EE Page 4 ea -- TOWN TOPICS - Cont'd from Page 2 Superior who had met that day in Schreiber. Rev.R,J.S.Inshaw was then asked to present Miss Lamb. Her address was followed closely and she spoke naturally and easily with the zeal of a dedicated person, A question period followed, after which the president of the Nipigon G.A, thanked the speak-' er. The Rural Dean, the Rev.H.A.Vallis of Marathon closed the meeting with prayer and the pleasant evening ended with a lunch served by the Schreiber Branch, . SCHREIBER LEGION ENJOYS HALLOWE'EN PARTY The Legion enjoyed its halloweS8en party on Friday evening with some hilarious contests arranged by B.Paradis, among them the very funny 'bridging of the River Kwai by a group _of thirty couples, alternately running and ° sitting down, and paper, bag fight by Ann Did- ura, I.McCuaig, E,Johnson, E.Fedoril, F. Catatord and Grace Moors. Music for dancing was supplied by Ross Wilson and the door prize won by Ann Didura. LADIES AUXILIARY TO THE BOY SCOUTS FORMED The ladies auxiliary to the Boy Scouts held . their organizational meeting and the following officers were elected:- President, Mrs,Fred Northup, Vice-Pres. Mrs,Con Duggan, Sec.Treas, Mrs,Harvey McCanna; Convenors, Mrs,Albert Morris, Mrs.Frank Grover and Mrs,Bill Davies. The auxiliary will hold a tea, bazaar and bake sale on November 29th from 3--5 in the Town Hall, ST.E EDWARD'S. HOLD INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS "On Thursday, October 23rd, P, J.Syvitski, PHONE 5 SCHRE! "UNDERWEAR. CREAM COTTON RIB BOYS - FALL and WINTER WEIGHT SHIRTS 'and DRAWERS Guaranteed not to shrink out of shape-- Double seat and NEAT elastic waist. SHIRT HAS CREW NECK & SHORT SREEVES ». SIZES-Small, Medium & Larges,. g Sq. PLUM BRUSHED COTTON: Extra warm brushed cotton shirts and drawers--short sleeves with matching ribb= ed Cuffed Elastic waist Drawers, BOYS 5, My & L,. _ SMALL FRY, 2, 4& 6 Yrs 79¢ S&C Terrace Bay News pelle Octo we i ; -- .% 4 we EEF lewis Her aamancents eee ber 30, 1953, District Décuty of District.14, and T.G. Birmingham, District Warden, held install- ation ceremonies for the new slate of officers of St.Edward's Council of the Knights of Columbus, The ceremony took place in th Guild Hall at Schreiber, with Knights from Schreiber, Terrace Bay, Mara- thon, Heron Bay and Rossport in attendance R,T,Kenney thanked the installing offi- cers and complimented them on the dignific manner in which the ceremonies were conduc ede Following the installation ceremonies, Alan Valiquette: spoke in commeration of Columbus Day, He outlined briefly the history of the Order, with particular em- phasis on its deveiopment in Canada. " UNiTE)_ CHURCH BAZ' SET FOR NOV.15th Mrs.P.Hrynyk presided at the regular meeting of the Evening Auxiliary: when re- ports from various officers were presented .Miss Fern Scruton, a missionary in Japan, wrote, thanking the er for a box received, . Mrs.Ross reported on a recent salts sale and thanked those who had donated and work ed, It was decided to buy thirty pairs of bootees and a carpet sweeper, Plans for the Fall Bazaar to be held on Novel5th were finalized, At the close of the meeting lunch was served by Mrs,Slater, Mrs.Gordon and Mrs, 'Walker. bape Peto eed {pects ALL FABRIC FLAME RETARDED HALLOWEEN COSTUMES 298. 19S CHARACTER MA Ro ts | fom MASKS EF JOC O58" ae WIGS BOYS - One«piece plum brushed coTToN com. | CLO MAID WITCH TIONS - LONG SLEEVES & LEG, : Se BINATIONS ~ LEE LEG, FLAT ee dinereee WHIPSTITCHED SEAMS FOR EXTRA WEAR, : | PIRATE EACH $149 SIZES 2 - 12 Yrs.