AROUND THE TOWN (Cont'd) L C Magistrate and Mrs. P.-T. Hake, A 0 accompanied by Mrs. Jean Gould of Port D L arthur visited with their daughter, Lois mee U Haviland and family last weekend. Ss No; Mrs. Bea Fawcett held a birthday party 'on the 23rd. of February for daughter Connie's ninth birthday. Nine guests played a variety of games before the luncheon and birthday cake and left for home with their favor baskets of balloons and candy. Mrs. Bili Sernesky entertained for son Jinmy's third birthday on the 27th of February. Eight boys and girls enjoyed _. games and a treasure hunt, Following the CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES luncheon and cake they left for their homes \ with baskets of favors, Preheat oven to 375°F, any CD) pee dog lc. plus 2 tbs. sifted flour 1/2 tsp. baking soda ' ART CLUB NEWS 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 ¢. butter or shortening The regular weekly meeting will be | 6 tbs. granulated sugar held Thursday, March 6th in the large meeting 6 tbs. brown sugar. : _ room of the Recreation Centre. 1/2 tsp. vanilla Tae March 15th and 16th are the dates set 1/4 tsp. water ie for the 4th monthly lesson under the in- 1 Egg _ struction of Mrs. Limon, This session will 1 6 oz. pkg. Semi-Sweet Choéolate Morsels _ be devoted to portrait painting and will be 1/2 c. nuts, coursely chéppéd an excellent opportunity for beginners and 'advanced artists alike to learn some of the Sift flour, baking soda, and salt together - basic techniques. Most of us have never set aside. Combine butter, sugars, vanilla, attempted portrait painting before so it water and blend well. Beat in egg. Add will be something new for everyone. As flour mixture - mix well. Stir in semi- mentioned before, these instructions are sweet and nuts. Drop by half teaspoonfuls open to anyone and if you would like to pick on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375°F. 10 toup a few points, you will never have a better 12 min. Yield 50 cookies. opportunity. The fee is reasonable and some supplies are available, AROUND THE TOWN he a Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Brown with Doreen and Mr, Art Peckett of Port Arthur were POLIO CLINIC THRRACE BAY HOSPITAL weekend visitors of Virginia and Gary Galvin Wa aes nea ace ah i and family. : "" (1) 3rd dose due for children who had : lst dose in July, 2nd in August. Mrs. Tommy Turner enter- Pink tained last Thursday for her iii (2) Any child 6 months and daughter, Phyllis Ann's fourth § te & over who has not started, may birthday. Seven children had ate = do so now. a gay afternoon of games arid ~ : play before their birthday lunch and left for home with a basket of treats. (Cont'd next column) (3) Polio Vaccine now avail- able to adults,