Page 4 : = TERRACE BAY NEWS wt June 29, 1961 | HERE & THERE IN SCHREIBER DONALD G, BENO ; HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS HONOURED. Ce Lg INSURANCE AGENT i Mr, S,Korchuk, Principal and Mr, Meagher COMPLETE Representing = the -- High School Staff, who are ya 7\e@) = - DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE C0.~ caving shortly to teach next term at L wey : ' | Ontario, were onciaad at an open tea = ae Ra? Start your vacation knowing High School on Thursday evening by the mem- you have complete protection - bers of the Schreiber High, Home & School PHONE 195 - OFFICE SCHREIBER TOWN HALL ~ Association. Convenor was Mrs. J.Morris and assisting P. Birch, P.McParland, B.Webb, D.Briley, T | Fae St ale ea G,McParland, C,Duggan Collinson, T.McGrath, 6.Morrill. (Baking) * MenS HA eHeS nll £EChas Weenie Gnd & Drillers MS. the {Donesste-Bektines teat ing the"@penthatWnal 3 and dur~ | B.Gellert, B.uottomley, G.McIsaac, L.Breyor, = evening Mrs. J.Rummery presented Mr. B.Cuthberton, G.Morrill, I,0'Neil, (Knitting | Korchuk with a Buxton Wallet and Key Case and and Sewing, BEB: iley, }.Godin, D. Bailey. ) eePaege eck epee Mr.Heagher with a (Original Hobbies) B.Bailey, C.Gordon, C. ) y Case on behalf of the Home & School Assoc. Lang, D.Godin, G,Morrill, B.Turner, F.Nicol j ARI CLUB DISPLAY AND THA HELD LAST SATURDAY i a = } | The Schreiber Art Club held an Art display . Mr.& Mpa eaeeT Nees 08.3 er ERAE | post Tea in the High School last Saturda through the eae oo ane See tia |} afternoon and evening. Mrs.C,. ; ' : : =) | Sparkes, President, was hostess International Falls to Kenora. and serving tea were members, | Mesdames J,Smitheman, J,Rids- ; dale, S.Korchuk, C.Nesbitt and | B, Lidkea,. The tea table was centered with a silver bowl holding mauve and white lilac while another table held a daintily arranged "lily pond.** Winner of the painting done by Mrs, . Stewart was Mrs, I.Johnson, aA aN Uh aa i John Halonen Jr, . has re- , ' 1 turned home from Scollard Hall in North Bay for the summer vacation with his parents, Mr.& i | Mrs, J.Halonen. Sharon Gellert and Dianne Slater were in North Bay last ' week visiting with Sister St. i | Austin, a former school mate, Mr.Bob Henderson of Ottawa od for the affair was Mrs. AN \ stopped over in Schreiber on | Heotewart. e ' | Sunday to visit the F,C.Maca- { Lf) te rin - | dams en route to Winnipeg on | HOBBY SHOW HELD BY SCOUTS ene business. The Schreiber Scouts and 4 Cubs held their second annual oil Furnace | Hobby Show and Tea in the Town aoa oe ; Hall on June 19th, Mothers attending to kitchen duties and replenishing were, Mesdames L. | Godin, W.Collinson and R.Bailey. | Members of the Scout and Cub t | Packs served the guests, | Mr,& Mrs.F.McDonald and Mrs.! R,Teeples, Fort William, visit- ed with Mrs.F.Filler on Friday and on Saturday all motored to Wawa to attend a Horticultural meeting and banquet. Mrs,Saima Willoughby has returned home following a visit in Ottawa with her brother Peter Halonen and family and daughter Donna, She also spent} Cashiers were R,Gander and F,Richardson, members of the Lion*ts Club who sponsor the bi ae FOR COMFORT...ECONGMY some time in Toronto. Judges were Mr.& Mrs. Stan | ' - ce | Korchuk and Mr.Lyn Richardson. a CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING TO Scout Leader is Mr. G.Wood Canadian home. Takes BE HELD MONDAY, JULY 3RD 'and Cub Leaders are Mrs. L. the work out of home The regular meeting of the Christie, Mr.J.Smith, Wm,Olson heating (it's completely Schreiber District Chamber of and F,J,Einarson. Pp aya Ey tig Commerce will be held at 8 P.M. | Winners were (Stamp Collection) is aa all-cquality unit). {. | 0m Monday, July 3rd in the David Winters » Warren Morrill et N'Furno is reason- Town Hall - downstairs. and Brian Bailey, (Stamp, Match ably priced. Rely on it ¢. EVERYONE WELCOME} Collection, Douglas Cuthbertson to bring yee peers & | David Bailey and Eddy Einarson. Seal . | L. CHATEAUVERT ADDRESSES THE (Coin Collection) Grant Crawley. Soon, install an N'Furno SCHREIBER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | (Kit Models) Brian Bailey, Oil Furnace and relax, | An executive meeting of the ' Philip Birch, Dan Riley and with comfort at your Schreiber District Chamber of P , y vith ss poe nee Bill seg" finger lips. Commerce was held on June 23rd Home' Made Models) T.Relph, P. : in the office of President Bob | Birch, a nee meme! and aad ed nr Spadoni. iD.Winters, (Kit Models) T,.Gan- : Guest speaker for the occa- |der, D.Bailey, T.Gander, Billy BOURTE sion was Mr.L.Chateauvert of | Turner, D.Riley. (Const.Models) ss : : the Department of Travel and | B,Collinson B.Hiller. (Hand Heating & Electric Publicity who, in a very en- hex Models) T. Relph, J.Syvitskij } PHONE 3387 lightening talk, explained the as T.McGrath, (Water Terrace Bay. work of his Dept, and its various branches. The Photography (Cont'd P.7) Colours) B.Bailey, D.Win ters P, Birch, (Paint by Numbers) t