a ee NR GAR FR See Page 2 TERRACE BAY CHURCH SERVICES COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dr. A. Lavender 9,30 A.M. = Senior Sunday School 11.00 A.M. = Beginners Sunday School 2.00 P,M,. = Junior Sunday School 11,00°A.M, = MORNING WORSHIP - "One with Nineveh and Tyre" On Sunday evening at 7.30 the motion picture depicting the work of Dr.Albert Schweitzer, the world famous missionary, surgeon, organ- ist, philosopher and theologian will be shown in the Sunday School room. It has been said that Dr.Schweitzer is one of the most eloquent sermons ever lived, It is hoped that you will wake an effort to see this picture. ~The showing of this film on Sunday even- ing will wind up the Sunday Evening services until September, ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. Dean E,A.Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 in the evening. SUNDAY - Masses 8,15 and 9,30 A.M, Evening Devotions - 7.30 P.M. Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday at 8,30 A.M, ROSSPORT MASS = 11. caret tetrelen eben ei A.M, TOUN TOWN TORICS ; WEFURAL SO SO CIETY NE ee ~~ The next meeting ing will be on Thursday, May 21st in the Rec.Center, Note the date change. Those who have not picked up chad prem- iums and fertilizer may do so by calling at F,Ginn's house, 123 Poplar Crescent, . The premiums should be planted now, A carload of manure should arrive any day so get your.order in to Mrs,.Hubelit, is sure to arrive in Terrace Bay so be pre- pared. : HORT" £ GUIDE BANQUET KELD TAST SATURDAY "The Terrace | Bay. Girl Guides held their annual Mother and Daughter Banquet Saturday Evening, May 16th in Hotel Terrace. The: girls, Mothers and guests of the evening, numbering seventy-four enjoyed a turkey dinne and entertaining evening, The guests includ- ed Dr, Arthur Lavender, Mr, W,E,Cavanaugh, representing the Recreation Association and the Kiwanis Club, Mr. Roland Wills of the Group Committee. for Scouts and Cubs, Mrs. D. Earle, District Commissioner of Marathon and Mrs, McLaughlin Guide Captain from Marathon, Mrs.M.Middaugh, Past Guide. Captain, Mrs. M, Dashkewytch, Chairman of the Local Associa- tion to Guides and Brownies, Mrs, Lois Haviland, Badge Secretary and Mrs. Bea Williams, Social Convenor, Grace was sung by the Guides and Janise McInnes proposed the toast to the Queen, The toast to Lady Daden-Powell was proposed by Joan Bouchie, Ellen Knight paid tribute to her Mother and all Mothers present and her Mother, Mrs. J.Knight responded, Acting suide Captain, Sandra Phillips, was TERRACE BAY NEWS Summer : SCHREIBER CHURCH SERVICES _ 8.30 A.M. - Holy Communion 11.00 A.M, - Mattins © 7,00 P.M. - Evensong 9.30 A.M, = Church School UNITED CHURCH - Rev. Russell Crook 11,00 A.M. - Morning Worship 7.00 A.M, -~ Evening Service 10,00 A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL HOLY ANGELS "8.00 A.M, - Mass 8,30 A.M, - Children's Mass 10.45 A,M, - High Mass for Adults only 7.30 P.M, - Evening Devotions Saturday confessions 11.00 A.M. and at Se0O and"7 530 PsM, SCHRETBER GOSPEL MISSION Service on on Wednesday at 8,00 P.M. Sunday morning at 11.00 A.M, Sunday School for all age groups and on Sunday evening at 7 P.M, | | i i t | : | CHURCH - Fr, Geo.Epoch, S.J, | i 1 | i | | { i guest speaker and spoke interestingly of her days as a Guide, working towards her Gold Cord, and her recent trip to Toronto to re- ceive her Gold Cord Certificate. The group enjoyed a singsongand skit pat on by the Guides, Mrs.Dashkewytch gave 'the Chat debit g re- marks, explaining the purpose of the Local Association and thanking the various local organizations and persons for their assist- ance to Guiding. Mrs.Earle spoke briefly and then presented badges and Service Stars to some of the Guides. J.Bouchie, J.McInnes and J.Stuart received their second class badge; I,Stuart, V.LeBlanc and C,Connors re- - ceived their First Year Stars; J,Stuart, A, Middaugh and J.McInnes and W.Duncan received their Second Year Stars and J,Bouchie receiv- ed her Third Year Star. The Guide Captain in training, Mrs. Lois Downey introduced the Guides who that evening ; were working on their hostess badges by plann-. ing the menu, setting the head and centre i tables and inviting and introducing two guest;' "each, also arranging the skit and singsong, j These girls were J.,Bouchie, J,McInnes, J. ' Stuart, W.Duncan and A,Middaugh, Y ' re ree meme ee te a Nn, Ne ee me ee Spee a Dr. Lavender pronounced the Benediction and the evening concluded with an interesting } film "Guides, All Guides" made at Doe Lake '| Camp. Miss Elvira Wood was the projectionist. The regular meeting of the Local Associa- tion to Guides and Brownies will be held on Monday evening, May 25th at 8:00 P.M, in the Recreation Centre's small meeting room. Mem-' bers and friends are cordially invited to attend, i CHE: The annual meeting of the Terrace Bay Fig-- ure Skating Club was held Friday evening in the Terrace Bay Recreation Centre's meeting room chaired by Mr.Joe Heenan, Following re--' ports of committees election of officers for the coming year took place with the following to hold office: Pres., J.Heenan, Vice-Pres,, R.Kenney, Secretary, Mrs.M.Hayes, Treasurer, P,Rapke and Directors, Mrs.B.Bouchard, Mrs, Be Duncan, Harold Marsh and Jim Cumming, Sympathy is extended to Jack Phillips on the passing of his Mother, Mrs, M.Yoe in Port Hope last Friday. Mr. and Mrs ee left ee ace