Page 4 -- A > VALE NTINE Wo my FOR HER, fe Ly New arrivals, in fashion~ ed able blouses' in easy-care broadcloth'- French Cuff, or roll-up. short sleeve - little boy or revere collars- with or without 'tails? and in a variety of colors. - priced at $2,98 & \\_ FOR EXTRA GLAMOUR GET LUUAY rat LINGERIE & HOSIERY BY KAYSER ? f g AND FO $3.98 I MINOR HOCKEY NEWS ene) j The Port Arthur North Star Flyers Midgets | invaded the local Arena to play the Terrace Bay Midgets on Saturday night and Sunday af- ternoon in an exhibition series, On Saturday night.before a large crowd the : Jocal boys. trounced the visiting Flyers 9-2 | in fast clean hockey which kept the crowd on | In t i { their feet throughout the entire game, the first period the Bay boys opened the scoring and never looked back with the | period ending. 5 -.1, .They added three goals ' in the. second period and both teams split goals in the last period, Falzetta lead the ; team with three goals and two assists, Solly ' had two goals and D.Schock, F,Schock, Stachiw : and Turner added singles, Clark scored both , goals for the Flyers. In the penalty depart- ment the visiting Flyers picked up four minors ' while the locals picked up two minors, | Referees for this game were Francis Hanna : and Dave Desrosiers. i On Sunday, before another large crowd the i local boys made it a clean sweep by walloping ' the visitors 12 - 3. In another fast, clean_ ' game the-Kolody-coached locals were too much | for the visiting Flyers as they outpassed and ' outskated them... - Frank Schock led in this game with four , goals and one assist, Dan Schock, Solly and , Stachiw each scored two. goals while Cavanaugh ; and Falzetta added singles and also four | assists, Robitaille, Curtchar and Larocque scored for the Flyers.. There were nine minor , penalties in the game with the Terrace Bay boys padding up five to the Flyer four, Ref- erees were Tom Pollard and Gord Calders The Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association would like to thank the fans for their sup- * port at these two games and we do hope to -- have more games of this eatiber in future. ------. bee | HIGH SCHOOL "INVITATIONAL BONSPEIL : Sixteen high school rinks from Marathon, ' Nipigon, Red Rock, Schreiber and Terrace Bay : took part last weekend in an Invitational - Bonspeil. Winners were3- Se Nipigon/Red Rook - Pat Dwyer, Diane Salonen, Ray Skillen and Sally Sjolander,. Second, Terrace Bay - Bob : Hopper, Kit. Knauff, Bob Coates and Bonnie Hamilton, Third, Marathon - Paul Vogt, Judy Baxter, Pat Cummings and Bonnie Parrent, Bob Hopper was chairman of the *Speil and others working 9n various committees were Rod Thompson, Maureen Hall, Don Teniuk, Kit Knauff ema TERRACE BAY NEWS eminent A SUGGESTIONS --FOR _ SIMCOE I PLAZA | TERRACE BAY -- - -- -- PHONE 3327 = neem eee eee amas ane Pl, Ct ae uo es WAGHORN °S 4 ? G vo a ee oe ; ei HIGH SCHOOL a. =. = . 2. BEAULTIEU?S : 2° aa | FUTURE GAMES; -- Monday, Feb."11, 9 P.M.-- Beaulicuts @ Waghorns' "were read by the Secretary, Mrs, Gale Savoy. February 14, 1963 -- IM." MAKE HIM FEEL LIXE A KING IN A DRESS SHIRT BY "TOOKE OR "DARBY WHITE AND THE LATEST PIN STRIPES - ALL SIZES IN STOCK - ALSO HIGH QUALITY SOx, SCARVES, TIES, BELTS - SWEATERS, ETC, FORD'S bbe) earn apenas et Bonnie jingle. Jean Stuart, Eddie Kenney, | Jean Hopper, Owen Turner, Lyle Nicol, Alan Trudeau, Noreen Scowen, Carol McLeod and Annette Belliveau. ween ee BROOMBALL STANDINGS ~ Including Feb.5 Games | | | | | | | Tues, Feb.19, 7.30 P.M.-High School @ Beaulieu " ww 8,30 P.M, einghomnts @ Shift 2 ST. MARTINS TO. HOST C,W,L.REGIONAL MEETING The regular monthly meeting of St,Martin?s | Catholic Women?*s League was held Sunday even- ing, February 10th at 8:15 in the Parish Hall preceded by recitation of the Rosary in the Church. Very Rev.Dean E,A,Gallagher opened the meeting and minutes snd correspondence The Treasurer's report was given by Mrs, J. Ruzyski, followed by reports from various committees, ; The President, Mrs, 6 teeeer ae reminded members that Sunday, March 3rd is Adoption Sunday and inaugurates an Ontario-wide Catho- lic adoption year campaign sponsored by the 78,000 member Ontario Councils of the C.W.L. Since last July when the campaign was suggest-- ed by the Convention Council of C.W.L. in Kingston it has received.the approval of all Bishops of the Diocese and the Catholic Charities Council of Canada. It has been assured of the wholehearted support of the Children's Aid Society of Ontario and the Department of Public Welfare... \} Mrs. J,Todd and Mrs, S,%waresh. recently attended the annual meeting of the Children's Aid Society representing the C.W.L. They reported that volunteers are needed to help } with the work and anyone wishing to contri- bute their time may contact Mrs. Kay Anderson. Mrs, R,Chepelski and her conmittee are pre- pared for the annual St,Patrick's Tag Day which will include a-door to door canvas on March 16th, Mrs. D,.Legault announced that every thing is in readiness for the Supper to be held February 14th, The regional meeting of the (Cont'd Page 5)| ene em ra Sa cm