Terrace Bay NeEws. _ Authorized as 2nd Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Circulation Terrace Bay & Schreiber NATIONAL ELECTRIC. WEEK RO L9PECTORS AR LIFEGUARDS An Ontario home goes up in flames because 'two wires supplying a light in the kitchen! Mr, W.Malcolm is one of 173 men employed by Ontario Hydro to help prevent such "Do- it-yourself" tragedies, His job: to see that electricity is safely used. He is an electrical inspector in the Terrace Bay area, North-western Region--one of nine | regions into which the province.is divided for Ontario Hydro's operations, He believes the public, over the years, has come to accept electrical inspectors. "Of course, ; some appreciate what we are trying to do while others have varied opinions," Does the average homeowner fully consider the implications of faulty or inadequate wiring and the service the electrical in- spector is rendéring him? "After wiring is installed," says Mr, Malcolm, "most of it is concealed and the vital role it plays is usually forgotten, As long as the lights burn and motors turn over, the average person is not apt to worry i much: about the hazard to life and property | inherent in faulty electrical equipment." | The problems of area inspectors are many and varied, One of the biggest is the | "Handy-man" or "Do-it-yourself" type of | installation, repair or extension, "Wiring properly installed can be of | great benefit," he says, "but improper | installations can do great harm, If advice ; on electrical wiring or equipment is needed, | consult us. questions," "Mr.Malcolm notes that there has been a | great increase in the number of electrical ; appliances in use in the home--with more , than 70 such items now on the market--and | Points out that possibly four houses in every five are inadequately wired to meet future needs, Ontario Hydro has been the sole inspec- tion authority in the province since 1915, In 1916 a section of the Commission's labor- atories was equipped for testing electrical equipment for safety from fire and accident. This was the beginning of approvals and safety testing in Canada, now a national service under the Canadian Standards Assoc- iation (CSA), The duties of inspectors generally con--- sist of checking installations to see they meet certain standards, and that approved equipment is properly used, The inspector's job is to make sure that: | 1. Correct size of wire is used for the | Circuit carrying capacity required, | 2, Adequate fuses or circuit breakers are /used so equipment and conductors are proper- 'ly protected, | 3, Equipment is CSA approved. | 4. Proper grounding connections are made, _5. Motors have both overload and overcurrent ' protection, We are ready to answer all (Continued on Page 7) Vol.4, a small nail was inadvertently driven between No.6 February 9,196]; eee me ee ee , eee ence - 1 TERRACE BAY TOPS IN SPORTS Winter sports enthusiasts and participants this year in Terrace Bay are riding high.. Rinks from both the Ladies and Men's Curling Club have come out on top in district play- downs and will compete within the next week in a further step to coveted Dominion Finals, The Superiors are away out in front in the North Shore League and with only six more League games left to play before Playoffs, look like a sure thing to bring the Therrian Trophy to Terrace Bay this year. --_--_, LOCAL YOUTH HEADED FOR "BIG TIME HOCKEY" Ron Schock, a grade X11 student of Terrace Bay High School and a centre on the Superior Lineup seems to be headed for major League Hockey, Last year Ron and his father, Ernie nibbled at the Big Time in Barrie, but though the youngster made a fine showing his age (15) precluded any further steps at that time, Mr, Schock, whose interest in his son's academic education will be a deciding factor, states that offers from all three Jr, Hockey Clubs at the Lakehead were greeted with a decided negative, At the present time offers are being considered from Jim Skinner, Chief Scout of the Detroit Red Wings and Ken Reardon - Vice President of the Montreal Canadiens, Whatever decision is reached Ron will definitely be going to Junior 'A! Hockey in Eastern Canada next year. A sidelight on Ken Reardon's visit was his amazement at the calibre of Intermediate Hockey he saw played in Terrace Bay. He also found the Minor Hockey set-up here one of the best he has seen in a small centre, Ron's hockey has all been learned in Terrace Bay, guided by his father, a hockey enthusiast and Minor League official here for several years. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REVIVAL IN SCHREIBER Fifteen citizens, interested in getting the Schreiber Chamber of Commerce revived met on Jan. 3lst. Don Beno was chairman of the meeting and, in his opening remarks, pointed out the advantages to be derived from an active Chamber of Commerce group. Such a revival would mean that everyone "must bear the responsibility, both physical and financial", ; There are many possibilities which can be looked into such as tourist trade, which could be assisted by highway signs, and through a travel and publicity committee, It was also pointed out that Schreiber merchants have no mediator or established group policy governing items such as store closing hours, This is the type of problem whoch could be handled through a Chamber of Commerce, Another place where the Chamber of Commerce could advantageously operate to assist the community wuld be during times of elections. A committee of the Chamber could also (Continued on Page 7)