- February 7%, 1963 Lz -- aceaerens nao SCHREIBER HERE AND THERE | | The Caressa sweater, knitted by Mrs. J. | Smart, to augment the ice fund, was won by Mrs, J, Scott - Les Pryor of Terrace Bay making j the draw. | Miss Sally Stewart is spending the week age relatives and friends in Ottawa, Mrs, G, Fisher and Mrs. H, Fisher were in Fort William last week to attend the party celebrating their parentst, Mr. and Mrs, John | Didych, 335 N. Brodie St, 40th wedding anni- | versary, Many other relatives and friends in | the city and district attended the happy oc- casion, Alvin Slater joined his mother, Mrs, R.B. | wetense of Renfrew, here, when she was en | route to Regina to be with her son Russell / who was dangerously ill, Mr, Slater has since idied and Mrs, Alvin Slater has gone to attend | the funeral with her husband, i Fred Crawley was taken to Terrace Bay | Hospital this week. | The U.C,\W. will hold their regular meeting ion February 6th at 8 P.M. in the Church: Hall, i Members are asked to answer the roll call with ,an apron, yard of print, bias tape or thread, With a compassion and attempt at under- i standing the girls of the United Church Ex- 'plorers gave, in cffect, their evening meal to 'Hong Kong refugees on the occasion of théir 'last meeting, They ate a single slice of bread and cheese and drank @ mug of cocoa, served by leaders Mrs, R, Gander and Mrs, G, McBride, | With the co-operation of their mothers a 'nominal price for home suppers was set and this the girls donated to the refugee fund, A | study of the pitiful conditions in the Hong ~ | |Kong refugee settlement has deeply impressed | |the girls, who decided upon the novel gift, To !further set the scene, dressed in ill-fitting and shabby clothes, they formed queues and jwaited for their food tickets, | | BABY CAMPBELL BURIED IN SCHREIBER The funeral of Anne Kelly Campbell, 17 month jold daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Campbell, {whose death occurred January 26th, was con- oe in Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church on January 28th by Rev, J.M, Cano, F Three hymns were sung, Jesus Come To Me, Beautiful Angel and Dear Angel Ever At My Side,} with Rev, Sister Alexandr as organist, Pall bearers were Denis and Pat McParland, Larry Kusik and Billy Webb, Interment was in Sch- jreiber cemetery, : | . The baby is survived by her parents, brother| | Joey and sister Tammy, grandparents Mr, and i iMrs, J, Campbell Schreiber and Mr, and Mrs, 'Con MacDonald of Terrace Bay with many other \relations in. the immediate district, ee SELES EEE A } [REPORTS HEARD AT ANNUAL CHURCH DINNER The annual congregational dinner meeting of St. Andrewts United Church was most success--- jful, the UC!) members setting the long tables and the task of clearing and dishwashing done by the.C,G,1.T. ; ' Rev. R.A. Crook presided for the business meeting, with all reports accepted. Highlights of some of the reports of various organiza- tions and. their activities were: - Messengers, | ja group of 30 children in 6-8 age group mec- | ting weekly, with Mrs, H, MoCanna and Mrs, G, 'Gordon as.leaders, Used toys were collected ~ | | for the CAS at amas, flowers for Mother's Day, jGrace mugs and homebaking were sold on dif- ferent occasions and the children enjoyed i ee TERRACE BAY NEWS Ta ee a me mm mt i | Five staff meetings were held, family service month, donations at various times, assistance Page 7 several parties, The Explorer, with member- ship of 21, have 100% attendance, and, from their junior roundup Mission study, com- pleted seven of the projects with six the re- quired number for recognition, During the year they had talks by Mrs, Florence Fisher on hairstylingad.grooming, by St, John Ambu- | lance on artificial respiration and by OPP | WeJ. Cringle on the purpose and administration | of the local Transient Fund, The girls also' | tried their hands at sewing and other crafts, sent members to summer camps, presented a gift to the Terrace Bay Hospital Children's | { | \ | Ward, took part in the UNICEF project and en- joyed a round of club parties, Officers are |} Nola Fummerton Chief Explorer, Nancy spillane treasury. C.G.1.T. -- In addition to regular planned religious study the members assisted the skating club at its carnival, sponsored a well-patronized Coffee Break, assisted at | the congregational dinner, sent gifts to San patients and other Church members in hospitals,! catered to the North Shore Nurses dinner, pur- | | } Keeper' of the Log, Helen Harness Keeper of eT i chased a screen for the projector used in the Church, folded Xmas Seals for the TB Asso- { ciation, collected for UNICEF, gave Xmas gifts | to the CAS instead of having an exchange then- | selves, had a most successful Spring tea to augment their funds, The girls also had spea- | kers for various occasions and educational films, their regular banquete and parties, The Hi C, membership of 18, girls and boys, have had a bake sale, car wash, the boys doing ,; grasscutting and snow removal at the Church, | took charge of one Church service, gave gifts | to the CAS, and prepared a list of ushers for ; Church services, Dr. Lee of Terrace Bay was a guest speaker during the year, The junior : choir continues to supply music for the morning Sunday services, The Sunday School, with Neil | Ross as Supt., has a devoted staff of 13 tea~ | chers and Mrs, R.G. Macadam secretary-treasurer, day held, and a Rally service with the pupils | in charge, The annual picnic was arranged, WHITE GIFTS were presented for the Winnipeg Intercity Mission, and a gift presented to Mr, | WeS. Harris, retired after serving as Sunday. | school Supt, for 10 years. The UCW listed its officers, number of mee- tings and members, projects adopted for each to needy families, Mission work, the purchase | of articles for the Manse and Church, W.S. Harris, G, Gordon, G, Xiley and E, Glad were re-elected to the Board of Stewards, | and A.E. Nelson and Mrs, W. Duncan added, Reports were given by the Doard of Stewards, ' by G, Gordon on the organ Fund;by R. G, Macadanz: for the Canvas Coram, and the Board; on the Presbytery and Missions by Rev. Crook, The Financial statement was approved and the Pud- get adopted, Mrs, W, Miller was secretary for the meeting. 1 een == smi | ee es ose ae DONALD G, BENO e ' TiSURANCE AGENT & NOTARY PUBLIC | +4 *UT0 4FIRE *LIFE aia - _ PHONE 195 BUSINESS OR 468 RES, | 4 Corner Winnipeg & Scotia Sts. Schreiber, Ont. tee een ene ee enrages