t | ' | | | Le | ! t { ' | Ostober 19, 1961 srt in iment cemen gpr mien mmm = ee one a ete ce nee nw Me ee HERG & THERE IN SCHRwIBER a frou PSs 4) SCHREIBER COMMERCE MEETING R. Spadoni, President of Schréiber Dist- rict Chamber of Commerce and Don Beno attend-! ed the Upper Lake Superior Tourist Council | of Region 19 at a meeting in Nipigon on October 11, The council will meet in Schreiber on November 15, Discussion was | held, and plans were set to produce 50,000 / brochures advocating this area and plans are | underway to support representation at three | sport shows throughout the U.SeAe ee geet A oan ee SCHREIBER C.W.L. OUTLINES PROJECTS The regular meeting of the C.W.L. of Holy | Angels Church was held in the Separate Schoo on October-8 at.8 P.M, Mrs. H. Shack presided. The meeting opened with. the praye followed by minutes and correspondence by Mrs. R, Sisson. Treasurers report was given | by Mrs. D.. Connelly and convenors reports | were given, Mrs. R. Campbell, smart in. | Brownie leader uniform gave a full report on | Brownie Uniforms.and crests, Mrs. S. Kusik |, ~ Catholic Girls Club, Mrs. M. McGrath - ' Radio T.V. and Films, Mrs. B, Paradis on Membership and Mrs, D, Connelly on Canada Packer Labels, Forthcoming projects ares a turkey bingo in, the Town Hall on Nov. 24 at 8 'P.M., a Fowl Supper to, be held in | Guild Hall Nove.30 (Stereo Raffle held on same date), Christmas Bazaar Dec. 16 in Guild Hall, . Rosary was recited for Father Cano'ts mother who died recently. Meeting closed TERRACE 'Bat NEWS Sem aa sea + enn pede mee a, Pe ane ey Be ae Saumn | ay apes Nes HAPPY TO LNNOUNCE THE WAS ELNA ---- Page . i Draw on "hanes dog was won by Donna Deane | Grey. Attendance prize was carried over. Absent-members. names called were Mrs. L. | Tookenay, Mrs. Fs Speziale and Mrs, W, Guilette. Lunch was served by Mrs. R. Bedard's group. ST. JOHN ULANCE AWARDS ENTED St. John Ambulance: Nur Division 1 Schreiber Brigade met Saturday evening for | the presentation of Awards. W.J. Cringle | ' Division Superintendent presided, introd- _ ucing Mr. F,-Farwell, Ft. William Area, Supt. of Ambulance and North Western Ontario Field , Representative and Miss G, Mitchell, Area Superintendent, Mr. Farwell made present- ations of Warrants to W. Cringle and Mrs. Dorothy Rummery, Divisional Officer. Mrs. Helen Jartus and Wilfred Olson received 10 year certificates, Presentations of labels, pendants and medallions for First Aid and Home Nursing were made to the followings -Mesdames Hilda Relph, 'Saima Willoughby, Helen Jartus, Beth Macadam, Margaret Johnson and Dorothy Rummery and Miss Mary Ann Syvitski, Messrs. W. Olson, Philip Inshaw, James McCuaig, Eino Trudeau, R. Krause, Re Wills, A minute's Silence was observed in memory | 'of the late George Vanderlip, who would have . received his medallion, It will be present- : ed to his Mother by W. Cringle, Mr. Farwell | and Miss Mitchell. Terrace Bay residents present who had taken Home Nursing Instruction from Mrs. Mary Hale, R.N. and Mrs, Vivian Rapke, R.N. were | given their certificates by Miss Mitchell. __ (Continued on Page. 8) oe eee remanence mmm dain, aeons nemneinn caine aoneneheemin nee mem dreeaciamgeiiceten i Soin dint APPOINTMENT OF ,.. "Lohr AVE rs..€mely 237 Mz ies ON D LAn3 337k nF PRE SENTATIVE Bay M Jerrac e SEVING NEEDS ... thread = all colOrs - needles - podedorg ~ plnkihg shears = tape measures - etc. | | | | | | Bo seewes | | | \ at cas | | ' | PRECISTON i CRAFTMANSHIP