March 29, 1962 TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 13 fh cee te ream eat ce earenteiinatestis =! etna eet At: Ne ee A tN TTC ALOT ECC, AFTERNOON CURLING (Continued from Page 12) | : E, DeBoice and I, Ferrier who were PURE rS--mp.' BONSPIEL NEWS | Plans are now complete for the 8th Annual | f Bonspiel starting Friday morning at 11,00 Ag MONTH -~ END | _SPADONT 8ROS. LID. vA a SPECIALS evening, All curling club members and associate members and those participating in escorts are welcome, Music will be provided | 'riven, low mileage, color 2-tone Blue, by two of the popular Twiliters. = Balance factory new car warrantys $3785, 4 A social evening is scheduled for Saturday the Bongspiel and their husbands, wives or 161 OLDS oee Ot Sele ae See you at the Bonspiel} Ra on Re = re +59 DODGE RECENT - 4 door sedan, standard C,W.L, HOLDS MONTHLY MEETING transmission, color midnight blue, The regular monthly meeting of the Catholic! 60 - day warranty. Women? s League was held on Sunday, March 25 at 8,15 P.M. in St, Martin?'s Parish Hall, Very Rev, Dean E,A,Gallagher opened the meet- od *59 CHEV_IMPALA - 4 door =r V~8 motor ' " } autometic drive, radio and many extras, ing with the League prayers and Mrs, F,Helmink!. 99 2 day warranty. $1950 presided, ee Mrs, F, Cruickshank read the minutes of ee _-- "Tt the last general meeting and all correspond- | 958 OLDS "88% --- 4 door sedan, hydromatic ence, Mrs, J, Caccamo then gave her financial; drive, power packed, 60 - day statement. All other convenors were then warranty. $1475.) | asked for their reports. fe el Mrs, E. Legault reported on Radio and : Television, On March 25 through to April 22 | '57 BUICK SUPER - 4 door Hard Top, fully Very Rev. Mathew Meehan, Rector of St, | power' equipped, 2 tone blue and 5,395 Patrickts Church, Toronto, will give a series ; whites 60, - day warranty. 21395. | of talks entitled, "Let Your Conscience Be a --Sll Se ee Your Guide", These broadcasts can be heard + 156 CHEV DE LUXE - 2 door sedan, special from Radio CBL from 2.30 to 3.00 P.M, i i custom upholstery, 6 cylinder, newly Mrs, M, Nicol gave her report on the finished, 2 tone beige and green, %{|| 50. Shamrock Tag Day. She also mentioned the Fall} psy seamen -- reaper ane SULT bela etna RAO 155 DULCE ~ 2 door Hard Top, mechanically 1 'Black ladies were reminded to continue saving them | oe work, ae : -- th britw-td-the mectlanzdy (Xan as? ist special. $495, regular meeting, the annual meeting got under-| | $54 MONARCH - 4 door Sedan | way, with the following convenors giving ee eee $575 full reports: Secretarial = Mrs, R, Lindberg, | UR Ss es ee ee ee... Treasurer -'Mrs, J, Caccamo, Spiritual - Mrs, , R, Beaulieu, Press - Mrs, G. Dashkewytch, | 954 MERCURY - 4 door Sedan $455 Membership -*Mrs,,P,' Stuart, Social' ~ Mrs, C. %4....----__._____ Rinne DE Dtdedenans emt Be MacDonald, Magazine - Mrs, L. McBride, TV and ; Radio' = Mrs, L. Legault, 5 a pag - Mrs. OFF %54 DODGE STATION WAGON $195 | Savoy, Resolutions - Mrs, M, Nicol, Girl Guides| ce ae 3 Mrs. A, Ziegleman, Mrs, F, Helmivik gave her annual report and thanked all her executive officers for their co-operation and work during the past year, and a special thanks to | | 1 Immediately following adjournment of the leet iameiaetn an ne ae ate gh | t Or nemeeerneenS remasienaene 3 cay NEW YORKER - 4 door Sac 5 | | bea = ee ee... tee ee the Director Very Rev. Dean H,A,Gallagher, 54 DODGE ~ 4 door Sedan S250.) Turning the meeting over to the Chairman 5 et of the Nominating Committee, Mrs. J, Todd read the new slate of elected officers. for 1962-63: "54 CHEV CHEV L") door Hard Top $995. | President - Mrs, W.J. Cavanaugh, Second Vice- President Mrs, P, Stuart, Third Vice-President) Mrs, P, Gombola, Treasurer - Mrs, J. Ruzyski, Recording and Corresponding Secretary - Mrs, |; G, Savoy. Very Rev. Dean Gallagher installed | the new officers, thanked the outgoing ae utive and congratulated the new officers, he: *54 FORD - 4 door Sedan, Automatic 934 2. ee cep = se "53 CHEV BEL AIRE - 4 door Sedan $2 75. '| President - Mrs, G, Dashkewytch, First Vice- | ' ca 74 | S4 CHEY -"2 door Hard Top $2.95 | | | | | i | | a = | | i | | recitation of the Act of Consecration to a | 153 FORD CUSTOM - 4 door Sedan SaQ5, | Blessed Virgin Mary was said by all nexbers, 0 ------------__"="_=----= ae eee Dean Gallagher gave his Blessing, then present! ed Mrs, Dashkewytch with the League gavel, : °52 CHEV CHEY-~ 4 door Sedan, Radio $250: The new officers took their places at the [ aaa en ee Te table, The meeting adjourned with the League Lh, ; prayers, Father's Blessing and the singing |} #52 PONTIAC + 4 door Sedan $97: | | of "Holy God We Praise Thy Name' and 0 | Set -- ae ee [ Canada", : | i A delicious luncheon was served by Mrs, ee | L, Legault and her committee, + "1S EES - is et aatmn 7345 4 A RN NE nee renee re