Plans. were made for a Valentine tea on February 16th from.3.to 5. in the Church Hall. Mrs, D, Nesbitt reported many calls made i to sick people both at home and in hospital during the month, ° Mrs. R.A. Crook, Christian Education chair- |man, requested donations of good used clothing for delivery to 'Jinnipeg (to be collected at the Manse) and also collected donations for a layette, The members were divided in four groups for | regular study periods, with Mrs, 0, Lainets group to take charge of the March meeting study. Mrs, Macadam reminded members of the 'orld Day' of Prayer on March lst, being heid this year in St. John?s Anglican Church and also thanked them for assisting at the annual con- gregational dinner meeting, Five thousand Canada Packers labels hav ' been sent away and members were urged to con- igs Eapaanndowtitalastesitetanl ts Aah _ THARACA BAY NEMS served, HM, ERMEL HEADS LIBRARY BOARD = February 14, 1963 -- tinue on saving these, Mrs. Laine and Mrs, : Morris were thanked for making the cupboard inventory. Mrs, F.W, Hiller was appoiated to the Missionary and Maintenance board, and Mire Xs Jacomb to the Official board. Mrs, Martin of Oberon Man, asked the Sch- reiber UCW to sell cookbooks,:a sample will be requested before making any decision. The annual fee was sent to the Women's Auxiliary of United College, Winnipeg, Mrs, N, Smith gave a paper on the distress in Hongkong refugee camps. March tea hostesses will be Mesdames F, Macadam, J, Morris, G, McBride, H, Miller and S. Petrushack, The minutes were read by Mrs. W. Clemens, correspondence including a notice from Su- perior Presbyterial of the annual meeting being held this year in Fort Willian. Mrs, H.W. Gellert read the financial state- ment and following the meeting lunch was ete NE A A A A AR AE Ot ere MARCH OF DIMES Mrs. Jack Rumery, chairman, announces the sum of $345,00 realized for the March of Dimes , and is most grateful to the public for their response, the campaign captains and the March- ing Mothers who carried out the project de- spite the inclement weather prevailing, | \ | 4 ' | s } Hey The public library board held its regular | meeting on Feb, 8th with H.M. Ermel pre- | siding and all members present, Mr, Ermel and | Miss G, Hadley were re-elected chairman and secretary-treasurer, respectively for this year, named as signing officers, and autho- rized to pay accounts as they fall due. Others on the board and their term of ; office are Mrs, .G. Furlonger, Mrs. W. Shee- | han and Mrs. LR, McCuaig, two year; Mrs.W. } Wilkes, Mrs, D. McGuire and Bernard White, ! one year, with Miss Hadley and Mr, Ermel | having three year terns, Magazine renewals and orders were autho= : rized, The board are very gratified with the wide use made of the lending library, especially the very young reacers and school students, | Regular meetings were set for the second |: Friday of each month at. 7.30 P.M. The Bookmobile will return on' May 22nd, the last one with a count of 332, some due books being outstanding at the time, The i 'Board also takes a unit for' the high school, | they making their own selection, this tine including some statuary, The board are disturbed over the un- sightly condition of the library and will press the property committee of the hall to | | , i ~have the necessary renovations carried out, these having been promised for some time, They also feel a sign is needed particularly since the hydro one was placed above the library leading to a confusion wherein ones seeking the hydro office seek to gain en- trance through the library. The library will | continue the same hours of two. until five | through the week, ednesday. excepted, The board are pleased with the services of Mrs. tes LeBlanc, acting librarian, te ee ee DAVID THOMAS EVANS BURIED IN SCMREIGER --«=| The. funeral of the late David Thomas ME aged 73 whose death occurred on Fepruary 5th i in his daughter's (Continued on Page 9) ~ ;