------ EL A SR A AR A A NAY RA eee Sener seN:N emu aon sete inch itt: pc eg tgif imitans ait sail Somes ee ar cee | Page 4 TERRACE HERE & THERE IN SCHREIBER WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF ST. JOHN'S CHURCH HOLD MOTHERS! DAY TEA 'The Wonen's Auxiliary of St, John's Anglican Church held a Mothers! Day Tea on Saturday,May 13, in the Church Hall, Mrs. ReJ.S. Inshaw welcomed the visitors and Mrs, Rs Grey was cashier, Mrs. J.D. Bryson and Mrs, J. Corbett attended the parcel post table, Mrs, T. Wilson and Mrs, R. Spicer of the Evening Group convened the bazaar table, Dorothy Slater of the Girls Club sold candy, Serving at the individual tables were Mesdames F, Harness, A, Slater, A.H. Morris, Godfrey Birch, W. Murphy, Kitchen Committee - Mesdames J.A. Graham General Convenor, H. Costall, R, Winters, C.Sparkes, Mrs, Eva Bailey Fort William visited relatives and friends over the weekend, Mrs, J, Sheehan Sudbury is the guest of Mr, & Mrs. We Sheehan, RUBY REBEKAH LODGE MEET Ruby Rebekah Lodge 279 met in regular session on Wednesday. Mrs, AeH, Morris and Mrs. W. Whent presided. Mrs, A. Laine read the minutes. Mrs. Whent gave Sick and Visit ing report, Mrs, We Wallace gave the Financial Secre- tary's report, Correspondence included invitations to Agate and Amethyst Lodges and the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, Several members subscribed to the "Tabloid", a paper published by the I.0,0,F, of Ontario, Degree practise followed the Meeting with Mrs, Laine in charge, cae Mrs. J. Spillett and Mrs, Len Ibey of Rossport recently canvassed the village for funds for the Schreiber Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. Proceeds amounted to $40.00. The Committee extends sincere thanks to all who donated and to the ladies who canvassed, UNITED CHURCH NEWS Rev. W, Beatty of the Canadian Bible Soc- iety will be present at an open meeting for all Protestant denominations in the United Church on Wednesday, May 24th at 8 P.M, Everyone welcome, Members of St, Andrews United Church Sunday School took part in the Christian Family day Services on Sunday morning, Judy D'Arcy led in the service and reading the PERMA ALUMINUM PRODUCTS. 180 Ne Cumberland St. Port Arthur, Ont. PHONE DI 41832 FIRST LINE LIFETIME ALUMINUM SELF STORING WINDOWS - - INSTALLED COMPLETE WITH SCREEN $23 (Buy Direct & Save) SELF STORING ALUMINUM DOORS = fh 6S ) G 5 Ii O On co) DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Albert Cadieux px. 35 9, LAURIER... AVE. 2 '3 = 6 KJ BAY NEWS May 18, 1961 For a happier tomorrow, put WY GANK FO & #108 CANADIANS, something away regularly . . open your, Bof M_ sayings. account today. Bank or Monrreay Canada's First Bank Schreiber 'Branch? ALAN CUTHBERTSON. Manager I 8 TET EE Scriptures were Susan Caldwell and Boyd Drake. The Junior Choir sang an anthem led by choir leader Mrs, Eva Gordon, CATHOLIC GIRLS CLUB HOLD TEA ~ The Catholic Girls Club held a Spring Tea in the Guild Hall on Sunday May 7 with Geraldine McGrath as Convenor, Pouring tea from a table covered with a lace cloth centred with red roses and white candles were Mesd. G, McParland, P, Pegoraro, Chas. Holmes and Chas. Pearson, Serving were Lorraine Bedard, Mantell Cosgrove, Anna Fummerton, Lenore O'Brien, Josephine Romano, Judy St. Jean, Barbara Foster, Aline Bedard, Crystal Kusik, Betty Comeau. Kitchen convenor Carol Holmes was assisted by a committee composed of Marion Prescott, Frances McKenna, Bonnie Lorenzetti, Georgette LeBlanc, Jane Syvitski, Sheila Weaver, Patsy Gagnon, Claudette Courtemanche, Mrs. S. Kusik is the director of the Girls Club, The door prize was won by Colleen McIsaac De OO ES a enfin Be | C.W.L. OF HOLY ANGELS CHURCH HOLD MEETING At' the regular meeting of the C.W.L. on May 7, it was agreed to raffle a record playe with $25,00 worth of records, the winner's selection, The Pres. Mrs. Shack thanked the spaghetti supper convenors Mrs, A. Spadoni & Mrs, J.Cebrario,also Mrs. J.McCouan,Mrs.C,. Boon and Mrs.H.Prescott who convened a recent banquet. Communion breakfast for parents and communicants will follow First Communion on May 14, Father Cano played an interesting record, one of a series on marriage. Lunch was served by Mrs, A, Spadoni and committeé, SPECIAL INSPECTION AMBULANCE BRIG. MAY 18th Brig. E. Snow 0.B.E.,C.D., Mrs. W.W.Denison, Prov, Sup't of Nursing and Area Officers will be in Schreiber to inspect St.John!s Ambulancg & Nursing Division at 8 P.M, on May 18 in the Town Hall. The public is welcome. PLEASE NOTE that the inspection slated for this Thursday (May 18) is at 8 P.M., not 8.30 as__ previously announced. _ FIRE DEPARTMENT NEWS All fires should be reported regardless of Size. Children playing with matches in a local back yard have again caused a fire} It has been stressed before that all fires shoul be reported even if they are put out with thq assistance of neighbors. If not reported your Fire Dept. can't, in turn, report to an insurance company, To report a fire also keeps | Fire Records up to date. REPORT ALL FIRES!1