CIRCULATION - TERRACE BAY ; & SCHREIBER it . HAPPY NEW. YEAR This year residents of Terrace Bay will have their choice of public dances at which to celebrate the departure of 1958 and the birth of 1959, Gala affairs have been arranged for the High School Auditorium and the Moose Hall. The former, sponsored by the Terrace Bay Curling Club, will feature the Music of Vic Arnone and his Lakehead Orchestra and the latter affair, sponsored by the Moose Lodge, features lunches, refreshments and Music by Adamo, 3 j To one and all, whether planning to attend a public gathering or not, the "News" extends the wish for a Very Happy New Year} !] « -- NIPIGON 10 - 3 ON SUNDAY, On Sunday at Nipigon, Superiors took their worst shellacking of the Season, dropping to the Nipigon Flyers 10-3, The Mlyers were really flying, keep- ing a close check on every Superior player and taking advantage of their opportunities around the Superior net. -- ; Superiors appeared dull, whether because Nipigon made them appear that. way or be- cause of the 'heavy schedule the Terrace bunch have had to coritend with this past few weeks. So many games away from town are bound to have a weakening effect, and a team has to be in good shape to take the pace that is being set in these games so far this year. Therg is one more game at Red Rock on Tuesday night before we can see and judge the Superiors when they meet Marathon on home ice Thursday, January 8th. The game scheduled for January 4th has been post-. poned until January 31st as most of the. - ~ Boys will be working on the maintenance shutdown, | UNOFFICIAL LEAGUE STANDINGS N.S.H.L. AS OF DECEMBER 28TH, 1958, SUPERTORS IN LAST PLACE AFTER LOSING TO : GPW. L, T. GF. GA, prs. | Perathch 7) 6 6 Oi Ie 836 24 3 Red Rock" 6 Bo ee ae OD 5 Nipigon- 6 Stee Mtoe e 32 4 Terr.Bay = 5 ae ee Fores 38 2 DODGE-LUKE NUPTIALS HELD CHRISTMAS DAY In a Christmas Day evening ceremony, conducted by the Rev. Dr.A.Lavender in the Terrace Bay Community Church, Betty Audrey Dodge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, G, M.Dodge of Terrace Bay became the bride of David John (Jack) Luke, son of Mrs, D.Luke and the late Mr, D,Luke of Schreiber, Ont-. ario, formerly of Rossport. The bride, givem in marriage by her - father, wore a white, Swiss lace street- length sheath dress with floating back (next column )°- VOL, NO.1, NO, 23 "streamers and white baby mums, ' DECEMBER 31st, 1958, > . . MUNICIPAL ELECTION POSTPONED The Toronto law firm of Lang, Michener and Cranston, who have been acting on behalf of the Improvement District of Terrace Bay in connection with the proposed change to Town- ship status, advised the Board of Trustees oe telephone on December 24th that the Ontario _ Municipal Board has scheduled a re-hearing of _ our Bylaw requesting the change for the last - week of February, 1959, Mr, Lang stated that the Ontario Municipal Board might postpone the local election until January 1960 but, more likely, would establish a date in March of 1959 for it. This means, of ccurse, that there will be no election on January 5th, | 1959, as originally planned, a ait! To ckarify the issue for the residents aa ce Terrace Bay it should be stated that the Ontario' Municipal Board is more of a High Court dealing with Municipal problems (not . unlike the Ontario Hydro Board) and that they answer only to the Cabinet, not to the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs. This explains, in part, the situation we found ourselves in last November,-.with the Department urging us to press on with plans for an elected Council and then the Municipal Board restraining pro- gress because all requirements had not been hs met to procéed in the established legal manner, We hope that the re-hearing in February will straighten things out. At that time' we will inform the citizens of Terrace Bay of the progress that has been made, ~ Board of Trustees | ® of The Improvement Dist, NUPTIALS (Cont'd) panels of white nylon chiffon, She carried a white prayer book with white satin ribbon <a Her headress was a band of white feathers, Attending the bride was her sister, Char-- maine, dressed in a red wool blouson dress with -. a corsage of peppermint carnations. ..- | The Groom's brother, Doug. Luke was grooms-~ man. : ee - A small reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, after which (Cont'd Page 3) NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Wednesday, December Slat nA. 8.00 P.M, = 2,00 .A3M, , ORCHESTRA FROM 10,00 P.M. Fr LUNCH =~ REFRESHMENTS NOVELTIES © aa NOISEMAKERS. | ADAMO'S ORCHESTRA = =. $4.00 per couple. - ; Limited comenier ani