Page 14 et TERRACE BAY NEWS WOMEN'S INSTITUED (Con't,P,12 and 16, Mrs.R.Macadam prepar- ed a paper on Remembrance Day, Mrs, A.Slater was named Repre- sentative to the Christmas Hamper Committee to meet in the Town Hall on November 17. Roll Call at next meetin; will be answered with a gift "or xmas Hamper and Gift exc'iange will be enjoyed with car>ls and a contest. Lunch Cc mnit- tee will be Mesdames F,Farness W.Miller and J,D,Bryson, Mrs, E.O*Connor, tea ios- tess, had the tea table arrang ed with a vase of poppies and white candles, Me reae UIE SADE SPh OH ig CE IS PROMoT... pea LiT FEAR A sa = SI ene ne COMMUNITY 7.,V. SERVICES Terrace Day, Ontario Phone TA' 5-335 C.G.I.T, INITIATES MEMBERS The C,G,I,T, of St. Andrew's United Church held their initiation ceremony last Thursday night in the Church Hall with their parents as special guests, Those initiated into the group were Sharon Riley,' Wendy Weaver, Brenda Dimmery, Cathie Austin, Sandra Clemens, Betty Reid and Betty Morris. The following received their Lanyards:- -- Judy D*Arcy, Donna Dean Gray, Janet Clemens, Donna Labelle, Linda Handel, Roberta Jacobs, Sharon Jarva and Marlene Jarva,. Officers elected for the coming year and their Committees are;- President, Janet Clemens - Treasurer, Linda Handel, Secretary, Bonnie Gordon -- Decorating Committee, Eliza- Arthur recently. feature address Falls. for the season. ne ee ROYAL. CANADIAN. a TO HOLD FRI. NOVEMBER S - TIME-&:I5 PM. AS PRIZES - 6 CHICKENS @ - GOOD NE}GHBOR | PRIZES a = - BRANCH: 409 al -- | TURKEYS, = ~-- November 16, 1961- he ere 9 ena neneeeem -ee en t fA Mee, beth 0%Javee Convenor,' Sherry Condie, Sandra Clemens, Char-- | lotte Ross and Darlynne Weaver: Social Committee - Mary-Ellen Gerow Convenor, Susan Caldwell Sharon Riley and Wendy Weaver, | Refreshments - Roberta Jacob | Convenor, Laura Morris and 1 Betty Morris. Sunshine - Muriel Nesbitt - Telephone -- | Donna Dean Gray Convenor, oo | Clemens, Susan Kragero, Carol } Olson and Mary Violet Lang. Leaders of the group 'are Mrs. | ' Bern Whent, Mrs. Jean Cuthbert- | Mrs, Connie Weaver. son, Mrs. Peggy Burroughs and | SED EES phe ON Se ene Schreiber residents, John | and Linda Ostashek attended the three day Jehovah's Wit- Assembly held in Port - Mr, John MacPhersin of Toronto delivered.the | "Uniting Men In A Split Up Geraldton, Nipigon, Monitouwadge* an] Xakabeka 2 ABTA S0e 20 ee Se { { { i World." Delegate] aiteniled fron Atikokan, | | CAMP GROUNDS STILL IN UE Motorists travelling Jetween Sault Ste. Marie and the lakehead mzy use Camp grounds at such provincial parks as Agawa and Pancake Bay although the parks are ee. closed LEGION Aonster Turkey Bingo TOWN HALL-- SCHREIBER I7, ISO. ET ee en CT Ey ee ee Oe es tert a semana ion neat