ow Page 2 TERRACE BAY ATTEND COMMUNITY. CHURCH - Rev, J.Raymond Anderson 8.00 A.M, - Anglican Communion 9.00 A,M, ~ Grades 2 & 3 Sunday School 9230 A.M. - Grade 4 and up Sunday School 11,00 A.M, - Beginner's Sunday School. 11.00 A.M, - MORNING WORSHIP - "A recipe for Happiness" 7,00 P.M. - EVENTIDE SERVICE - "Who-was Jesus" 8,00 P.M. - HI-C Meeting 8.00 P.M, - CHURCH. BOARD MEETING - at the Minister's residence ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH ~- Rev. Dean E,A.Gallagher SATURDAY = Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 P.M, Mass, during the weck at..7.45 and.on Saturday at 9 AwMe ST.MARTIN'S PARISH LIBRARY Open from 2 to 3 P.M, every Saturday | ROS SPORT . GOSPEL MISSION ST.JOHN BERCHMAN!S CHURCH Mass'every Tuesday at 7,00 P.M. © Sunday School at 2 P.M. every Sunday Ny Se Four~year old Sharon, daughter of Mr.& Mrs. C,Bougie, celebrated her birthday last week with a party at which she and her girl friends played games, and enjoysad a birthday luncheon complete with cake and favours, Her mother was assisted by. Mrs, Joe Wills, EMERGENCY MEASURES MEETING For the majority of -the 100 or so ainter~ ested citizens who turned out last Wednesday night to hear an address by Mr..Paul Wark, Field Officer of the Emergency Measures Or- ganization, the evening was disappointing. Regarding Fallout, nothing that has, not already been heart and read repeatedly was discussed, The meeting was opened by Reeve J.Heenan and the guest speaker was introduced by Mr. Norman Kelly. Mr. Wark outlined 'the part the three levels of Government. play in planning for the eventuality of Nuclear war, He stated that "war is always by design but that it also can be started by miscalculation" and that. "nuclear war will involve Canada." At the Municipal Government lLevel.a com- mittee (in rural areas, preferably.a dis- trict) is established by By-Law and one man | is chosen as director, Protection available in the home and | through the erection of shelters was touched on and a detionstration showed that, although ostensibly coated with radio-active dust - a banana, when cleaned and peeled - was still edible,, 4 Booklets were made available to the pub- lic and a film entitled "A Day Called Xx" was shown, One point which was,mentioned and which coincides with a course presently running TERRACE BAY NEWS _ THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE | vole - 7 P.M, = Prayer Meeting January 18, 1962 eaten "a ane amaan SCHRE Ir B ER ST.JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev, R.J,S.Inshaw 9,00 AeM. - Holy Communion 10,00 A.M, -~ Family Service 11,00.4.Ms.- Morning Service "= F,00 P.M, - Evensong "$TSANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH + Revs Rs Crook 9,45 P.M. - Sunday School 112.00 A.M. - MORNING SERVICE - 7.00 PsM. - Bible Study HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. J.M.Cano Daily Mass - leao A.M, Saturday Mass - 9.00 A.M Saturday Confessions - 4,30, to 5,30 P.M, and 7,30. to 8.30 FP. Pe SUNDAY MASSES. - 8.00 - 9,30 and 11,00 A.M EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN) CHURCH -- Rev.eM.FeKaija 10,00 AeM. - Sunday School - every week 7,00, P.M. + Evening Service - 2nd, and 4th Sundays. Bible Study on Fridays following Sunday service. GOSPEL MISSION ~ Mr.Ron Sheffield | Sunday ~ 11 AsMs - Family Hour 7.00 P.eM, - Gospel Service here is that every one should know First Aid. The local sponsoring group are to be col- mended for their efforts and have plans for forming a committee which will investigate and act upon ellergency preparations. SATURDAY MOVIE This Saturday evening's movie features a Walt Disney action film "Johnny Tremaine", Starting time is 6:45 P.M, at the High School | Auditoriun, COMMUNITY CHURCH TO BUILD ADDITION On Sunday evening, January 14th, approxi- mately seventy members of the Terrace Bay Community. Church ratified the proposed 16 Ft, } extension to the front of the existing build-| ing. This extension will bring the building | closer to|the minimum frontage line on Simcoe , Plaza and will provide extra classroom space downstairs - relieve the congestion problem which now exists at the entrance and will enlarge the interior of the Church»propere The Board Chairman, Mr, E, Rowson, pre- sided during the meeting and Mrs. -H, Goodfellow acted:as Secretary. Minutes of three con- gregational meetings held during 1961: were j adopted as read and the 19@2 Budget approved. | W. Kurylo was reappointed Sunday School Super intendent.s. The Building Committee; headed by Mr. J.A. Ferrier, were authorized to proceed with their investigations and have plans prepared and ready to be presented to the congregation in the Fall:of this years The election of officers, conducted by the Chairman, resulted in the slate: proposed by the nominating committee and presented by Mrs, H,Goodfellow, being accepted. W.Baillie replaces Mr. ReShirriff on the Board of Trustees and M, Deboice, Ted Brown and Jack Kelty are the new members on the Board of Stewards. Lunch was sored by members .of the Ladies Auxiliary,