April 19,°1962 TERRACE: BAY NEWS. Page 13 ogee een nw nee a CR Te ee Numerous pianists were presented at inter- |r in solos or duets to show the varied | talents attained by these young people, Pian- ; ists were: 'Alice Jean McKechnie, BA ex '| Teddy Paget, Karen Moore, Pat and Lynn 'Simer, | Joatine Brown, Cathy Phillips, Lynn Simmer, 9:3°0 cr PM PAM Tommy and Ellen Knight, Margot Anderson, Jane t . -M) Colborne and Margaret Anderson, Instrwmental- > | ists were' Lynda Lawerence, Jane Colborne, Sus~ A 2 RI bo # TH.) | an Graham and Cheryl Duncan, Mrs Fred Gould: and son' Bobby, and Lorne Turner, "The remain-~ -- THE ing children, not to be forgotten, formed 'their own Band, a Comedy Tramp Band that is, | \ OOS to better display their musical talents, a /\ S = HAL L Accompanying the children throughout the | CA 5 0 R ET" 'Ss T YL E a evening's program were: Mrs. Margaret Simmer j and Mr, Ernie Rowson,.while Mrs. Ellen j TRub Hodgkiss accompanied the Male Choir as they $ 2.50-courve New sang the spiritual 'Ride the Chariot! with Orchestre" | hes by their, director, Mr, Bert Lohr, and for Neth: Shore their encore 'Lorena', | Mrs, Anderson, with the gratitude of her Choir, was presented with a beautiful bouqnet | of flowers by Lynda Lawerence, at the close of | the program, and Reve Anderson paid tribute to | the many who had'assisted in the presentation, the accompanists,, Backstage support, Mesdames J. Duncan, Le. Crandlemire, T, Olsen and Js Knight, the guest artists, welcoming committee jot Wendy Duncany Maureen, Susan Brooks and Liz Amba QS$s Ors | Ojavee and to Lorne Turner for his helps 22 i en ., Sponsored oe ; = | IMPERTAL MOTEL DINING ROOM OPENS St,Edward Council #3564 - «| The Dining Room in Adamo's new 2l-unit Mot~ el in Terrace Bay officially opened on Satur- daye A spacious room, presently equipped to ----------==-| cater to 82 persons and decorated in soft | BAND CONCERT (Continued from Page 11) ~ shades of pink, blue & taupe, the new estab- | John Rowson, Rolly Scowen, Bill Shirriff, Jo lishment. is prepared to cater to the needs of | Shirriff, Barry Stephen, Lorne Turner, Don =, both travellers and residents. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS -- Whitley, and'in absentia Peggy Shirriff and MreAlex Kardaris operates the premises and _ Bob Shirriff, The last rousing March was John Phillip | Sousats 'Liberty: Bell', then three hymns, -! | 'Abide With Me!, 'God_ Be With You't, and: 'Now | the Day is Over! concluded an evening of. excellent calibre music, presides as Chef.in a kitchen gleaming with stainless steel equipment. Workmen at the Motel are busy with last min ute details and Mr, Adamo hopes to open shortly, a. . ata mf) PES. CLEANERS "JUNIOR CHOIR PRESENTS PROGRAM - accra Children of the Junior Choir of the Terrac --T | Bay Community Church; under the direction of To avoid bothering residents in the ommun-- } 'Mrs, Gertrude Anderson, presented their' seoord ity with daily pick-ups, TED'S CLEANERS: have | | Annual Concert Friday evening, April.13, in . iistributed window cards to be displayed when ; the' High School Auditorium, With assists | householders need their service. from guest artists, members of the Terrace - To date the system has proved satisfactory 'Bay Male Choir, Mr, and Mrs, and Mrs, Fred. | however, we find that other cleaners who use _ ! Gould and Lorne Turner, a very full and varied the door-to-door pick up method are taking | program of entertainment was presented to. the! cleaning from homes displaying our card, 'We , capacity audience, -_. | receive calls from many residents, inquiring _ The Junior Choir, .en masse, flocked onto | about clothing picked up cnd, on checking, the large stage to raise their young voices..| find it has been taken by another cleaner. opening and closing the program with the, aoe PLEASE - make sure who the driver works for tiful familiar old hymns, 'The Church in the | BEFORE handing him clothing to be dry cleaned Wildwood!, and "Christ .the.Lord Is Risen Tom' | or laundered, 'BE SURE YOU ARE SENDING YOUR day'. The welcoming chairman was the Reve Je | | CLOTHES TO THE BUSINESS YOU WANT TO HANDLE THE Raymond Anderson who provided introductions | WORK, to each number. TED?S CLEANERS ARE PREPARED TO GIVE YOU | . | Many lovely solos and duets were sung dur-| PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE AND EXPERT WORK, ing the evening by the followings. Heather . .«. TELEPHONE TA 5- 3335 - ~ _TERRACE BAY MOTOR HOTEL, | Anderson, Graham Coe, Marcia Hamilton, Lynda') --------------~------- 4. -- Lawrence, Margaret and Raymond Anderson, Mrse|pRIVER WANTED - Male or Female - to pick up: Clara Gould, Mary Jane Hopper, Lynda Ballen= jand deliver clothes, Steady employment all tine, Mary Clare Coupal, Lois Ann Fraser, ; year round. Good business promoter preferred, ' Lynn Simmer, Graham and Ralph Coe, Raymond '|Apply to TED§S CLEANERS - TERRACE BAY MOTOR _ Anderson, and with appearances by the Junior 'po?TEL, Girls Choir, the = Choir and the Senior | me een ee cs ere em An eee neem ents eo amen i caren ne senses eS: sendin. -eennentaserataentanaee eat