mee yl rit Pan Ae ae Following is the schedule for the first round in the Hudson's Bay event. DAT. 'E pem.Sheet 1 '7p.m.Sheet 2 | 7o.m, Sheet 7p.m. Sheet 9.00p.m. |. Byee ve Thurs. Hale | Sinkins Edmond Thorsteinson Latour Jan.9 Bouchard | Mann | Romaniuk Wellings Hamilton Duquette Tues. Latour Duguette | Thorsteinson | Hale [Epand Jan.14 Hamilton Bouchard | Mann Sinkins |Romaniuk {Wellings Thurs. Wellings Hamilton | Latour Bouchard Edmond 'Mann Jan.16 Duguette Hale Sinkins Romaniuk Thorsteinson Tues. Sinkins Edmond | Wellings Latour | Thorsteinson Jan.21 Romaniuk _ Mann | Hamilton Duauette | Hale Bouchard Thurs. Bouchard | Thorsteinson| Duquette 'Edmond ' | Wellings Jan.23 Mann | Latour | Halle Hamilton | Sinkins | Romaniuk Tues. 'Thorsteinson | Wellings | Bouchard Duquette Edmond Jan.28 Hale | Romaniuk | Sinkins | Magn. Latour in ; on : Hamilton . i Thurs, Hamilton | Edmond | Wellings Bhorsteinson tern Duquette Jan, 30 Sinkins. | Hale ze | Latour Bouchard Romaniuk Tues. Edmond | Thorsteinson| Duquette Latour Hale Feb.4 Wellings Hamilton | Sinkins Roman iuk Bouchard , Mann Thurs. Duquette "| Edmond | Hale Wellings Thorsteinson Feb.6 Romaniuk {Latour ° | Mann Bouchard Hamilton 'Sinkins Tues. Latour Hamilton ° Thorsteinson Edmond Wellings Feb, 11 Marin Bouchard Romaniuk Sinkins | Duquette Hale Thurs; Thorsteinson | Hale ! Edmond '| WelYings Hamilton Latour Feb,13 Sinkins _ | Romaniuk Bouchard Mann ; Duauette 4 . Tues. Edmond ' Wellings Hamilton Latour Thorsteinson Feb.18 Duquette | Sinkins Mann Hale '| Bouchard ! Romaniuk | a | | Thurs. Latour 'Thorsteinson| Wellings Hamilton Edmond Feb.20 Bouchard | Duque tte | Hale Romaniuk -- | | Sinkins - ) : | Mann NOTE: The 9 p.m. draw has been omitted on alternate Thursdays because originally there were hockey games scheduled here on those nights. The hockey schedule has been changed; but since there are only three Thursdays left open, we would still not complete our first round until Fed.20th. Any of the games scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursdays may be changed to 9 p.m. if it suits the two rinks involved better than 7 p.m. Vavey Wet