Page 4 HERE & THERE IN SCHREIBER CHILD REN'S AID SOCIETY PLAN FUND ) RAISING The Schreiber Children's Aid Committee met on Monday, January 30th with Mr. W.Furlonger presiding. Rev. J,Raymond Anderson opened the meeting with a prayer and the guests present were welcomed by Mr. a. Yearly reports were given by Mrs. R, Macadam and Miss M,Atcheson. These covered activities and finances, Mr. J.Herbert Dawson local director of the Port Arthur C.A.S, will be in the district on February 20th, Plans for a canvass for funds were dis- cussed with Mrs, J.Graham in charge. Nominations for a new executive were con- ducted with the following results:- Chairman, Mrs. J.A.Graham - Vice-Chairman, Mr. W. 'Furlonger - Sec,Treasurer, Mrs, D.McGuire, Mr.Furlonger thanked the members for their splendid co-operation during the past two years and lunch was served to those present, The next meeting will be held on February 27th, j ST JOHN'S EVENING GROUP HOLD CARD PARTY The St.John's #vening Group held a card farty on Monday evening in the Church Hall for ladies of the Parish, Admission was material for work by the sewing group and a nice supply of same was realized. First prize for Whist went to Mrs, Bottomley and second prize to Mrs, Spicer, A dainty lunch was served by the committee in charge, The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 6th and all ladies of the parish are invited to attend. HOLY ANG&@LS P.T.A. HOLD THA The Holy Angels Parent Teachers Assoc. held an afternoon tea on Saturday in the Guild Hall with Mr. J. Branchaud, President, welcoming the guests, Convenor was Mrs. W. Cocks, Kitchen Committee were Mrs, L,Small and Mrs. P. Guina and cashier was Mrs. R.Needhan, _ Serving tea at the individual tables were Mesdames R.Spadoni, #, McCouan, R,. |Sisson, Robert Fournier, J, Caccamo, L. | Comeau, G. Scott and G, Gauthier, Mrs. J,Hagan is a patient in McKellar Hospital, Fort William, ~~ A&W NOUR TERBA RK BAY NEWS February 2/61 UNITED CHURCH MISSION BAND LECT OFFICERS _ ~~ 'The first. meeting of 1961 of the St.A Andrews United Church Mission Band was held in the Sunday School room on January 12th. Election of Officers was held with the following re- sults:~ President, Jane Singleton + Vice- = President, Karen Lidkea ~ Secretary, Norma Walker - Treasurer, Helen Williamson - World Friends Sec., Melanie Ross - Press Sec., Judy Walker ~ Supervisors, Mrs. L.Walker, Mrs. K,° Williamson, Mrs, G.Gordon, Mrs, H.McCanna. © i t | | KINETTES ENJOY PROGRESSIVE DINNER : The Schreiber Kinette Club held their i January meeting at the home of Mrs.Lorraine Weaver, i Mrs. Joy Riley, Presided and the Sec,- | Treasurer, Mrs.Mary Speziale gave the finan- cial report and read the minutes and corres- pondence, Mrs.Jackie Turner received her 300% attendance tab and Mrs.iva Gordon and | Joy Riley received 700% attendance tabs. | Following the business, the husbands joined! their wives for a progressive dinner, visiting, the homes of P.Speziale, A.Gordon, R.Turner | with all going curling and then returning to the home of Mr.& Mrs, G,Riley to end a very | enjoyable evening, -- RHAE SKINNER HONOURED PRIOR TO DEPARTURE ~~ Rhae Sk Skinner, a former member of St -Andrews ! United Church Junior Choir was honoured before | departing with her parents for Herbert, Sask. , | at a dinner party at the home of Mrs, Eva { Gordon, Choir Leader when a group of the | Senior members met and presented Rhae with a gift on behalf of the Choir, Following dinner they all enjoyed the evening skating. RUBY REB&KAH LODGE HOLDS CARD PARTY Ruby Rebekah Lodge met in regular session tast Wednesday evening with Mrs, A,Morris and Mrs. F,Whent presiding, Mrs. A.Laine read the minutes and corres- pondence and Mrs. A.Morris reported on sick and visiting. Mrs.Whent gave the Treasurer's Report and Mrs, W.T.Wallace the Financial Secretary's Report. It was decided to hold a Penny Auction and and Social following the next meeting. Following the meeting Whist and Bridge was enjoyed with invited guests present, Prizes for Bridge were won by Mrs. T,Bryant } and Mrs, C.Wright. Whist prizes went to Mrs. R.Fournier and Mrs,R.Crook. Mrs,A,Sinkins and 'Terrace Bay members were in charge, VOU NC ING pene se sae Se REE furnace. fuel-oil home service | Is nOw in operation. 24 hour prompt-and Courteous "3 ---- BURGE L351 sland ER Wyevy Is - PROPRIETORS - GLEN PEARZN and RENE GAUDET - MS AVAILABLE. - CC fas o> (S NINO Si rY¥IC © ph 3638 TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO -