TERRACE Bay NEws Authorized as 2nd Class Mail Circulation x Terrace Bay & Schreiber Vo1.4, SALES TAX MAY START BUYING SPREX Reports from urban centres in Eastern Ontario indicate that Municipal Governments are re-examining their spending programs in the light of the new three-per-cent' .provin- cial sales tax. Toronto Controller William Allen said he will ask city council to urge Premier Frost-- to exempt municipalities from the levy which was bound to affect the tax rate. } he will suggest that London start a' petition among Ontario cities urging Premier Frost to exempt municipalities from the sales* tax, Toronto's budget chief said that he will recommend that Council go on_a buying spree before the sales tax goes into effect Sept. 1 in an attempt to build up large stockpiles of taxable materials in anticipation of | long-range needs. While civic authorities are Sbbdeing' what steps to take the same is also true of the individual who, if he has the available °° finances, may decide that now is the time: to purchase those items whichhe' had hoped . to buyin the future;:. This, 'in' turn; "may mean a tremendous boost in "credit buying" which, statistics show, is already at an all time high, Ne EE EY AO RRR AC NRA CR ak a ANSE ESAS FO RCN Rear cca COUNCIL QUOTES, Reeve J,Ferrier introduced the subject of Fluoridation at the last regular meeting of . the Terrace Bay Council, Wednesday afternoon before Councillors Gilles, Heenan, vans: ° Smith and Duncan - Secretary W.F.Strutt and Clerk W,Hanley, Ratepayers have approached members of Council on the subject. and Coun- cillors agreed to investigate possibilities prior to next year's budget. Three residential streets which now need a recap topping surface were listed to the Highways Department for consideration on a share-cost basis. A request for license to sell ladies clothing in town was granted, provided it was based on an annual basis. Fire Chief Hofland's February report was read and it was agreed to send two men to the summer course in Fire fighting at Graven- hurst. <A Scott Air Pack and one cylinder, were ordered forthe Fire Department, February accounts for the Public Library, Hydro and Township were perused and passed by Council. A motion to make application. to the Department of lighways for $16,000 road allowance for 1961 was passed. Councillor Gilles read the report from the School Nurse, Mrs,Hopper, stating that 170 students had been inspected during the past month and listing orthorater and gener- al inspections. LOCAL DELEGATES ATTEND 0 & M CONVENTION A, Valiquette, R. Cotton and P, Romaniuk have returned from Kenora 'where they attended the 0 & M Convention last week, Mill Manager R. Shirriff was a guest at 'the banquet held on Friday evening, Se A nn eee AAR A NRL TN NRO NA YR ML RN a ee ee (eee amen ee nm eee me ne In London, - ; Ontario, Controller Norman Bradford said that | Post Office Department Ctbaiee No.11 March 16, 1961 SURE AN' ITS A' HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY WE WISH TO ONE AND ALE," SCHR#IBER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SETS FEES Schreiber District Chamber of Commerce met on Monday, March 6th, in the Town Hall. The president Mr. R.B. Spadoni presided and thirty members were present. The Secretary Mrs. P, Pegoraro read the minutes and cor- respondence and Mr. D. D'Amours, Treasurer reported, It was agreed to hold meetings on the first Monday of each month, Fees were set as follows: for individual | citizen, employee, professional $5.00; indi- viduals in business with less than three employees $10.00; Business men with three to ten employees $20. 00 - each additional ten employees $25.00. Tourist resorts and motels will be con=. tacted for information. Mr. S. Chicoine and Mr. wally Weaver have agreed. to design crests and print same for sale, Plans are also being made to have map, made of surrounding - area as a guide for hunt- ing and fishing. Appointed to the Member- ship Committee were A, Bourguignon, Joe Commisso, D,' Beno, G. Cebrario and 3, Gagnon, The Town Council will' be approached to have a member present at future meetings, The Ft. William and Pt, Arthur Chambers of Commerce will have representatives at next meeting to offer information to the newly . formed group. SUPERIORS WIN 10 - 3, OVER ROYALS ON TUESDAY Terrace Bay Superiors, leaders of the ' North Shore League and strong contendors for the Championship, Tue sday night apologized for a close 3-2 victory. over Royals on Sun- . day by dubbing the challengers 10---3, They are giving the Royals no quarter, the defense combination of Pollard and -- . . Brassard especially, making the opposing for- , wards wary and respectful, . Marv. Osmar copped himself a hat trick on. Tuesday night while Stachiw and Whalen were. close on his heels with two apiece, 'Royals, in both games have managed to stay in the running with concentrated endeavours in the Sunday game - in the 2nd period. and in the third period in Tuesday's game. League President Abbot presented an Award to Pollard who was chosen 'Best Defenseman of the League! and Jack Thomas presented Ron Schock with an award for 'Best Rookie of the Year; The Player Awards , presented at éach Sip- erior home game went to Cy Brassard, with the compliments of the Terrace Bay Knights of Columbus, during Sunday's game. On Tues- day night the award went to Marv. (see P,9) eee ome eerie ner areme me of ee ee --