. PALM SUNDAY re COMMUNITY CHUKCH Sunday, March 30th, 9:30 a.m. Senior Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. Beginner's Sunday » Sehoaky 2:00 p.m. Junior Sunday School, . 11:00 a.m, Morning Worship KXeception Service for those coming into the fellowship of the Church, ~Sacrament of Lord's Suprer. Special Offering for "Feed the Hungry °: Ree |): 73:30 p.m. The Service on Sunday Evening will be taken by the members of the Young People's Bible Class. Following the evening service the Choir will sponsor a Fireside Hour to which all friends and members of the congrega- tion are cordially invited. - Please note that the regular Choir practice will be held on Friday evening March 28 at 7 p.m., and not Saturday after- noon as was announced last Sunday. eS ok Me OH He Oe LIBRARY REVIEW "Ghosts Incorporated" - Marjorie Talbot This is a hilariously spooky tale of. ghosts and people based on the history of the legendary character Cardinal Deaton who was hanged, drawn and quartered in Scotland. Cardinal Beaton's ghost returns through the ages, according 'to legend, to collect his legs which were hidden by his executioners 4 young and handsome baronet, Sir Donald Gilburne, inuerits tie haunted castle, vut not enough itoney to keep it going. He and several friends enterprisingly initiate a "Ghosting Business," but soon find themselves playing hide-and-seek through the musty old castle with the real thing. The reader, to his amusement dis--- covers that at times only he known who is who ° : * Library Hours Monday & Wednesday 2:30 to 4:30 Dim , Tuesday, Thursday & Friday evening 7to 9 p.m. C.W-L. Bazaar: 'ST. MA\TIN'S CHURCH Saturday, March 29th, 3-4 pm & 7-8 p.m. Confessions Sunday, March 30th: Masses 8:15 and 9:30 a.m. Senediction Sunday evening at 7:30, Mass during the week 8:00 a.m. Saturday - 8:30 a.m. Lenten aevovions each Wednesday and Friday evening at 7:3u. % He ROR UE Roe There are surprises galore waiting for you April 12th in St. Martin's Church Hall 2 to 4:30 p.m. when the Catholic Women's League plan to hold a Spring Bazaar. Watch for further notices! F * % & % RK HR H % NURSES NOTH SHOE GROUP - held their regular meeting Monday, March 24th in Marathon with approximately thirty members attending. Mrs. Zettler, Schreiber chaired the meeting. She called for a discussion among the group as to whether monthly meetings would be held in the local groups with a combined meeting every second month. It was left to the local groups to decide. The object of these local meetings would be to raise funds for the Fort William Mental Health .issociation. Mr. C. .s. Hutchinson of Linde Air Company of Winnipeg gave a very interesting talk and showed films on the Linde Oxygen Therapy. He was accompanied by Mr. i. H. Bjornson of Fort William. Following the meeting a very enjoy- able luncheon was served by Marathon ladies, as hostesses. The next meeting will be held in Schreiber in May. % ae | A A EaSTEX EGG SALE -- BiOWNIES The Easter Egg Sale will be held at the Hudson's Bay Store, Saturday, March 29th, Candies which are being donated will be picked up by the Brownies on Thursday, March 27th after four o'clock, Po Fe Re He Se Beye BF Virginia and Gary Galvin with Gordie and Lois spent the weekend in Fort Arthur with Virginia's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown.