BAY TERRAC E COMMUNITY CHURCH = Rev, J.Raymond Anderson ~ 9,30 Junior & Senior Sunday School 11,00 Beginner's Sunday School 11.00 A.M. - DIVINE WORSHIP - Bp. f "Peter's Gift" The Junior Choir will lead in Praise "700 P.M. - EVENING SERVICE - The HI-C Club will sponsor the showing of a film entitled "Martin Luther" at this service. PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE ees en emma een ST.MARTIN!'S CHURCH - Rev.Dean E,A,Gallagher SATURDAY -- Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 in tA the evening, -- Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday oDoRe at 8.30 A.M. 'ST.MARTIN'S. PARISH LIBRARY \Open from 7 to 8 P.M, every Wednesday night. ROSS PORT ST. JOHN BERCHMAN!S CHURCH Mass every. Monday at 7.30 P.M, GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School - 2 P.M. every Sunday Tow ee eee carat teem a a et --------e ee ee er MRS. C. BUCK TO ADDRESS NORTH SHORE NURSES +» fhe 'North Shore Nurses Association will hold a meeting' in the bagssment of St. John's Anglican Church in Schreiber on Wednesday, January 25th at 8 P.M. Mrs. C. Buck will give a talk on "New Drugs" and everyone is urged to attend. QUETICO DIRECTOR, C.M.McZNTOSH, ATTENDS "TWO FUNCTIONS IN YERRACE BAY. * On Saturday evening Mr. C.M,McIntosh, Director of Quetico Park Training Center and Course Secretary of the Northwestern Ontario Art Association attended an executive meet- ing 'held in the Recreation Association, Exeoutive members from Marathon and Ter- race Bay attended and the President, Mrs. M. Middaugh conducted the meeting, of which will be held at the Lakehead on March 3rd.° This will be followed by a course at Quetico on March 8th, Details of Summer Courses will be announc- | ed at a later date. 'Mr. McIntosh addressed Union delegates | on Sunday, leaving at night for Toronto on | the first part of an itinerary which will ° take hin to Syracuse, Boston, Monteagle, Tennessee and Chicago, The second part of | the trip will take him to Madison, Wisconsin, Regina, Saskatoon and Qu'Appelle in Saskat- chewan. He has been awarded a Study Fellow- ship by the Canadian Association for Adult | Education worth $1,000 and, during his visits to the different centres, will study Liberal | Education for Adults (Including Art) -- Union Education - Management Education. - Leadership Training = Orgatiization of Residential Cen- 'ters and Financing of. TERRACE BAY NEWS DISTRICT CHURCH SERVICES lOrICS Courses for the year were set up, the first SCHREIBER | ST.JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. R.J.S.Inshaw 8.30 A.M. - Holy Communion 9,30 A.M. - Family Service 11.00 A.M, - Morning Service 7,00 P.M, - Evensong UNITED CHURCH - Rev. R. Crook 10,00 A.M, - Sunday School 11.00 A.M, - MORNING SERVICE - 7,00 P.M, - Adult Bible Class HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev.Father J,M.Cano Daily Masses - 7,30 A.M. Saturday Mass -- 9,00 A.M, Saturday Confessions ~ 4 to 5.30 & 8,30 to 9 Sunday Masses - 8,00, 9.30 and 11 A.M. Baptisms by appointment only EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Rev. Davis 10.00 A.M, - Sunday School 7,00 P.M, - Evening Service in basement Chapel at Eickmeier residence, GOSPEL MISSION Sunday -- 11.00 A.M. - Sunday School 7.00 P.M. - Gospel Service Wednesday - 7.00 P.M. - Prayer and Praise ART I STRUCTOR. HERE THIS WEEKEND: Mrs, Peg Boal of Fort William, who has trained at the B.C.School of Art and has con- ducted the Port Arthur Workshop, will be in Terrace Bay this weekend to instruct members of the Art Club. © The first session will start at 1:30 P.M, at the Recreation Centre. Dr Ne en hak ct nested LOCAL ASSOCIATION TO. GUIDES AND BROWNIES WILL MEET. Bk don Bibb LS... The local Association to Guides and Brownie will hold their annual meeting on Monday even- ing, Jan. @3 at 8,30 in, the Recreation Centre! meeting room, Reports from all Convenors will 'pe heard prior to election of 191 executive and the support. of all Mothers of Guides, and Brownies is earnestly sought to enable this work to continues The Winter Fly Up of Brownies to Guides wil take place on Wednesday, January 25 in the High School Auditorium, Guides and Brownies . are to assemble at 6,30 P.M. and all parents and friends, are cordially invited to attend abt 7,00 P.M, , LADIES AUXILIARY TO FIGURE. SKATING CLUB, HOLD MEETING ne en enna as & meeting was held.on Friday evening in the Recreation Centre for the purpose of forming a Ladies Auxiliary to the Terrace Bay Figure Skating Clubs President of the Club, Mr. Joe Heenan chaired the meeting and an election of officers. Was conducted with the following in office: President Lil Harris, Vice President Marnie Cumming, Secretary, Georgina, Heenan, and Treasurer Marge, Hamiltone Mrs. Betty Bouchard, recently appointed Gold Dance Judge, gave & very interesting and informative talk en the subject of skating "and dancing' and judging, of, the figurese