February 9, 1961 TOWN TOPICS (Cont'd) ~ Ted Young is recuperating in the Toronto Friday. Mrs, Young is also in Toronto and will remain during Ted's hospitalization. Mrs, S. Lysak, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. | and Mrs, P, Gombola for the past two months, | has returned to her home in Fort William. | MISS SUPERIOR (Cont'd from: Page 8) ; Annette Comeau, Gail Woods, Ruth Thorsteinson and Darlene Heinrich, They depend on your choice, the Superiors depend on their support | and we all want Miss North Shore the Queen of Superiors. : | NSHL STANDINGS THRU SUNDAY FEB, 5 | 7 tT oh | Terrace Bay AA nt ole 25 | Red Rock Le OOD 16 : Nipigon 18 5.36 0 16 | Marathon 19 + 735 a le Terrace Bay games this coming week -- Tues. Feb, 7 - at Marathon at Red Rock Sun, Feb. 12 - at Nipigon Tues, Feb, 14 - { | Thurs. Feb, 9 = i i Red Rock at Terrace 1 i aes nnmeneneen a atmeeseemmeemmenmenemeeennmeanenenaaneee nee ee | DUQUETTE RINK NORTH SHORE CURLING CHAMP The Terrace Bay Men's Curling Club were hosts to the North Shore zone play-offs of the Northwestern Curling Association on Feb, 4th and 5th, Participating were rinks from Manitouwadge , Marathon, Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Nipigen and Red Rock, after some very keen competition, at the end of five draws, Terrace Bay and Red Rock were tied with four wins .and one loss each, This necessitated a play-off on Sunday evening at 7 P.M, between Terrace Bay and Red Rock to decide who would represent the North Shore Zone in Northwestern Play-offs, The Lou Duquette rink with Len Crockford, Ken Johnson '11 to 9, The Duquette rink will take part in the ° | Northwestern Ontario Playdowns which will be ; held in Port Arthur this coming weekend. »winners of this event will represent North- | western Ontario in the finals between North- 'western Ontario and Northern Ontario to decide i the McDonald Briar representative, Red Rock: (lost their first game to Terrace Bay. and won itheir next 4, Terrace Bay won their first i four games and lost their fifth to Marathon, 'We join the Curling Club executive members in | congratulating the Duquette rink and wish | them continued success, | PEG WELLINGS RINK WIN LADIES CURLING | The Wellings rink of Terrace Bay came out ,on top of the ladies zone playoffs held in |ferrace Bay on Jan 3lst to Feb. 2nd, The Terrace Bay quartet, consisting of Peg (Wellings, skip, Ann Latour, Syl Duquette and |Marj Hamilton, made a clean sweep, winning ;every game they played. | Their top form will, we are sure, take 'then through their forthcoming éncounters in ithe Provincial Playoffs in Fort William on iFeb. 14-15-16, THE END OF YOUR SMOKE CAN BEGIN A FIRE. TERRACE BAY NEWS -- Western Hospital following his operation there A single round robin was played and and Dan Kenney were victorious by a score of The |" -- LADIES TEN PIN LEAGUE HIGH BOWLERS Some of the high games in the Ladies Ten Pin Bowling League this past week (Feb. 3) are: R, Shirriff 187 - High Single, Hi Series - 449, Others who made fine showings were: Doris Chopty with hi 3 games of 432 406 402 402 Viv Hanna Ruth Boudreau Grace Banks The All stars took the highest number of points last week - 12. Captain of this team, Doris Chopty is E,SHEEHAN DIES IN PORT CREDIT Funeral services were held Monday, Feb.6 from Holy Angels Church in Schreiber for the late Edward Sheehan, aged 67, who passed away on Saturday at the Peel Memorial Hos- pital in Port Credit, Ont. Rev. Father J. Cano officiated and inter- ment was made in Schreiber cemetery, Pall bearers were J. McGrath, B. Ross, P. Guina, B. Paradis, W. Ballard and M, Ryan. Mr. Sheehan came to Schreiber from White River in 1913. He was employed as a loco- motive Engineer, retiring two years ago with 52 years of unbroken service, He had held every office in the B, of LF and L# and for seven years was chairman. He served seven years as Reeve of Schreiber - 1933 to 1937, 1939 to 1941 and 1947 to 1948. He is sur- vived by his wife, the former Helen Walsh; three daughters - Norah, Mrs. J.. Kelly of Marathon, Marjorie, Mrs. A. Lennox of Pt. Credit and Anne-Marie, Mrs. C. Demas of Castlegar, B.C. One son, Eddie is attending 'the University of New Brunswick, Eleven grandchildren also survive, as well as two sisters, Mrs. L, Noonan and Mrs. C, Lindeman Pt. Arthur, two brothers, Walter of Schreiber! and James of Sudbury, Attending the funeral were W.R, Black, W. Murphy, J. McIsaac, L. Kennedy, F.V,Kelly and J, Kennedy, Ft.William and M. Gratton of Chelmsford, Ont. The body was accompanied from Toronto to Schreiber by his entire family. HOLY ANGELS CHURCH BUILDING COM. HOLD BINGO The Holy Angels Church Building Committee held a successful Bingo on Jan, 30th and plan to hold a_ similar event in the Guild 'Hall on Feb. 28th, The committee wish to extend their thanks to all who attended, SCHREIBER AMBULANCE BRIGADE HOLD MEETING. The Schreiber Ambulance Brigade No, 337 held their meeting on Mon, Feb, 6 with W, Cringle presiding and 13 members present, Schreiber has reason to be proud of the work of the local St. John Ambulance Division Perhaps their most dramatic incident occurred just over a year ago, when Leonard Godin of Schreiber fell at the Schreiber Ski run and broke his left leg. George Vanderlip of the Schreiber St. John Div, administered first aid and applied a splint. He was then taken from the scene of the accident and driven to Dr. Cornell's office, St. John Ambulance stands ready to assist all in times of emergency, whether it be in Manitowadge, Marathon or White River, Please help them now, by sending your donation to Mr, R.H. Skinner, P,0, Box 159 in Schreiber, ST.ANDREWS W.A. (Cout!d from page 3) All members are urged to attend this impor- tant meeting, the l st before the union of , all women's groups within the church,