NOTICE TO ALL KIMBERLY-CLARK EMPLOYEES RE BLUE CROSS HOSPITAL PLAN FINAL GROUP OPENING Due to the inauguration of the Ontario Hospital Services - Commission Plan January lst, 1959, our Group will not open after the dates shown below. TO OBTAIN PROTECTi... DURING 1958 ENROL NOW!! Group open February 14th to March 7th, 1958 for changes in contract effective May 15, 1958. Present Subscribers may add: Dependents not previously registered; e.g. (a) wife may be added if you did not report your marriage within the eligibility period (b) adopted children may be added - natural born children are automatically covered on your contract. Monthly Rates -$2.05 month Single $5.70 month Family (The $2.05 portion paid for every employee by the Company) Application for enrollment must be made at the Employment Office. Or if you require additional information apply at the Employment Office.