"Authorized as 2nd Class Mail - Post Office Dept., ttawa Swimming Sool ? After a cold, wet and windy summer, the question "Do we need a swimming pool?" has become a favourite subject of local conversation. Despite the fact that we have an ideal beach at the dam, weather con- ditions make pleasurable swimming days so few that only the hardiest are able to take advantage of swimming classes and free-swimming periods. True, the beach was a busy place this summer, but the majority were con- tent to sit or play on the sand. Even those who ventured into the water either paddled near the shore or made their dips very short ones. Most people, when they swim, like to be able to spend a good period of time in the water at one stretch. Ideal water temperature for this is between 74 and 78 degrees, Water temperature at the beach this summer ranged between 66 and 70 degrees, and were often as low as 61 degrees, This low temperature, combined with a brisk breeze, does not make bathing a real pleasure. We could have a poolj} Look at the wonderful efforts made by Marathon, and being made by Red Rock, Both of these pools are results of public subscrip- tion and volunteer labour, They are proof positive of what combined comm-- unity effort can accomplish, How much effort would you be willing to put into a pool for Terrace Bay?? LABOUR DAY CELEBRATION AT MOOSE HALL At the Moose Hall on Labour Day, Local 665 held a bang-up celebration for every one in Terrace Bay, The Hall was filled with kids. A peanut scramble was held for the young fry, also races for boys and girls from ages 4 to 14. Four prizes were given in each race, Treats were the order of the day. It was almost impossible to estimate the number present but there was no difficulty disposing of 84 dozen dixie cups of ice cream, Three legged, wheelbarrow races, etc., were held for adults, Coffee and doughnuts were given away and the prizes for all the events, including those for adults, were excellent. It was a great Labour Day celebra- tion in Terrace Bay, CHESS PLAYERS-Weekly playing commences Sept.15, small room at Rec,Centre,. Vol.1, No.6 we ' TERRACE Bay NEWS-- September 4, 1958, Shift 4 Wins! - Yes the Shift # boys came from behind a two game deficit to take the 1958 Softball Championship in three straight games, On Thursday night, August 28th, Shift #4 won by a 6 to 5 score. The Salary squad had an early 5 to 1 lead but #4 rallied for five runs and salary could not push. the tying run across the plate. Statistics show that Salary had 13 hits compared to 8 hits for #4. But--its the final score that counts, Congratulations Shift No.AUltt SCHREIBER CAN,LEGION CELEBRATE 25TH ANNIVERSARY On Saturday, September 6th, 1958, Branch 109, Schreiber, will celebrate the 25th Anni- versary of the granting of their Charter. Part of the celebration will be the Dedica- tion. of the new Branch Colours, This. ceremony will be performed by the Rev. H.A.Vallis, Padre of the Marathon Branch at 2 P.M., outside the Legion Hall (weather per- mitting). If not, it will be conducted in the main lounge, The Public is cordially invited. TERRACE WINS EXHIBITION GAME IN SCHREIBER During the CWL sponsored Labour Day Sports held in Schreiber, a Terrace Bay All-Star team won out by a 14 to 6 score over Schreiber. MARLENE STEEN BECOMES BRIDE OF PETER DOIG. At 4330 Saturday afternoon Aug.30th, Rev, Dr.Arthur Lavender united in a double ring ceremony Marlene Ellen Steen and Peter Ross Doig in Terrace Bay Community Church, Mar- lene is the only daughter of Mr.& Mrs,John Steen, Terrace Bay and Peter the only son of Mr.& Mrs.Mark Doig of Trenton, Ontario, Multi-coloured gladiolus and asters adorn- ed the alter and lily of the valley caught in bows of white tulle marked the guest pews, The soloist, Mr.Bert Lohr was accompanied at the organ by Mrs,Ellen Hodgkiss, The bride, gowned in a floor length orig- inal of imported silk taffeta and chantilly lace, was escorted to the alter by her father. Her attendants were, Mrs,Darlene Morsette Matron of honour, wearing burnt ice Chiffon, Miss Mildred Doig in turquoise and Miss Viv- ian Gresdal who chose shrimp chiffon. Groomsman was Mr,Jack Moore and ushers were Mr,Marvin Steen and Mr.Neil Nesbitt. A reception in the Moose Hall followed the wedding when the Mothers of the Bride and groom received. Mr. U.Peuremaki, uncle of the bride pro- posed the toast at the reception, Cutting -- the wedding cake were Mesdames Hilda Peuremaki (Cont'd Page 6