a a C.W.L. News (cont'd) USE FO. YULE CDS of Bridge and Canasta in February to be The following item taken from the Toronto convened by Mrs. Stella LeBlanc. March 17th Star would seem to be most timely and agers there will be a St.- Patrick's Tag Day conven- appropriate. -- ed by Mrs. Eva Yonnors. April 12th was set "\eaders who may be wondering what to do witl aside for the Spring Bazaar to be convened their Christmas cards should know about a group by Mrs. iiita Newell. articles for the of disabled war veterans in England who would Miscellaneous Table to be handed in to be grateful for them, These men are prevented ~ Eleanor huzyski and Aprons or Apron material by disability from working normally, 11 types to be handed in to Olga adamo or Marg. of greeting cards are of use to them, especial]; "Santerre. Christmas and birthday cards... These are remade -Entertainment of cards and luncheon and sold by these veterans at reduced rates. brought the social portion of the meeting mainly to hospitals and old age pensioners, in to a close. an endeavor to earn some of the small comforts RRR * which would otherwise not come the way of these deserving men. These cards may be sent Scout News (cont'd) ' to Guy Maloney, 86 Eleanor id., Harrogate, Yorkshire, England." Once again there is a call for leaders in both Scouts and Cubs. Anyone willing to 'ERK RH undertake this very important and worth while work will please contact Mr. Hutchinson FIGUE Sic ATING JUDGE'S SCHOOL or any member of the Scout committee, 4 judges school for Figure Skating will be held on Sunday, January 19th at 1:00 p.m,, in the local arena, Mrs. 4. Fattison will be in charge of the group this Sunday although in the future Mrs, H. souchard will be a this over, «ll those interested will 'be welcome at this first session of the year. Several ladies passed as accredited judges last year and we hope these and others will attend. iart of the school will consist of instructions to be held in a heated room and the remainder at ST. MARTIN'S KINDENGAsTEN CLASS (1958 & 1959) the arena. eH KH SYMPATHY Francis Hanna left for Winnipeg last week to attend the funeral of his Father Mr. Habid Hanna who passed away in St. Boniface Sanatorium on Wednesday. Qur, sympathy is expressed to Francis and his family. HReH HK 4 survey of pupils who will start to LIBinaxY HOU HOURS Me Kindergarten in St. Martin's School in Sept- ember 1958 and September 1959 is being held, Farents of these children are asked to fill out forms available at the School office Monday & edie sd afternoons 2:30 -. * Tuesday , Thurs. & Friday evenings 7 - 9 ;. before January 21, 1958, ; "Comparative Circulation jiecord RHR iy 1953 - 2703, 1956-16, 327 1954 -- 75 . Lat 1955 -13 Tene KRRKX O nor eR) K NOW Reduction of disabling injuries in 1957 to two at the Terrace Bay mill represents a 30% improvement over our best previous record.