a Fk inte dttae.- For Rent - : Boys C.C.hMs Skates, Size 7, cheap. 1 two Gatirak hed roe - Phone 3257 - Phone 3617. Unfurnished upstairs - Phone 3395 Piano, 950; 303 iifle; 8.8 Outboard Motor; mae Spinning rod and reel; Lawn mower and garden ' Furnished or unfurnished upstairs tools; Boy's sicycle, boy's skiis. beginning December lst. Phone 3519 Hse.#12. " = Phone 3602, 7 Pine Crescent. ; Kodak "Tourist" folding camera with flash' Lo "s't* --Will the person who took en attachment and leather carrying case. New -. - iy shoes by mistake Friday night at condition. Will/sell for half original cost. 'the High School Dance please return them to he cad Phone 3513 Bill Garvin. My name is inside of them. - Would any of the Brownies who Wanted to Buy -™' Baby sleigh. wore clear plastic overshoes to their meeting last Thursday night, check and see if they have a size 6 instead of ia size l. If so would you please phone 3743 and claim yours. - Please phone 3753. 1 Child's Pedal Car. ue - Please phodné 3501 - ARENA.WEEKLY SCHEDULE -- WEEK OF NOV. 21 ae : ene My Friday - 2lst 4:00 - 5:00 Flyweights 7:00 - 8:30 Superiors 5:00 - 6:60 Hawks & Bruins 9:00 - 10:00 Midgets Saturday - 22nd 8:30 - 9:30 Bantams 1:00 - 4:00 Ca 9:30 - 10£30 Bruins vs Haris Figure Skating 8300 + 10:00 Piblic. Skating: 10:30 - 11:30 Leafs vs Canadians 4300 - 5:30 Public Skating "= ~ Sunday - 23rd tig 2:00-+ Marathon vs. Superiors ite Monday - 24th nm ++ 4200 ~ 5200 Tlyweights -" ~ * 7:00 ~ 8:00 Midgets " . 9300 - 6:00 Hawks & Bruins 8:30 - 10:00 0 Hockey », ,, 0800 ~ 7:00 Leafs & Canadian' -'~ Hoya over fee ookey Tuesday - 26th itd 12 3 * 4200 -- 5:30 Figure Skating +" " $330 ~ 6:30 Bantams 7:00 - 8:30 Superiors Wednesday - 26th 2:30 - 5:30 Public Skating we: 5:30 - 6:30 ALL Stars. 4; '8:00 - 10:00 ~ Public Skating 6:30 - 7230 Midgets r a hes eg Thursday - 27th 4:00 - 5:30 Figure okating 7:00 - 8:30 Superiors 5230 - 6:30 Bantams 8:3 J, - 10:00 Open Hockey a are over 16,