_Gctober A 21962 | TERRACE BAY NEWS 5 Box 579, Terrace Day. .Qntario. Publish weekly each Thursday, - Circulation, Terr. Bay, Schreiber and District. Deadlitie. advertisements 'is Noon.each Monday, othe items Tuesday Noon. . 'Office 'Phone 3747,." Authorized as second. Glass mail by the Post ~~ tage in cashes Classified. ads < Mi inna charge 506 - ~ Ep words and: under) -- Cards of Thanks etc. - minimum charge $1 (30 words and under). | FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, POLISHERS, PARTS & | SERVICE, contact SNIL SEPPALA, dealer, 325 | Argyle St. Port Arthur, Ont, PHONE DI 4-1173, aero a rrr rr ' FOR SALE + House on Ontario Street, Schreiber, : Phone Terrace Bay 3576 or Schreiber 352, | CHRISTMAS CAKES - Orders will be taken until | October or dark Christmas Cakes, to be | epaise at the Community Church Christmas Bazaar, | Approximately 24 pounds - $2.50. Phone 3694 | or 3234 mornings only, FOR SALE - medium size Quaker Space Heater in | good condition, Phone 429, Schreiber. | CARD _OF 'THANKS - Many thanks to those who sent ' flowers and cards and have been so kind dur- | ing the passing of. our twin son Bobby. A | Special thanks to Kimberly-Clark Company and | Local Union 665, Your kind thoughts will be long remembered, = (Signed) The Caron wd CARD OF THANKS - The Schreiber High School © | Board, Teachers and Students, express their | thanks to the people of Schreiber for the ' books they contribtited to the School Library. bere amie 3 wrt es ' CARD _OF THANKS - we would like to ) take this _ opportunity to thank the Schreiber Fire Depart ment and congratulate them on their efficiency, . We would also like to thank our kind friends _and neighbours who gave and offered help in so:many ways. Sincerely, Kay & Harold Gellert and Sealy | 'FOR SALE. - double béd with spring-filled mat- 'tress and slat spring. Phone 3302, tween LOST - Boy's glasses (initialed T.Petrus) be-: /187 Laurier and Separate School, Phone 3777, ROOM & BOARD AVAILABLE ~- for two. - Phone 3635 or call at House 4, Pine Crescent, ia Coa eae RENE GAUDET!S ISLAND. VIEW SERVICE STATION Corner of Hudson & Hwy.17 ' PHONE TAYLOR: 5-3638 Wie Ge Ze od TERRACE: BAY NEWS Office Department, Ottava, for payment of Dome 3 f aera sate tee ah ee one evening each week, Kenogami Rd. Terrace Bay or Phone 3 a a ne ee ee re os ae ce ce ne WHI ELA EY 4 eT a) RICHARD. HUDNUT ENN Nis SIATR 4 PRO IDUGTS en eet er WAG TOEN S PHARMACY _... ,TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO ~ PHONE. TA. ---- ne ee a SE NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES | it The Terrace Bay High School Board offers evening classes in any subject for which at least 15 (fifteen) applications are received, provided that a suitable instructor is avail able,. Not enough applications have been received to date to warrant the offering of any classes As a result the date for applications has: bédn | advanced to October 15th, | Interest has been expressed in Typing, f Millinery and Sewing, Classes will be of two-hour duration, held Every effort will. be made to choose an evening which is suitable | to the majority of applicants. Tentative plans are arranged to provide 10 classes be- fore Christmas and 10 classes after Christmas, The fee will be $5,00 per course which should be paid at the first or second meeting, | There will be no refund, Applications should be addressed to reach the Principal, Terrace Bay High School, by Monday, ,Ootober 15th, The application form below may be used. NAME? | | PHONE NO, __. zl ADDRESS: SUBJECT DESIRED; EVENING PREFERRED BIU per hour--used 2 months. Call 359, ee et ee eee a oe. ---- eee ae FOR SALE - Kenmore Oil Space Heater - 53358 | F SATURDAY | : AR OCTOBER 13 | a S| HOY VV | -- | s THES, oh School TIME 2-5. -- 7-10-PM POTTERY DEMONSTRATION "BY MMIDDAUGH -- 3:30RM. Jickets "35¢ | TEA = RAFELE._=_& ART FILM | wee