Page 2 a TERRACE BAY NEWS ~~ January 7, 1960~ $$$ TERRACE BAY CEURCH SERVICES | SCHREIBER CHURCH SERVICES | COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dr. A, Lavender | ST. JOHNIS ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. R. Inshaw Sunday, January 10, 1960 8,30 A.M, - Holy Communion -9,30 A.M. - Senior Sunday School. 11.00 A.M, - Mattins : ea SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9,00_A.M, 11.00 A.M. ="MORNING WORSHIP - "Sacrament of Lord!§ Supper" UNITED CHURCH - Rev. R, Crook : a: 10.00 A.M, - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7.30 P.M, <= EVENING SERVICE - 11,00 A.M, - WORSHIP AND BAPTISMAL SERVICE 10 « tes honda' 7.00 P.M, - Evening Service ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev.Dean E,A.Gallagher | | 11,00:A.M. = Junior Sunday School 7.00 P.M, - Evensong 1 | | SATURDAY = Confessions 3=4 P.M, and 7-8 in HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev.Father J,M,Cano } the evening. . :. DAILY MASSES - 7,30 A.M. SUNDAY ~- Masses 8,15 and 10.00 A.M, Saturday Confessions - 4 to 5.30 P.M, Evening Devotions = 7.30 P.M, Tyan to. 9 PUM, Mass during the week at°7.45 and on Satur- SUNDAY MASSES ~ 8 - 9,30 and 11 A.M, day at 8.30 A.M, Sunday evening Devotions - 7,30 P.M. Baptisms by appointment only. | ST.MARTIN'S PARTSH LIBRARY ae ' Open from'7=8 P.M, every Wednesday pane: EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH > Vicar J.Tuomisto | ROSSPORT -- ST. JOHN BERCHMAN!S 10.00 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL ' | Mass every Monday evening at 7,30 P.M. . SCHREIBER GOSPEL MISSION - Mr, R,Sheffield Sunday = 11 A.M, - Sunday School \ VV (i an Ea FOIE net agt 2 P.M, - Rossport Sunday School KC) MAI ee For Aiea: 7 P.M, - Gospel Service IX ee eS qe Wednesday - 8 P.M. ~ Prayer and Praise ri Betty and Don Ollen-Bittle and children ""Mr.& Mrs. H.Hall and family were Christmas spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and | visitors at the home of 'her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs.A,McCallum of Port Arthur and attended: McLellan in Port Arthur. the marriage on Deo, 19th of Betty's sister, ee Catherine (Bubs) McCallum in Port Arthur to Debbie' Boyd celebrated her ninth birthday Flying Officer) Dennis Quirk of Toronto, on Monday, December 28th with the help of fifteen girl friends, A skating party was Kay and. Ken Weppler were Pane of Kay's enjoyed and. followed up by a supper party ~ | Sister and family Mr.& Mrs; W.Turner of ' | served by Debbie's Mother, Mrs.Ethyle Boyd. ' Westfort during Christmas week, Joan Williams was seven years old on Wednes- Ann and Jerry Papousek and boys returned day, December 30th and invited twelve boys and home Sunday from Holland Marsh where they girls to her-party. Barby McMillan and Debbie had visited over the holidays with Ann's . | Anderson entertained with many games and the parents, Mr.& Mrs,John Holancin, The family | afternoon concluded with lunch and birthday z circle of thirty-two. was completed by the cake 'and the children returned home with favors|, arrival of Kay and John Holancin and family from.Elliot. Lake, Joe Desaulnier has his Mother, Mrs.B.Des- aulnier of Fort Francés and sister Betty of Port Arthur visit him over the Christmas Lois Haviland with Sas children spent the weekend, Christmas holidays visiting her parents, Magistrate and Mrs.P.T. rapes at their home in Port Arthur. Audrey and Cleon Smith visited in Port ' Arthur over the Christmas week with Cleon's Mr, Harry Wend visited his daughter-in-law parents, Mr. & Mrs,Pat Smith, and son Mr.& Mrs.Alan Ward in Fort William over the New Year weekend, 'He was mepae yr | ied by grandson Bob McMillan. - Mr.& Mrs.A.Hewson and Ananee of Pt.Arthur, were new Year's guests of their daughter Evelyn Partington and family. Their daughter, Lorna, who had visited in Terrace Bay the week before returned home with them, Francie Sn had his brother Mitchell Hanna and family of Fort William visit for over, the New Year's weekend, They were accompanied by Miss Avril Smith of England now residing in Fost William, Mrs.Alice Werezynski returned home Saturday from visiting in Buckingham, Que, with her Sister, Mrs.Marcel Deslouriere and 'in Gatineau with her eens Mrs. Andrew Spencer, | Ann, Tom. and, Jackie Latour were' in Fort William for Christmas with Ann's parents, Mry _& Mrs.N. Polowsky and had the New Year's week- ns ee Mr..& or saitt Moke , Eagle River, spent the i end: in. Marathon with Ann's brother-in-law Christmas' week in Terrace Bay visiting their ' and. sister, Mr,& Mrs. J. Kroses: daughters, Marge Larson, Doris Gerlach, Norah re : Peters and Elsie Berndtsson and son Brian, Mr,&. Mrs.G.Koreen. of Senniie have been ~~ | David ifontey) returned "home to Eagle River on | visiting their daughter, Inez,Reynolds and Sunday after holidaying with his sister Marge family. since Christmas, Larson and family. On rolhca iin eee chisel