pees 10 - ' Continued from' Page 7 ~ = GUIDES "ND BROWNIES = a successful Guide amp S year, Mrs, Coe reminded the group that begins ning with this mecting, they were no longer 'bound by any Constitution and that now all meetings are to be conducted by an executive. Guiders and any other intorested persons. are welcome. The next meeting is to be held the fourth Monday in February at the home of Mrs, Hanna . LADIES /UXTLLARY: PLAN POT LUCK) SUPPER he evening branch of the Ladies a auxiliary will meet at 6,30 P.M, on Monday, Feb, 6th beginning with a Pot Luck Supper, in the Terrace Bay Community Church. Following the Supper, the peewee at 8,15 will be a. travelogue of Russia with commentary, Anyone planning to attend. the Pot Luck Supper contact Mrs, Peterkin 5749, or' Urs, Lundberg 3698, Nn te halt nares OTTO ART. CLUB" NEWS members are requested to be on hand on.Thursday night to.make favours' for 'the dance to beheld Feby 10th, Bring paint brushes and imagination, Our danco decoras tions arc to be sométhing different from the usual sort of 'thing, Anyone not yet having purchased their tickets may call at Ken Ward's office or contact any Art Club membcr,. hiugic by Adanos Orchestra ~ Vocalist Cosmo Filane. DANCE CLAS SSS Those interested in teking, Ballroom i ing Classcs are urged to contact the Recreas: tion Office soon. No classes will be sched- -- until we are sure that a sufficient number are interested, TERRACE | ! a | | |. | | | | | a TERRACE BAY «AND AtnACH DaY «ND SCHREIBER SOCTAL 4 NEWS Bob Williams motored to Nakina to bring": Constable Jack Hayes, his wife Eunice and children to Terrace Bay for thé weécksend' to' be guests at the Williams home, stay they acted as\Godparents at the Christe ening Sunday, January 22, to Tiquila Roberta Williams in St, Martin's. Roman Catholic Churches A; dinner was held following the | Christening when Very Rev, Dean Eid, Gallaghe | and Rev. Aed. Rekowski were honored cues, | and a recéption was held later,' | Saturday evening the Hayes had further oe. = sey aan te par i pos Dono Yom ~ sham: | Schreiber Jown Hall i'M usic by the, JIwibiters per During their], '| "ing relatives and old friends end is the Admission: fy 50 couple < BAY NEWS _february & 136L « si. "ERT S REXALL COUGH-CENTER TABLETS Help calm the nerve center that makes you cough TARY THE DIETERY 'SUPPLEMENT FOR ALL AGES -- PARAME T TES. Peo NL RNIN RRS Basa EN SFSETEE Ee apse ssas coe ooeas oa see eae ses ae ese ones SASS ETS EOS ETE OES ees seeedsitsiic friends and neighbors when was held in their honour at the home of Mre and Mrs, A, Fraser. Mr, and Mrs, Steve Kolesar of, Atikoken were guests last weekend at.the home of Mrs, Kolesar's parents, Mir, and Mrs. Mike Churney Mrs, Bea Williams was in Toronto last week where she attended the Womens Services mecting for the Cancer Society held in the Lord Simcoe Hotel, and spoke highly of the workshops she had attended during the two days. Molly Harris celebrated her eleventh birthday Saturday afternoon with a party for ten girlfriends, Fun-was had with gemes and concLuded 'with birthday cake and party lunch. Mrs, Gs Spiess of Fort William visited he daughter Doreen Kurylo and family over the weekend end attended the mid-winter confer- ence held here Sunday of the Women of the Moose. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ford of Pine Falls, Man, visited with their daughter and son-in-law, "Kay and Jeek Ar@crson last week, Mrs, Ford spending the week with her family while Mr, Ford joined her Saturday enroute home from a trip to Montreal, Mrs, Ted Young leaves Wednesday for Toron- to to join her-husband who will 'undergo surgery at Toronto Western Hospital shortly, Mrs, Frenk Boon, Fort William visited with friends and relatives in Schreiber while the guest of Mrs, D.-Slater, Mrs, F, Waywell and Mrs, P, Banville of Montreal, Ques are the guests of Mrs, Way- well's daughter and son-in-law Mre & Mrs, Geo, Etches and also visiting with the A, Majors, "Mr, Dominic Diano is a patient in McKellar Hospital in Fort William, Mrse De. Duncan. of Kelowna, visit- guest' of Mrs and Mrs, Jack Corbett enroute to visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and iirs. Gordon Crombie and family in Saudi Arabia and they plan to tour. Europe. together, Mr, and Mrs, J, Watts, Buena Vista, NsBe are the guests of their daughter,end family ir, and Mrs, J. Whitton, Mr, and Mrs. Jack McCouan have left to spend a holiday in Bradenton, Florida. RESULTS OF OF TaRRACE BAY-MARATHON GAME 'Superiors defeated Marathon Mercuries by a 7-5 score in Tuesday night's. game,here, The first two periods were Marathon!s but the Sups exploded in the third to take the game,