ome 19, 1961 6 TERRACE BAY. NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday, Circulation, Terrace Bay, Schreiber and District, Deadline for advertisements is Noon each Monday, other items Tuesday Noon, Office Phone 3747, Classified ads - Minimum charge St (2 ' words and under), Cards of thanks - Copying from this publication is 5 ee PRE unless 'permission has been granted by the ro publisher, UR MOTOR HOTEL HUR: ON TARR CE ARTHUR your' Lakehead lead- oom accommodation $5.25, single FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS , POLISHERS, PARTS & eekend family rates, MODERN DINING SERVICE, con*act. EMIL SEPPALA, dealer, 325 ROOM & COFFEE SHOP - FREE TV - FREE PARKING - Argyle St. Port Arthur, Ont, PHONE D1 DI 4-1175 SWIMMING POOL - VISIT OUR FOUNTAIN ROOM, | Write or phone for reservations to CARD OF THANKS - We wish to thank a] those % THE PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL %* who were so kind and understanding/during the Ont Port Arthur VISIT THE TRAVELLER?S HOME - yoyr favourite foods, prepared to perfection Ay our Master aes Helen' Wainwright. Specd#al thanks to Rev, Anderson, Pallbearers, atives and friends who: sent floral tributes, expressions and messages of sympathy anf/all who gave or helped in any other way. (Signed) Jack & Myrna Wainwright, Homemade Pies and Buns ed fresh daily. We _ cater to Banquets, Teas, etc. Open daily from 7 A.M, to TAM _ pe RECREATION CENTRE SNACK BAR HOURS . New winter hours fpr "he Recreation Centre Snack Bar will corfmghce this week as follows: WEEK DAYS - 7:30'A.M.- 11:00.P.M. - 9300, P.M. tress-one dresser-one Chiffignier-Chesterfield & Chair-one Hostess Chair-Fireplace & Grate- one Mirror-1 Tri-light Lamp. Can be seen any time after 5 P,M, at 146 Birch Crescent. SUNDAYS . - 11:00 A.M. FOR_RENT - two-bedroom. self contained dpart- LADIES 10-PIN BOWLING (Cont'd from P,2) ment. Apply to Phone 362 or 250 Schreiber, | by ?.Turner's Anchors & I,Pattison's Pats ~ Eda, ote Terrace Bay Buil ding" Supply Centre SOUTH CLM, TELEPHONE 5 TERRACE nay; -- Ss Chicoine & {Sons ' TA 5-3738 J sizemion HUNTERS J" Lf OFA ALL AMMUNITION. & RIFLES 308 WINCHESTER\ AUTOMS 'f° REG. "1795 EPsoch jig es Fosl ov | : PPEcl Al |! 154.99 CALIFORNIA | FIBERCLISS' FURNACE' 16" x" ag BGO] [gy packacns: eu 2h ae 16" xX 2ptt - BSC 3/e' x av x er "Oe. TER: Me DUST STOPS A : PPS: Pen. 20% X 25" = 3/8" X 6 X Bt 2. 7190. PER. M. Lell ) 3/8" X 8" X Bt } Spdc fal purchase ? DUE. TO"A QUANTITY PURCHASE OF B.P. FISSUR ALUMINUM DOORS TONE CEILING TILE WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER -- ready to | THESE FINE TILE WHICH ARE REGULARLY SOLD i AT 18¢ PER FOOP AT A WORTHWHILE SAVING? for $45 50} TAYLOR GARAGE DOORS good stock on hand ) BoP $6092 9 Ft.' - $0 goo YES, WE HAVE AVAILABLE IN THREE COLORS a. [AK FT. STANDARD WOOD COMBINATION: DOORS WITH SASH & SCREEN - | a size - 2°em X 6ra" X1.3/at et) PS. tates AOAC Kk these souk ECIALS and. compare: TIME FOR WEATHENSTRIVPING LOOKS Y WINDOWS Sean enn ramming Sa nae ner ee met SNNRNeLNNRAANRT, MR Fn a A A NR A AN ee HR eee