July 19, 1962 _ TERRACE BAY NEWS Bae Freee SPONSORED BY C.W.L., C.Y,. 0., C.G, 0., & BUILDING COMMITTEE OF SCHREIBER WOR SHORE es LIONIC SUNDAY, JULY 2 znd PORT, Spal Mché OREEK), S SSF ROS RACES | NOVELTIES AT te ee ORR tern ee nares ante sane | ~--CONFECTIONERY=---- te ae ene en ae ee ieee YOUTH PILGRIMAGE (Continued from Page 4) term following their win, Leaders and lodge officers were at the head table where the official welcome was | given by Verl Thompson, with Charles Chandler responding, | The civic welcome was given by Mrs. L, McCuaig, town councillor, 1 Several of the young visitors spoke briefly in appreciation of the welcome and the banquet, At the end of the meal, the young people sang lustily several tharik-you songs written especially for this purpose, They left with a box lunch guarranteed to! last until they reached the Soo: and acconm- | panied out of town by a flect' of excited outriders on bikes, Marlene Birch and Lois In- | shaw were presented with honor | rings by Revs R.J.S..Inshaw at the morning service in St, Johnts Anglican Church. This | is the highest award given by the Anglican Girls' Auxiliary, Mr, and Mrs, Gus Krause have had with them Mr, and Mrs. | Archie Leigh, of Lyonshead, ; and Dick Thonebohn of New York | City. Together with Willy Heinrich they' have fished many lakes and rivers in the dis- trict on camping expeditions for the past two weeks, en- _ joying their explorations as much as the fishing,which was ° | good, For Gus, Dick and Willie,} : Gospel Mission this week are Mr, and Mrs, BEAUTY & BARBER SHOP TERRACE BAY MOTOR HOTEL PHONE TA 5-3209 POOP M till 5° Pv RAFFLES TURKEY PLATE LUNCH CABBAGE ROLLS BAR~B-Q, BURGERS: CORN-ON-COB HOT: DOGS PIES - DONUTS WATERMELON POP ICE CREAM at a | - et ce enn aren ne reece teneneeetrrm= earns --| this is an annual happy re-union, The three | who grew up together in Bremen, Germany lost touch for 26 years, finally located one another and have since arranged this annual summer meeting in Gus?! home, Guest speakers at special services in the Keith Wardlaw, in Canada on a year's furlough from Brazil, They will return there in _ September, Also here is Harry Oosthuzen and _ his wife, who will graduate from London Bible Institute in December and return as missionaries to their home in South Africa, | | Last week householders in the district . were solicited by salesmen whose "pitch" in- cluted a promise of food at "wholesale" prices, Quite un- derstandably district mer- chants were aroused by 'these intinerant pedlars who con- | tribute nothing to the eco- nomy of the district. either in taxes, living expenses or by employing any local help. While many community minded citizens refused to bargain with these salesmen, some did succumb to their promises, | _ We urge everyone to support | local merchants - their prices 4 are fair and their quality of merchandise excellent, Bill says, "Why are sailing vessels called *Shet?" -- "Because they make the best | showing in the wind"