ne ere nh net eh iat ot eA tend sapere ere + ng ae 2 * TERRACE TERRACE BAY» © ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE SCHREIBER COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev, T. Garnet Husser 11,15 A.M, - Morning Worship Guest Preacher - Rev, R, Crook of Schreiber ST, MARTIN'S CHURCH ~ Rev. Dean E.A,Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M. and 7-8 P.M, SUNDAY MASSES ~ 8,15 A.M, - 10 A.M. -and 4,45 P.M. During the weck Masses are at 8,15 A.M, and on Saturdays at 9,00 A.M, ST. MARTIN'S PARISH LIBRARY Open from 2 to 3 P.M. every Saturday ROSS PORT ST. JOHN BERCHMAN?S CHURCH Mass every Monday evening at 7,00 P.M, GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School at 2 P.M. every Sunday Mr, and Mrs, W. Anderson with daughter Margo and Pat Simmer have returned from a trip to the Calgary Stampede, a visit with relatives at the Coast and a jaunt to the Victoria Centennial and Seattle World Fair. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J, Delaronde have been Miss Joyce Shwetz of Nipigon, Midline Heinrich of. Port Arthur, My, and Mrs, C, Balezewski of Exeland, Wisc, and Mr, and Mrs, B, Halverson of Park Falis, Wisc, Visitors at the home of Marge and Scotty Hamilton are her sister and family Mr. and Mrs. A, Krystia from Heron Bay, and a brother Mr, and Mrs, D, Armstrong and family of Fort William, Mr, and Mrs, W. Kurylo and children re- turned last week from a vacation in North Bay visiting N, Spiess and family, Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Scowen- and: son Dean are visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Scowen for a month before returning to Brampton, Ontario where Dennis is a welder with the Rambler Car Company, Mr, and Mrs, E, Persson and children va-= cationed in Fort Frances visiting his sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, F, Hahr and relatives, Mr, and Mrs, B, Larson, Marilyn and Bobby, , visited her parents,in Eagle River and his Mother in Bergland and in Fort Frances with relatives. Marilyn had enjoyed a lengthy visit with her grandparents in Eagle River, travelling there as school closed in June, Mr, and Mrs, A, Marquis spent the past weekend visiting at Bodnars Camp at Birch Beech, Mr, and Mrs, A, Valiquette arrived home Saturday with their family from a vacation in the east visiting their parents, Mrs, M. Valiquette and Mr,.and'Mrs, J.P, Hunt and relatives in Eganville, Toronto and Kapus- ' kasing, Miss Julie Stachiw of Toronto is visiting | Saturday Mass - 90 A.M. | | 8 | EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH ~ Rev. M.F.Kaija PO I enone SE Dg, 1962 ST, JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev, R,J.S,Inshaw 9.00 A,M, -=. Holy Communion ay 10,00 A.M, -~ Family Service 11,00 A.M, -- Morning Service 7.00 P.M, -- Evensong (ST, ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH ~ Rev. R, Crook 10,00 A.M, - MORNING SERVICE HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev, J.M. Cano Daily Mass - 8,00 A.M. Saturday Confessions - 7,00 to 8,30 P.M. SUNDAY MASSES - 8,00 - 9,30 = 11 A.M, 10,00.A.M,. - Sunday School 7,00 P.M. ~ Evening Service - 2nd and 4th 'Sunday, Bible Study on Fridays following Sunday Service, GOSPEL MISSION - Mr, Ron Sheffield Sunday - 11,00 A.M. - Family Bible Hour 7.00 P.M. - Gospel Service Wednesday - 7,00 P.M, - Prayer Meeting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, Stachiw, -- Mr, and Mrs, Bob Cotton with Carol and | Brent Graham of Vickers Heights were weekend visitors with the Reg Cottons, Joan and Cuyler Cotton of Vicker Heights are summer visitors with the R. Cottons. Mr. and Mrs, R, Marquis and daughter Valerie with Sharon Timpano visited with Mr, and Mrs, J. Uschenko in Sault' Ste. Marie and also holidayed in Sibley Park, accompanied by Gail Slattery. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Stobbart and son Kent left Terrace Bay last week to make their home in Kitchener, Ontario where Earl is now employed by the Electrohome Company, Prior to. leaving a Stag by friends and co-workers was held for Earl when he was the recipient of a Gladstone Bag. A dessert bridge was held for Eve by co-hostesses Marge Stephens and Phyl Woods at the home of the latter when Eve was presented with a Coleport. Figurine, A beach party was held by the Bill Megraws and Howard Sollys with the Stobbarts receiving a clock and the group's best wishes, Many family dinners entertained the Stobbarts, as individ-» uals bid them adieu. Myrna Crandlemire flew to the Lakehead from . Ottawa last Saturday after completing a summer | course in Elementary Art. Mr, and Mrs, L, Crandlemire met Myrna in the Lakehead spending , the weekend at Kakabeka Falls before returning | home. Myrna will remain in Terrace Bay for | the balance of the summer, taking up her teach- ing duties this fall at Dryden. Mr. and Mrs,.T. Fedun Don, David, Patricia | and Valerie returned home Saturday from a visit with rel itives in Kenora and Keewatin, | Ontario last week. Mr, and Mrs, J. Knight returned last week | from a trip to Timmins where their son Tom will ; spend three weeks with John's sister, Mrs. D. | Richens and where Ellen will attend Guiders? Camp at Connaught before joining Tom for a | week, Enroute home they visited in Kapuskasing Mr. And Mrs, Orville Glen and daughter Marlene are vacationing. (Cantinued on Peace 6)! '