Page 8 M | Corner Highway 17-and Mill Road TERRACE BAY, ONT, Authorized dealer for CHRYSLER --FLYMOUTH FARGO ~ VALIANT VICE FARTS Phone TA 5=3723 Se Top selection of Quality used j Cars and Trucks * TOP TRADE=IN PRICES GIVEN EASY TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED 3 Just contact ~ JIM CONCHIE-Ph, 5=3723 Residence Phone TA 5=-3564 by PAUL BOUDREAU FORWARD LOOK 2 ee LADIES AUXILIARY (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7) to present to the members the need of the ing fall, Cross Buns and Tea served by Mrs, R. and her committee of Mesdames M, Desrosier, E, Boutilier and M. Frederickson, STORK CLUB lee nee Born to, Mr. and Mrs. J, Day of Terrace Bay, a son, on April 4th, Born to; a daughter, on April 4th, The following letter was received from of the Community Church. Dear Foster Parents, in Godts grace, dear foster parents, i) put eeu [eens of the Andersons, SINGER -SPRING SALE; SPECIA MODELS OR WITH CARRYING ZIG-ZAG MoDELS From S-* !39.50 AUTOMATIG.MODELS FROM -"!99.50 (Carrying Case or_Cabinet extra) REDUCTION. OF $40 AND $30 €N SLANTAMATIC MODELS we AND FLOOR POLISHERS Contact your Singer Agent - JACK FRANKHAM AT THE TERRACE DAY MOTOR HOTEL, _ "Your B/A Dealer" _ STRAIGHT STITCHING (with Reverse) = CABINET E - FROM99S.90 | TERRACE BAY NEWS Waly M OtO P ~ PHONE Th safes - : 8 F Owned and operated Sunday School for more teachers for the com The evening was brought to a close with Hot Downey Mr, and Mrs, E, Cobey of Schreiber Choon Shik, who is the foster child of Rev. . and Mrs, J, Ray Anderson, and the Hi C Club Most of all, I wish you lots of blessings I got three Ictters and two lovely Christmas Cards from you lately as well as a wonderful family SPECIALS ON FAMOUS SINGER VACUUM CLEANERS nd April 12, "1962 THE o4 BEST. - uy IN : RVICE4 « In Terrace Bay - we are your friendly B/A SERVICE STATION where' you get SERVICE with a SMILE, Class "A" Mechanic on duty at all times: to service all makes of cars and trucks» ----- SPECIALIZING IN ---= * AUTOMATIC. TRANSMISSIONS COMPLETE MOTOR OVERHAULS * * CARBURETORS WELDING * Millway Motors CORNER oe 17° AND MILL' ROAD, TERRACE DAY, ONTARIO, _ album and enjoy all the letters and "pictures fro you so often, Our: Sunday School class members have in- Creased, and there are 120 in all now. I was able to lead one of my neighboring friends to our church, for which I was rather praised by our Sunday School teacher, When any new one joins us in our Sunday School class, we all sing for him or her with a warm welcome. We like the spring and summer best of all the seasons, as it gets so lovely and warn. In March everyone is promoted to the next grade in schocl., Our school is short of space for the new children, so additional rooms are being built. I hope this finds you all'very well anJ in the best of health. So Long, With Loves Choon Shik, t commer KIWANIS CAR STILL ON ICE Have you placed your guess yet? The rec- ent wintry weather has made some of the more optimistic ticket holders revise their estim- ates of when the car will go through, If you have not already.done so or have not been | approached to buy a ticket, just get in touch with ary Kiwanian and hetll see that your entry gets in the drum, Don't delay- do it _NOW. ' FOR SALE SALE - wifey aa and a Kenmore * Dryer, can be seen at 208 Kenogapa. Rd, HOUSEHOLD HINTS Squeaking Floors To step the annoying squeaks caused by pr floor boards rubbing against each other, spra some powdered graphite or sprinkle some tal- cum powder between the offending boards at the friction spot, The graphite or talcum will work its way between the loose boards an act as a lubricant. in preventing further squeaks. -------- eee While occasionally inconvenient, a poor | neuory can sometines be a great asset. \ a ee oe