COMMUNITY CHURCH - JUNE 15 11:00 a.m. MORNING WCRSHIP ° Sermon Subject "Honouring the Things our Fathers Held Sacred." The June meeting of the Church » WOard WILLE be held at the home of Mr, - and Mrs. E. Woods, 419 Elizabeth St. _ As this will be the last meeting of the board until September all members are urged to be Prema or Flease note the hour, eight o Distt aah of the usual 8:30, : o '8:00 p.m. He He 7 On Saturday June 14 the Annual Sunday School and Congregational picnic will be held at the Kiwanis Yark on Lake Superior. 4ll friends and members of the congregation and Sunday School are cordially invited. Families will bring their baskets. Tea and coffee will be provided for the adults and ice cream and pop for the children, The picnic will get underway at 2 p.m, Those desiring transportation will please meet at the church at 1:45. _ Should the weather not permit us to go .to the 'beach 'the kiddies will receive their goodies in. the church basement, "* % * % . PUNCH FOR SAFETY This week H. McLeod punched for safety - but did not punch a prize winner. This week's slogan is: 'BE CAREFUL THERE ARE NO SrARE VARTS FOR THE' HUMAN BODY" Those who won silver dollars last week for knowing the safety slogan were: R. Sinotte, ..F. Hanna, E. Kettle, J. Kelty, E. Newell. Remember the slogan - it may be worth a . Silver. dollar if you know it, , ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH - Saturday, June 14th - Confessions 3 - 4pm. & 7 = 9 p.m, Sunday, June 15th - Masses 8:15 & 9:D Benediction Sunday evening at 7:30, Mass: during the: week 8:00 a.m., Saturday?:8:30 a.m. - C.W.L. NEWS The Catholic: Women's League will hol their meeting in St. Martin's Church Hall on Sunday, June 15th at 8:00 p.m. aTTENTION: CHESS -PLAYERS! - The small Meeting Room of the Recreation Centre will be available for playing on Monday June loth from 7 p.m. to closing, Social and hound Kobin Tournament games may be played, - I wish to take this: 'oppor- tunity to thank the Doctors and Hospital Staff for the excellent care I received while in the Hospital, and also my fellow employees of Kimberly-Clark for the wonderful donation received from them on June 10th. THANK YOU NOTE -- Hubert Galvin. % # %& * _ THANK YOU - The Willard Vezinas wish to thank their many friends who remembered their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary with lovely cards of congratulations.