March 23, 1961 [ « TERRACZ: BAY NWS , Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation covers Terrace Bay, Schreiber and District. News deadline for advertisements is NOON ZACH MONDAY, other items Tuesday Noon, Office Phone 3747, Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ (20 words and under) - Cards of Thanks - minimum charge $1.00 (30 words and under). Subscription rate ~ yearly $2.00 local and $2.50 for outside points - mailed, . FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS ,. POLISHERS , PARTS & | SERVICH, contact EMIL SEPPALA, dealer, 325 Argyle St, Pt, Arthur, Ont. PHONE DI 471175, NOTIC# | The office of the Ken Weppler Insurance Aeeoe cy will be closed from March 9th to April 2nd, 1961 for vacation, | In case of serious mishap it will be in order to call LAKEHEAD ADJUSTMENT SERVIC, | 106 South May Street, Ft Willian, collect, at | Mayfair 3-7414, wi = ! HOUSE SALE House No,133, Poplar Crescent, is. being offered for sale to KIMBERLY-CLARK PULP AND PAPER COMPANY LIMITED eMPLOYZES for $5,732.00, Possession date is indefinite, but house should be available to purchaser by early May. Application to purchase must be made in person to Mrs. Teresa Stortini in J,Kelty!s Office, Beas FOR_ APPLICATION IS NOON, MARCH 27,1961. vn NB, Employees are "reminded that they must apply for each house offered for sale to be considered - no list of prospective buyers is maintained, \~ LOST - Male Beagle Hound named Bozo. Tattoo on on right ear "Hap Man", Black & White & Tan, year old. AD A LOST - Size 7-black rainettes taken in error from Brownie Banquet at Moose Hall, Please phone 3247. V FOR SALE - Nine tube floor model radio, Any reasonable offer accepted. Phone 3245, FOR RENT - heated apartment - three rooms and bath. For more information call setees, Bros, Schreiber - Phones 12W or 70, RECREATION SUMMER STAFF Applications are now being received at the Recreation Office for the following positions on the summer staff:- 1 PLAYGROUND SUP2RVISOR 2 PLAYGROUND L#ADERS 1 WATERFRONT DIRECTOR & SWIM INSTRUCTOR 1 SWIMMING ASSISTANT AND LIFEGUARD 1 LIFEGUARD (afternoon work only) Applications should' be written and should in- clude age, education and experience relative to the position, ) AFTERNOON L.A. HOLD Ma&aTING . The Afternoon Branch of the Ladies Auxil- iary met Monday, March 20 in the Terrace Bay Community Church with President, Mrs. M. McCausland in the chair. The Worship period was led by Mrs, A. Farrow with Mrs. J,Ferrier accompanying the hymn at the piano, Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. 0, _ Mason reported TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 3 PHONE DI 5-5411 PRINCE ARTHUR HoTEL PoRTARTHUR, ONTARIO iat POR had When visiting the Lakehead plan on making the PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL your headquarters. Room accommodation from $5.25 single and up. Special weekend family rates. MODERN DINING ROOM & COFFEE SHCP.- TV IN ALL ROOMS. Write or phone for reservations to - - THE PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL - and the eighteen ladies present continued with their work projects. Members decided, to collect used clothing and articles for re- pair to be shipped to the Committee for Crippled Civilians in Toronto at their next meeting, and also any white material, such as sheeting etc, for bandages for lepers, The meeting concluded with tea and lunch- eon served by Mesdames J. Shivas and D. MacFadyen, REC, ASSOC. CONFERENCE (Cont'd from Page 2) B.Arch., Director of Planning, Lakehead Plan- ning Board will be present to answer some of the problems connected with Community Rec- reation. A representation will be attending from Terrace Bay. N OTIC # Owing to numerous complaints of dogs running at large, on and after April lst, 1961, all persons allowing their dogs to run at large will be prosecuted, Dae); SCHREIBER MUNICIPAL councrn *' THANK YOU NOTE - The itxecutive and members of St.adward!s Council of the Knights of Colun- bus wish to extend a sincere "Thank You" to all those who supported their hockey contest during the year. (Signed) Joe Campbell & -- es Co-Chairmen, | : LOST - 7 keys in brown key case between Post ' Office and Rec. Centre. Phone 3629,P.Diduch. BINGO! 4 "Schreiber Guild at March 24th alt Over $200 in prizes. $ 100.% Jack pot SPONSORED BY HOLY ANGELS CHURCH BUILDING COMMIT ao Aamis ssion By OO. &