' ' ding will take place this coming summer, Page 2 TERRACE TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev, J. Raymond Anderson 9,00 A.M, = Grades 2 & 3 Sunday School 9.30 AsM, - Grade 4 and up Sunday School 11,00 A.M, - MORNING WORSHIP - "Are you on the wrong Bus" 7.00 P.M, - EVENTIDE SERVICE - "God and the World" 8.00 P.M, -- HI-C Meeting ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. Dean E.AeGallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 P.M Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday at 9 AM ST.MARTIN'S PARISH LIBRARY Open from.3.30 to 4.30 P.M, every Tuesday and every Sunday after High Mass R05 5b ORT ST.JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH Mass every Tuesday at 7.00 P.M, GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School at 2 P.M, every Sunday Ct fin) o-- og Town lois LEGION NOTES FROM BRANCH 223, TERRACE BAY Before a good representation of Legion Members from Branch 223 the Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 223 became operative when all the formalities were complied with on Saturday, February the 24th, 1962. At the Armouries of ™D" Coy L.S.S.Re twenty-five ladies were initia- ted and the following Officers and Executive Committee installed for the ensuing year?= Mrs. CeHeWood, President, Mrs. N.Jiajkeiwick, lst Vice President, Mrs. C.eMarcella, 2nd Vice President, Mrs. J.Yates, Secretary, Mrs. HeGusul, Treasurer, Mrs, B.Werezynski, Warden, The members of the executive com- mittee are Mrs. A.McKechnie, Mrs. L.Kimerer, Mrs, M,.Tychoniak, Mrs. R.LaFontaine, Mrs. GeDaniels, Mrs. W. Fisher and Mrs. J.Benko» The installing. officer was Comrade W.T, Baillie, President of Branch 223, Color Bearers were Comrades C.Marcella and Ls Vezina and Acting Sgt. at Arms, F.Ginn, At the social evening following, the ladies served a delicious lunch and dancing was enjoyed until 11,30 P.M, We would like at this time to thank Capt Jeanneret 'and all members of "D" Coy L.S.S.R4 for the use of the Armouries,. Through this medium we must also thank Schreiber Branch 109 of the Royal Canadian Legion for the use of their equipment which 1 made the ceremony so much more colorful than it otherwise would have been, A date to remember} Wednesday, March 7th, 1962.. The time,.7.30 P.M, The place, South Camp Armouries. The purpose, a general meeting of Terrace Bay Branch 223 of the Royal Canadian Legion. "2s we Mr.& Mrs.J.EeMcInnes announce the engage- ment of their eldest son, Vernon A. (Tin) to Miss Joy Beech of Dunblane, Sask. The weds eR Rn ee mT ee ee a eee ATTEND _ THE ee OF YOUR CHOICE BAY NEWS March 1, 1962 SCHREIBER | ST.JOHN'S ANGLICAN, CHURCH - ReVo ReJe S,Inshaw 9,00 A.M, = Holy Communion 10,00 A.M, = Family Service 11,00 AsM,:-- Morning Service 7.00 PeM, = Evensong ST ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Reve R,Crook 9.45 P.M, - Sunday School 11,00 AsM, -- Morning Service - 7.00 PeM, = Bible Study HOLY ANGELS CHURCH ~ Rev. J.M,Cano Daily Mass - 7.30 A.M Saturday Mass ~- 9,00 A.M, Saturday Confessions - 4.30 to 5,30 P.M. and 7,30 to 8.30 P.M. SUNDAY. MASSES.- 8.00 - 9.30 and 11.00 A.M, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Rev. M,J.Kaija 10.00 AsM, -- Sunday School - every week 7,00-P,M, -- Evening Service - 2nd and 4th Sundayse Bible Study on Fridays following Sunday. service. GOSPEL MISSION - Mr,Ron Sheffield Sunday - 11.00 A.M, -- Family Bible Hour 7,00 P.M. -- Gospel Service Wednesday - 7.00 P.M. - Prayer Meeting The Ladies Auxiliary will meet Monday, Mar. 5th in thé' Terrace Bay Comminity Church at 83:15 P.M. Ladies with portable sewing machines are requested to bring them to the meeting as articles will be made for the Novelty Table at the Mothers! Day Bazaar. Senior Regent A,Stachiw presided Wednesday evening, February 21st at the regular meeting of the Women of the Moose Chapter 1426, Re- corder'D,Kurylo read the minutes and corres- pondences Members agreed to start a Goodwill Basket. Co-worker Steffie Dorman will take on this project, visiting all patients in the Hospital once a month, The next meeting will be held on March 7th at 8 P.M, in the Terrace Bay Moose Hall, It will be Moosehaven Chapter Night with Chair- man V, Galvin, Mrs,eAsTownsend of White Rock, B.Ce was a visitor at the home of her daughter and son- in-law, Mr,& Mrs,» A.Chadney, for two weeks, as she was enroute to Montreale | A birthday party was held Saturday after- noon to celebrate the llth birthday of Lois Ann Fraser, Fourteen girl friends played gaties, danced and enjoyed a birthday luncheon, Studerl teachers from the Lakehead Teachers! .Cellege spent last week. in Terrace Bay. Glorie Gordon of Schreiber and Lynda Flint and Marsha Slobodzian both from the Lakehead, were at the Public School while at the Separate School they had Joe Barratti of Pt.Arthur, Ronald Searle, Joe McKim and Lawrence Grace, all of Fort: William ARENA: SCHEDULE. Once again we would like to point out that, during the next few weeks, because of Minor Hockey and, North Shore Playoffs, it may be- come necessary to make last-minute changes in the Arena Schedule. This will only be done in _! an emergency and will ba well publicized, *