ed ,ganuary--31,- 1963 SCHREIBER HERE AND THERE Mrs, Bob Gray, Schreiber delegate, will leave on Wednesday Jan, 30th, to attend the annual meeting of the North Western Ontario Ladies Curling Association in Fort Frances, Mrs, Pat Leisander, with her sister Mrs, M, Hubilet, spent the weekend in Manitouwadge with théir brother Gilbert Gerow and his family, Mrs, E, Oulette visited her mother, Mrs, HP. Bourguignon, who is in McKellar Hospital, Mr, and Mrs, W, Gerow attended the funeral of their nephew, Peter Tait, who was killed in a car accident Saturday, George Kouhi and Frank Obljubek were here on Thursday with the Booknobile, exchanging 180 books, The library, during irs, LeBlancts | illness, will be opened from 4 to 5 on Mon, ' Tues,, Thurs, and Friday and from 2 until 5 ; on Saturdays, Miss Lorraine Welbourne of Wawa Hospital | staff, spent the weekend with her parents, Mrs, Robert (Grandma) Weaver was taken to _ Terrace Bay Hospital this week after suffering a painful fall at home, Mr, and Mrs, F, Macadam leave on Tuesday | to stay with their son Gordon's family in Winnipeg while -iMrs,~Macadam recovers from a serious operation, Mr, and Mrs, H, Welbourne leave Wednesday for. Montreal to visit Dr. and Mrs, Robert ' Welbourne, The March of Dimes canvas will be made on . Friday, February lst, froia 7-9 p,m, Leave your porchlight on to make it easier for ' these Marching Mothers, Mrs, Joe Figliomeni is in St, Joseph's | Hospital, Port Arthur, recovering after surgery... i ; O@P.T,A. HOLD SUCCESSFUL 4 THA Mrs, Bill: Stefurak centened the tea held _ under the auspices of the Catholic Parent | Teachers? Association in the Guild Hall, Tea was poured by Mrs, i. Mullins and Mrs, : D, McGuire and the small tables were attended by Mesdames R.T, Campbell, A, Spadoni, D. stewart, S, Maronese, W, Sheehan, G.A. Scott, E, Summerton and Miss Lorraine Bedard, Replenishing was done by Mesdames 2.3. "padoni, G, Gauthier, J, Caccamo, P. Guina, RK, Sisson and D, Desmoulins, Mrs. A, Bourguignon was cashier and the ' draw prize, _ a lovely centerpiece, was won by : irs. Sisson, HOLY ANGELS P.T.A, TO BUY TAPE RECORDER ane Latnolic PeisA, neld its January mee- ' ting with R.T. Campbell presiding and Mrs. C. ' Todesco*s room winning the attendance prize. | | | | | { He 4 | | | | = | Minutes and correspondence and'thank-you ; hotes" were read by Mrs, P, Leisander, Mrs, ' A, Bourguignon gave the financial statement, It was decided to purchase a tape recorder for the school with donations from family groups. Mrs, R, Sisson, membership chairman, was commended by the president for her outstanding effort in securing 180 paid up members, Mr, Campbell also thanked Art Huard who has been keeping the school rink clear of snow. Grade three, under Mrs, Todesco?s direction , entertained with a skit, and program chair- ; man D, Stewart showed an interesting film, ' WThe Royal River", | Lunch was convened by Mrs, D,-lMcGuire, rt THARAGE BAY NEWS. | WeG. FURLONGER HEADS SCHOOL BOARD secretary~treasurer, , Mary McGrath, Norma McLellan, Doris, Judith | St, Jean, Linda Sisson, Anna Spadoni, Frances -- Page? i 1 WG. Furlonger was elected chairman of. the | public school board at their inaugural mee- | ting, with Mrs, J.D. Bryson, vice chairman. | Other members present were: J,N. Ross, Mrs. | J. Rummery and Mrs, R, Macadam, HM. Ermel, | school principal also attended the meeting, | WS. Harris was re-appointed secretary- treasurer; Mrs, W.R. Burroughs was appointed school nurse and E, Lang was re-appointed school caretaker, Accounts totalling $3,546,88 were passed for payment, : J.N. Ross was named property committee chairman and the appointment of an attendance officer held over, The board congratulated Mr, Harris on an outstanding record of service -- 38 years as REBEKAHS PLAN VALENTINE PARTY Mrs, Jean Plummer N.G, and Mrs, Orral Wright V.G. presided for the regular meeting of Ruby Rebekah Lodge on January 24th, Mrs. Beth Macadam read minutes and correspondence, giving a report on the Officers Tea and thanking those who had worked, Mrs. Ida Krause) was installed as Outer Guard by Mrs, Mavis Slater, P.D.D.P. and Mrs. Anna Laine, marshall, Mrs, J.D. Bryson was given the pleasure of presenting her 25 year jewel: to Mrs, Alice; Sparkes. _ The vice grand gave a report on Sick and | Visiting. At the close of the meeting a penny f auction was arranged by Mrs, N. Ross. i Following the next meeting there will be ' a Valentine party. C.G.C, GIRLG? GET CHILD CARE DIPLOMAS A large audience of parents and Saye ne. with the CGIT accompanied by Mrs, T, whent, as special guests, saw the graduates of the first junior child care course here receive their deplomas and pins from Roly 'ills, secretary of St, John Schreiber-Terrace Bay Branch, The girls, all members of the Catholic Girls' Club, were instructed by registered | nurses Mrs, *R, McAdam and Mrs, J, Carmiachel, assisted by Mrs, M, Skinner, The graduates included Marjorie Bolan, ! Betty Comeau, Audrey Bryar, Giselle Chicoine, BillieAnn Cocks, Linda Connelly, Andrea Cor- | nell, Colleen and Mantell Cosgrove, Geraldine | Dugean, Janis Fournier, Lorraine Fournier, Anna Funmerton, Rona Godin, Muriel Holmes, Margaret and Yvonne Huard, Crystal Kusik, Georgette and Teresa LeBlanc, Kathryn and : and Patricia McParland, Lenore and Sharon O'Brien, Lise Oulette, Marion Prescott, Judy Speziale, Eveline Rajotti, Gheila '/eaver, Officers of the club, Mrs. H, Shack and ! Mrs, H, Duggan also took the course, with St, | John A/N members - Mrs, H, Jartus, Mrs, D, ' Rummery, Mrs, S, Willoughby and Mrs, H, Relph, | taking their senior child care course, | Mrs, Rummery, Mrs. Jartus, Chas, Levigne | and Mrs, M, Johnson demonstrated first aid, Mrs, Shack thanked the sponsors and instru- tors and Mr, Wills said he was delighted with the number who completed the course which is endorsed. by Police & Fire Depts, He outlined | other courses available, 0,8, Fasan and Father Cano congratulated the girls and Marion Pres- cott, club president, presented gifts to the instructors and Mrs, Jartus, Tea was served, |