KAiENSiVE LOWNSLTE EXOGRAM PLANNED FOR THIS SUMMER. The Improvement District of Terrace Bay have a large program of work 'scheduled for this summer, The Kimberly-Clark Company also will do a lot of work in the town. The municipality plan on brushing out the area across from the shopping centre (this work has started) and so has brushing west of the Recreation Centre. A water line will be installed to the cemetery, catch basins and Storm sewers will be installed on Kenogami Road. Some hydrants to be moved and raised. Curbing and paving contracts will be let. Landscaping of boulevards and the Shopping Centre are planned. A house will be built for the school staff. The Cemetery Board have their own budget approved and work on improvement has started with generous help from volunteers through the Horticultural Society who have started working in this area, VAMEeA. The Company have a full summer program scheduled, from painting 75 to 100 houses as well.as the hotel and hospital, to landscaping some company buildings and many smaller jobs like revising parking Space, etc. Presently a new fence is being installed at the Central Heating Plant. One of the smaller projects is to revise hydro service to some garages, which is'a direct result of a. safety suggestion that some of the present installations were not safe, particularly to children who play in those areas. So all in alla general "sprucing up' is in store for our town this summer, and as these various' projects begin and are completed Terrace Bay will be a nicer place in which to work and live. The annual budget for the Improvement District is nearing completion. The new tax rate will be known within a few days, Hox ¥ SQETBALL "LEAGUE (cont'd from page 1) Teen Town - Barry Marquis, Salary - Al Harrison. Secretarial work will be handled by the kecreation Office. : Those who wish to play softball this summer Should contact the person representing their shift IMMEDIATELY so that he will know how many players are interested. . Plans are to pool available pitchers and steady day workers, and to allot them evenly to different teams. Steady day workers who wish to play should contact the 'Kecreation Office NOW. Yhone 3542, It will only take a minute, NEW TEACHER OBTAINED FOR HIGH SCHOOL -------- Ee UU Mr. Willard M. Miller, a fully qualified teacher from the Staff of the Cobalt High School has signed a contract to teach French in the Terrace Bay High School. Mr. Miller has been studying for his specialist certificate in languages and has an endorsement from the Department of Education to mark the progress he has made. Mr. Miller is a graduate of the University of Toronto, is married and has two, children. The resignation of Mr. John Morrison Principal of the Fublic School has been accepted reluctantly by the Board. Mr. Morrison leaves, after four years at Terrace, to accept the position as principal of the eublic School at Elliott Lake. At Elliott Lake it is a 10 room school and offers increased responsibility to Mr. Morrison who leaves with the best wishes of this conmunity, oR TERRACE BAY FIGURE SKATING CLUB GENEXAL MEETING MAY 27 - 8 I.M. The general meeting of the figure skating club will be held in the large meeting room at the nec. Centre for the purpose of electing the '58-'59 executive. The nominating committee has a full slate of officers for the member- ship's consideration, a a TERRACE BAY CURLING BANQUET - SAT. MAY 24 nea ENE 4 reminder to all curlers' that the deadline for purchasing your ticket for the Annual Wind-Up Banquet is Saturday, May 17th. hy ee FOR SaLE - 1954 Hudson 4-door in A-l condition thru-out. 538 Lakeview Drive after 4300. - ansco Kegent 35 mm. camera with case. Contact I, Wellings, phone 3378 ~ Single dresser - 3 large drawers and mirror - $20.00. TIhone 3645. ~ 1954 Buick Special,sutomatic Trans. , radio, power brakes, 1200 miles; will sell for $2250. Apply card #483 or house 1504.Birch Cres. FOUND -- TVocket watch on toplar Cresc. thone 3632. UISTAERS FOR RENT - House 44 Tine Cres. Fhone 3522. KIWANIS CLUB SPONSORING ANNUAL FISHING CONTEST EE a he NG CONTEST - All children under 14 yrs, eligible. There will be four classifications: Lake Trout, Speckled Trout, Fickrel and Fike, To enter just take your fish to nalph Lindberg at the LL&L.