' ' | | 1 5 t ! : : Women's Services meeting, which she found , Voucher good at the L & L Food Market, ' handled by Murdo Campbell, Phone Mill 240 cr , 3250, rs LLL ALL LE nett inact ti ae Ee hares cenamntpemnifinnes : |COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. J.Raymond Anderson SOSPEL MISSION i ' t j 4 ; the Society to control it, Page 2 TERRAC® BAY NEWS HERRA.C#H BAY ee ee eee 9.30 A.M. - Junior & Senior Sunday School 11.00 A.M, - Beginner's Sunday School 11.00 A.M, - DIVINE WORSHIP - "The Master Key To Life - FAITH" 7,30 P.M, - ZVENTIDE SERVICE - "YOUTH SUNDAY" "Life's Treasure Hunt" The C.G,I.T, and HI-C will be present in groups, ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH ~ Rev,Déan i,A, Gallagher SATURDAY ~ Confessions 3-4 PjM. and 7-8 in the evening, Mass: during the week at 7,45 and on Saturday at 8.30 A.M, ST,MARTIN'S, PARISH LIBRARY Jpen 'from 7 to 8 P.M, every Wednesday night, ROSS PORT 3T.JOHN BERCHMAN!S CHURCH | Mass every Monday at 7.30 P.M, Sunday School - 2 P.M, every Sunday -_ TOWN ToFrSe CANCHR SOCIZTY URGES RHADING OF PAMPHLETS eet eee ete a mentee em A meeting of the Terrace Bay Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society was held at the home of the Treasurer, Mrs, J.Beddard, on Thursday afternoon, January 26th, All members of the kxecutive were present, The Chairman, Mrs, L,Williams reported on her recent trip to Toronto to attend the both interesting and informative, It was decided to find out just what Can- cer films are available and to bring some in for the use of other local groups. Mrs. A,Desrosiers, our Education Chairman , reported that very few of our pamphlets at the Hospital and the Mill are being used. It is hoped that more people will pick them up and read them to become more acquainted with the symptoms of this disease and the work of Mrs, T,Latour will attend the forthcoming meeting for Campaign Chairmen in Toronto, if possible, She has on hand plenty of "In Memorium" cards which serve as a very suit- able token of sympathy for any bereaved friends. Her phone number is 3500, The meeting closed with delicious refresh- ments served by the hostess, FIGUKE SKATING CLUB PLAN CARNIVAL Dues for the, second half are now due and can be paid to P, Rapke, House #95, or any executive member, Tickets are now available for our annual Carnival to be held February 24th and 25th, Wetll again have outside skaters as guests, The door prize this year will be a $75.00 Ticket sales and distribution' are being A o> Pp HOLY AN February 2, 1961 SCHREIBER | OHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev.R.J.S, Inshaw ae ee oM. = Holy Communion -M. - Family Service eM. - Morning Service oM, - Evensong CHURCH - Rev, R, Crook »M, - Sunday School »M, -- Adult Bible Class GELS CHURCH - Rev. Father J.M.Cano Daily Masses - 7,30 A.M, Saturda y Mass - 9,00 A.M, Saturday Confessions - 4 to 5.30.& 7. to 8.30 Sunday Masses - 8,00, 9.30 and 11 A.M, P.M. | ! | | -M. - MORNING SERVICE - | | { : j Baptisms by appointment only EVANGEL 10,00 A 7.00 P GOSPEL MISSION Sunday - 11,00 A.M, - Sunday School Wednesday - 7,00 P.M, - Prayer and Praise Se ee a nee checking coats and selling pop and ice at the Hard Ti This prior. t be held BROWNIES HOLD FLYING-UP SERVICE Upon Madame Commissioner, Mrs. D.#arle of Marathon accompanied by Guiders Mrs. S.Baxter and Mrs. 0.Donaldson,; at the Terrace Bay High School ICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Rev. Davis -M, - Sunday School -M. - Evening Service - 7,00 P.M, - Gospel Service ence: ee Ae tn A ~ Hth y Henantnenen --. mes Dance on February 10th, is one of their fund-raising projects o the annual Youth Rally which is to in Kenora. the arrival last Wednesday evening of a re fp rae eens ae neocacenennrwaronraunwomunnnny tana anasono cman Auditorium, the Brownie Fairy Ring awakened and the show to Guide Company marched to their Horse- receive their color party and commence the very impressive Flying Up Ceremony. The three Brownie Companies of Terrace Bay joined forces as they sang their six songs. - The District Commissioner, assisted by - Brown Owl Helmink, Brown Owl Hales and Tawny Owl Sitch called forward individually the Brownie Ss who aspired to Fly Up into Guides, Sixes and seconders formed an arch to the Arbor and through it went Molly Harris, Margo Anderson, Alice Jean McKechnie, Michello Slattery, Sandra Ziegleman, Meredith Coe, Lynn Saunders, Shirley Phillips, Verna Daley and Pat Dodge. The Brownies were challenged then presented to Guide Captain Mrs. L.Downey, Lte, Mr joining s. P, Lindberg and Miss S.Solly before the Horseshoe, At this point the District Commissioner presented Mrs, F.Helmink with her Brown Owl warrant and Mrs. A,Ziegleman received her Tawny. Owl warrant. The Guides sang a "Welcome Brownie" song to their new members, Captain Downey called Joanne Brown, Betty Lou Cavanaugh, Linda Hales and Jacqueline Yates forward to be enrolled as Guides, Presentation of badges earned was as follows:- Darlene Larson, 2nd Class and First Aid Badges; Beverley Phillips, 2nd Cla Downey, ss Badge; Beverley Dodge and Pat 2nd Class and First Aid badges and Marie Delaronde, Child Nurse Badge; Bonnie Hamilton received her Cook, Needlewoman and Child Nurse Badges and Hllen Knight was awarded and Li her Laundress, Homemaker (Cont'd P.3) | ee ne ner rere le House Einblem