Page 7 February 2, 1961 TERRACE BAY NEWS -- ---- NOTICE TO LOCAL TEENAGERS AND PaxENTS The Hunter Safety Training course sponsore by tho Terrace Bay Fish and Gemc assoc, Will commence carly in February, There will be five classes of two hour instructions cach, @ ficld day and a present- ation of crests and certificates to pupils who qualify, ; The course will have five certified instr- uctors: Stan Hodgkiss, Ebner Persson, Tony © Delaromde, Jack Anderson with Gordon Kydd as chairman. : 4pplications will be accepted from boys and~ girls who will be 13 years of age before May Sl, 1961. Forms are available at the Rec, Centre office, and parents and guardians are requested to fill in and sign these before February 15 and return to Gordon Kydd, These gun handling courses should receive real Parents with boys and girls intending to use firearms should take this opportunityrsto have their children taught the basic safe handling of all types of rifles and guns, 4. certificate of competence is now requir= ed by the Dept, of Lands and Forests before @ license is granted to carry weapons for hunting, There is a 50¢ fee for each pupil which covers crests and field day refreshments, The instructors give their time without remuneration, However, they feel well paid © if they are helping to prevent hunting accide~ ents and loss of life, expecially in our own canmunity, ; Last year there were 145 hunting accidents in Ontario, 35 of them fatal, a new high for Ontario for one season. From a total of 15,600 Hunter Safety train- ces there were only 2 minor accidents, Our aim is to cut this record to a new low for L961. All applicants will be notified as to the starting date of classes, (signed) Gordon Kydd, Chairman, Pe) ce COUNCIL QUOTES Terrace Bay Council met Wednesday after noon in the Municipal Offices with the Deputy Reeve, Mr. J. Heenan presiding, Conducting the business were Councillors Mr, J, Dencan, and Mr, D, Evans-Smith with Secretary Mr, F, Strutt end Clerk Mr,.!\, Hanley. Enquiries are being made about Courtesy tickets for minor infractions committed by tourists, due to anticipated increased traffic through town this coming summer, Request for use of the Recreation Centre for a Bake Sale and Raffle was referred to th Recreation Association, Information from the Planning and Develop» ment Department indicated assistance in the.' building of a Municipal Park might well be available and they further advised to submit immediate application with approximate estime ete of development planned for 1961, accounts for the Recreation Association for part of December and January were approve by Council, Mr, Duncan reported on First Aid Course attended by Mr, Hofland.and Mr. Billings in Schreiber and the possibility of further classes being conducted in Terrace Bay. Police Chief Billings had received further equipment. Mr, Evans-Smith announced he was trying to organize care of the lawns in the business 'McMillan, Williams and Mrs, West offered to arrange aetbiey section in keeping with the presentable Locale}. 4 motion was passed to order a Scott Aire Pack for the Fire Department, which would | include case, harness and cylinders. Mr, Heenan replied to enquiries about tickets issued by the Police, All tickets i 5 also reported that Recreation Director, Mr. | Ken Ward, was having figures compiled on the | operations of the Recreation Centres im Red Rock and Marathon in comparison to Terrace Bay. 25. LOCaL ASSOCIATION TO GUIDES AND BROWNIES MEET The Local association to Guides 'Brownies met Monday evening in the Recreation | { | Centre with Mrs, Norine Coe presidings Minutes of the past meeting were read by Mrs, | LaVaughn West and Mrs, Alice Farrow gave the Treasurer's reports Annual reports were given by Chairman of the various committees: Social ~ Mrs. Bea | Williams; Camp'< Mrs, Ruby Smith, Badge Secretary = Mrs, Gwen Olsen; Publicity - Mrs, Marge Anderson; Uniform - Mrs, Helen Brooks; Ways and Means = Mrs, Boa Williams. From the Brownies Mrs. Helen Hales gave the anmeal report on Pack one, Mrs, Ethyle Boyd reported for Pack Two end Mrs, Margaret Helmink's report on Pack Three was read by Mrs, Coc, Report of the First Terrace Bay Guide Company was given by Mrs. Lois Downey. Mrs. Coe gave her annual report in which she thanked e11 for: their support in making 1960 a successful year and extended best wishes to her successor Election of officers was conducted by Mrs, Brooks chairman of the nominating committce composed of Mrs, Reggie Gombola and Mrs, Elva - To preside for the coming year will} be = Chairman Mrs, Vivian Hanna, Vice Chair- man Mrs, Hazel Lang, Treasurer Mrs, Alice Farrow, Secretary Mrs, LeVaughn West, Camp Convenor Mrs, Marge Hamilton, Cookie Day Convenor Mrs, Steffie Dorman, Publicity Mrs, Je Kenney, Ways and Means Mrs. Stella LeBlanc, Uniform Mrs, Helen Brooks, Badge Secretary Mrs. Phyllis Woods, Social, Convenor Mrs, Y. Boudreau, Mrs, Hanna accepted the chair and Mrs, a Social hour for the Fly Up, After considers able discussion March 18 was sct as a suitable date for the Brownie Banquet tentetive to arrangements being possible. Mrs, Downey requested members to assist in Sccuring a Nurse and Swin Instructor for yes | ware to hold J ( Continued' on Page 10) vee tf , Be Varty pretty é and. ready for : i ; Valentines: Day GET A regular $9,00 Permanent Wave for. 7% . : only fh 'e Ss - SPECIAL OFFER TILL FEB,18TH - Schreiber Beauty Salon. PHONE 362 ~ a