TERRACE --S March 8, 1962 CEREMONY TO MARK OPENING OF NEW STORE An appropriate ribbon-cutting ceremony with local dignitaries in attendance will take place at 9.30 AM Friday, March 9th, to mark the occasion of the opening of the new stores on the shopping Plaza, Terrace Baye Anford's Limited will display their quality brands of merchandise for the whole family and the home while next door Don Laporte and Phil Stuart will have in their ne quarters the latest in Electrical applicances' _ radios, television sets, sewing machines, | light fixtures etc.-all kinds of paints, varnishes painting and art supplies as well as repair service and technical advice, Free gifts and a grand prize draw will be an attraction on opening day at Anford's Ltd. ST JOHN'S AMBULANCE COURSE The St. John's Ambulance Association is sponsoring a first aid class, registation . ' to take place, March 15th, 7-30 to 8,00 PM in the Schreiber High School. eee soe eee meen | MESSENGERS OF ST. ANDREWS HOLD SKATING PARTY Twenty-two members of the St, Andrew's Messengers enjoyed a skating party on Saturday afternoon, After the skating and ice games a spaghetti supper was served in the Church Hall by leaders, Mrs. George Gordon and Mrs. Harvey McCanna. Miss Glorie Gordon led a singsong after which Mr, McCanna and Mr, Bill Miller showed slides taken by themselves, some of which were travel pictures and others of the Botanical Gardens in Montreal on animals in various. ZO00Se IN MEMORIAM - Mrs. A.Laurenson - In loving memory of our/dear Mother, who passed away on March 12th, 1960, Oh happy hours we' once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still, But. death has' left a loneliness The world ofn never fill. Sadly missed and always remembered by, | | Daughter Marjory and son-in-law. | COMMUNITY CHURCH AUXILIARY MEETING Mrs, F.Gould accompanied the opening hym for the March meeting of the Ladies Auxil- jary Monday evening in the Terrace Bay Commun ity Church, Devotions were led by Mrs,/Jim Sweet, | | (Cont'd next column)" eens J VW y FOR QUALITY OIL AND PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL YOUR FRIENDLY SHELL OIL AGENT GR-€: (Roly) Sinotte TERRACE DAY _ SCHREIBER PHONE TA-5-32e¢68 Jee ame ----------_-- Chamber of Commerce BAY NEWS Page 7 WHEN VISITING THE LAKEREAD "MAKE THIS YOUR HEADQUARTERS Room agcommodation from $5.25 single and up. cial week-end family rates . eS en ait Modern Dining ffiee gir-conditioned for your coufort Television in all Loos. ing Poo For accommodetion please write: PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL PORT ARTHUR, ONTARIO Telaphoue 5-541) | | eo tee nee Sem + tl vee " eee acento Ome ti pecans 'ealaadeenmaneen meantime Aelia a ll President of the Auxiliary, Mrs. S.Lund- berg welcomed those present before receiving the minutes and correspondence from secretary, Mrs.W.Farrel and Treasurer's report from Mrs. K.Ward, Convenors reporting were Mrs. H.Coe, Mrs, A.Chisholm, Mrs, E,Rowson and Mrs, A. Reynolds. Reporting for the Manse Committee Mrs.Coe announced that the automatic washer and dryer had been installed in the Manse, Plans were left open to continue with the Fall Supper, construction ig the Church permitting, most members agreeing they would not like this event dropped. The last week in September was suggested rather than October, Mrs.Lundberg reminded members of the World Day of Prayer set for Friday at 2:30 P.M. in the Church, Mrs,R.Cotton (Cont'd Page 13) TERRACE. BAY | a a yy pre jf Charter JNight MARCH 10, 1862: MOOSE HALL , a ® MR. ALEXANDER PHILLIPS GUEST SPEAKER @ TURKEY DINNER LATER DANCE TO MUSIC BY JOE ADAMO S BAND $3.00 FOR THE EVENING @ GET YOUR TICKETS FROM MONTY PAGET - LIONEL WAGHORN AND BOB HOFLAND eneoweeenee tte eeeanemies estate? et a UO ACRE CEE LOLOL Ct CEC ALLO LCL LC AL ANYONE INTERESTED IN HEARING THE ' GUEST SPEAKER, MR, ALEXANDER PHILLIPS, OR IN JOINING THE TERRACE BAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, WILL BE WELCOMED, SATURDAY, MARCH 10TH - THE MOOSE BALL