ee. September 22, 1960 TERRACE BAY NEWS -- Page 9 @ cheque from his co-Workers in the Blectrical | HERE & THERE IN SCHREIBER Mrs, Gourley Small of Toronto, a former Schreiber resident, is a guest at the home of Mr.& Mrs. F,C.Macadam. Mr.& Mrs. Geo.Riley of Forest Hill, former- ly of Schreiber, are visiting their son and family, Mr.& Mrs. Geo.Riley, Jr. and other relatives in town, INSTITUTE MEMBERS GATHER FLOWERS FOR SHUT-INS The Schreiber Women's Institute held their September meeting on Tuesday last, with Mrs, R.Winters, second Vice-President, presiding, The roll call was answered with each mem- ber presenting a bouquet of garden flowers for a shut-in or someone ill, Mrs. W.J.Thrower read the previous meet- ing minutes and correspondence, Mrs. R. Macadam gave the Treasurer's Report and a donation was made to the Adelaide Hoodless | homestead fund, Mrs. T,Whitton, the President, and Mrs. J.Corbett, had attended the Area Convention | held in Rainy River in early September, and this report will be given at the next meeting. Following the meeting lunch was served by | Mrs. J.Macadam, Mrs, B.Macadam, Mrs. E, , Lawson and Mrs. W.Thrower, with tea hostess | Mrs. E,O'Connor in charge of the table | arrangement, The roll call at the next meeting will be | answered with tea bags and a Penny Auction | will be held, Last Wednesday Ruby Rebekah Lodge 279 held | its.first meeting after the summer recess, | N,.G, Mrs, M, Legault and VieGs Mrs. bin Morris presided, Mrs Ethel Riley, P.N.G., of Mount ' Forest was present, The charter was draped in meniony of Mrs, | Sadie Esterbrook, Past President of the | Rebekah Assembly, | The sick and visiting report was given by ' the Vico Grand and Mrs, BE, Grover reported _ for the C.P.T, Committee, A mecting was held | on Sunday evening in the Y,M.C.a, Mrs, Anna Laine read the minutes and corre _ espondence, 4 card was received from Agate -- Lodge and an invitation from Sapphire to | attend their 30th birthday celebration and | initiation Sept, 20th, Ruby Lodge will celebrate its birthday on | the evening of the President's visit Wednesday Oct. 19th, Mrs, J, Macadam will make the birthday cake, lirs, Smith gave an interesting report on | her attcndance at Rebekah 4ssembly in June and also an account of the Inaugural of the vis trict Association meeting held in June. Ur. & Mrs, John Young and Mr, & Mrs, Harold Clarke, Smithville, Ont. visited last weck with | the LR, McCuaigs, enroute home from a motor | Vancouver. eine ee TOWN, Topics (Cont'd from Pare 2) Haviland Farewell (Continued) -- luggage | presented by Margaret suriez-on behalf of the | group. Entertainment was lively with skits, a fashion show and singsong, followed by a buffet supper, Lois and Chuck have been entcrtained by | many recently with a stag at the Moose Hall | for Chuck on the 9th where he was presented with a purse and the group's best wishes at his new job in Castlegar, -He also received | the other wood and obstacles. Vepartment of the Mill, Jointly they were entertained Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Larson, and again at a dinner party at the home of Mr, & Mrs, L. Williams on the occasion of their tenth wedding anniv- ersarye their monthly meeting Sunday evening in the Church Hall. Mrs, F, Helmink presided and the meeting opened with the League prayer by Very Rev. can H,A, Gallagher. The Seceretary Mrs, G. Lashkewytch read the minutes of the last meeting and Mrs, 4. Fedun gave the Treasurer's report. Heports were heard from the conyenors: Spiritual - Mrs. E. Pincault, Education = Mrs, F, Cruickshank, Resolutions - Mrs, G, Ramsey, Citizenship = Mrs, A, Valiquette, Press ~ Mrs. P, Boudreau, Magazine = Mrs. M, Strom, Social Action = Mrs, C, Maciionald, Membership - Mrs, P. Gombola, Radio, TV and Shows = Mrs, L. Pineault, and Guides ~ Mrs, 4, Ziegleman.. Mrs, Helmink then gave her report on the thirteenth annual Convention of the C.W.L. -- at Sault Ste. Marie, Convenor Mrs. C, Knauff and her committee reported on the progress of the Fall Bazaar which will be held October 8. Plans also for the Christmas Party were dis~ cussed, It was decided that a general meeting | of the Study Club would mect October 5 in St. Martin's School. Lean Gallagher presented Past President League pins to Mrs, E, Cavanaugh, President from 1952~1954, Mrs, J, Todd 1956-1957 and 1959-60 and Mrs, F, Helmink 1957-1959, Mrs, J, Todd, immediate Past President expressed her gratitude for a gift received. Mrs. J, Ruzyski continued the talk on Parent Child relationship from the Christian Family Apostolate, followed by Group discuss~ ions. A delicious luncheon was served by Mrs, E. Pineault and her committea, New Officers Appointed for Cancer Society The Annual meeting of the Terrece Bay Cance Society was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs, J. Brooks, The new and re- appointed officers for 1960-61 are as follows: Mrse L. Williams - Chairman, Mrs, J. Bedard - Treasurer, Mrs, J. Heenan ~ Women's Services Co-Convenor, Mrs, 4. vesrosiers -Hducation Chairman, Mrs, G. Maitland - Secretary, Mrs. J. Brooks « Women's services Convenor, Mrs. T. Latour -- Campaign Chairman, ur. M, McCaus- land « Medical Advisors The Society has on hand "In Memorium" cards which may be obtained by contacting Mrs, IT, Latour. These cards ere an especially nice way of showing your sympathy and are being used in lieu of flowers, St, Martin's Division of the C,W.L. held a ee CE Needed -~ Volunteer Workers The work on the new golf course is progres~ sing. However, it is a slow and tiresome job. Volunteer workers are needed, 411 those who wish to help, please get in touch with AL Pattison and give him your name, If enough people volunteer, the work parties can be split up so that no one is called more than once, a week. Also would the people who have birch cut in this area remove it as soon as possible, as it is hindering the work parties in removing