TERRACE BAY NEWS May 7th, 1959- = aa cee sia mgs te Saco Sg SER Ga ts ci a a a TERRACE BAY CHURCH SERVICES COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dr, A, Lavender 9.30 A.M. - Senior Sunday School" 11.00 A.M, <= Beginners Sunday School 2,00 P.M, = Junior Sunday School 11,00 A.M, -~ MORNING WORSHIP - Reverencing Motherhood 7.30 P.M. = EVENING SERVICE The Sacrament of Infant Baptism will be admin- istered at the morning service, Following the evening service the May meeting of the Church Board will be held. Until fur- ther notice the meetings of the Church Board will be held on the second Sunday in the month, ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH -. Dean E,A.Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P,M, and 7-8 in the evening, SUNDAY - Masses 8.15 and 9,30 A.M, Evening Devotions - 7,30 P.M, Mass during the week at 7,45 and on Saturday at 8.30 A.M. ROSSPORT MASS - 11,30 A.M, TOWNIORICS BOWLING MEETING A meeting for the Bowling Association Exe- cutive and Team Captains will be held this Thursday, May 7th at 7.00 P.M. in the Curl- ing Lounge. BROWNIE BANQUET, MAY 9TH, GUIDES', MAY 16TH Dates for the Annual Mother and Daughter Banquets as set at a recent meeting of the Local Association to Guides and Brownies are: Brownies, Saturday, May 9th and Guides, Saturday, May loth. Both banquets will be held in Hotel Terrace. Tickets for the Brownie Banquet may still be obtained from Mrs. Bea Williams. Phone 3247 immediately, Mrs. Marg. Simmer is a patient in McKellar Hospital, Fort William, One of the first University students to arrive in Terrace Bay for summer employment at the Kimberly-Clark Mill is Bob Jenkins of Ottawa. University students arriving home for the summer are, Marvin Steen, Dick Rowson and Ray Husband, Mrs. Jean McLeod entertained on April 27th in honour of her daughter Sharon's seventh birthday, Eight young friends attended and fun was had dancing and singing before the party lunch, A surprise party was held for Barbara McMillan at the home of Marilyn Marsh last Thursday evening when several ef her school chums gathered to wish her happy birthday, SCHREIBER CHURCH SERVICES ST.JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH ~ Rev, R,Inshaw 8, 30 AM, ~ Holy Communion 11,00 A.M, - Choral Eucharist 7,00 P.M, - Evensong 9.30 A.M, - CHURCH SCHOOL UNITED CHURCH - Rev,Russell Crook 11,00 A.M. ~- Morning Worship 7,00 A.M, --Evening Service 10,00 A.M, - SUNDAY SCHOOL HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Fr, Geo. Epoch, S.Je 8.00 A.M. - Mass 8,30. 4,M,. - Children's Mass 10.45 A.M, -- High Mass for Adults only 7.30 P.M, - Evening Devotions Saturday confessions 11,00 A.M, and at 3,00 and .7.30 P.M, SCHREIBER GOSPEL. MISSION Service on Wednesday at 8,00 P.M, Sunday morning at 11,00:.A,M, Sunday School for all age groups and on Sunday evening at 7 P.M. THE CHURCH OF. JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY | SAINTS hold their Sunday School each Sunday morning at 10.30 A,M, in the home of the Y.M.C.A, Secretary. Dancing and games were enjoyed and their lun- cheon before the evening concluded, Mrs.Dodie Bougie surprised her husband Chuck. with a birthday party on April 29th at their | home. Ten guests were present and enjoyed an evening of dancing and refreshments, Chuck received a reversible jacket from the hostess and a sports sweater from his friends, were weekend visitors at the home of "Nacy and Alex Marquis and Doris will again be a guest at the Marquis home next week, Mrs.N,Coan and children arrived home last week from a month's vacation in the States, Mr,Coan accompanied them to Neenah, Wisconsin where they visited his parents, Mr.& Mrs.N,A, Coan, a visit in Detroit and then to Lansing, Michigan where Mrs,Coan and daughters remained with her parents, Mr.&@ Mrs. Charles Chisler and Mr,.Coan and boys returned home, In Neenah they also called on the Moe Nelsons, formerly of Terrace 'Bay, | | | | | Doris and Ken MacKay, former residents, | i Mr, & Mrs, Joe Tait and family of Fort William were weekend guests of Marg, a Henry Duriez, Irene McInnes with Susan arrived home last week from their holiday east visiting in Levack, Ontario, Trout Creek, Orillia and Oakville, Mary Lou and Clarence Mann of Sateen: = renewed Terrace Bay acquaintances last week- end. while the guests of Glenna and Jim MacDonald. Helen and Ab Gray of Fort William with' their children, were weekend guests ef the Jack Wellings and eros with the Bill Me graws.