* Borrow when you need cash. Don't break up your share account. 2 * Save wnile you repay a loan; with every payment, a share payment. Credit Union Hours: 72300. to-9:00 "p.m. Tuesday & Friday. - ll: Pine Crescent. , 2B RAR REV I BAW x He Ke *e HR KR K Docter Pygmalion | - Maxwell Maltz, M.D. giivor birch Chapter, 0.£.8. This is the autobiography of a plastic surgeon, Drawn from the author's more than Impressive and colourful ceremony marked *venty-five years experience in remaking Faces- tne sinihee installation of officers of the rd bodies - the young and the old, the ugly: Chapter. Mrs. Margaret Kragero, Past Matron ce -- a pnotap dad eos rich oa the and Mr. Alex Sinkins, Fast Patron acted as port, tae PUR ANS Goeimknown. [ital ss: installing officers assisted by Mrs. Dorothy narrative has an Arabian Nights fascination Rummery Past Matron, Mrs. Alice Farrow, Yast in the sheer variety and strangeness of the Matron, Mr. albert Farrow Past Patron, Mrs. talse it tells. Many docters have told their Isobel Marsh Past Matron as Marshal, Mrs. Mary stories but here, for the first time, a Baillie - Chaplain, Mrs. Eslie Ostling - Warder, practicing plastic surgeon takes the reader Mrs. Noreen Coe - Sentinel, Mrs. Vivian Kanna - benind the scenes into his life and the lives Crganist and Mrs. Dorothy hummery Past Matron of his patients. conducted the flower ceremony. rah oe The following new officers were installed: Linrary Hours? Miss Larbara Haughn - Worthy Matron; Nr. Harris Haughn - Worthy Patron; Mrs. Helen Wallace - associate Matron; Mr. Charles Sitch - Associate Patron; Mrs. inna Lailey - Secretary; Mrs. Dene Clancy - Treasurer; Mrs. Audrey iiowley - Conduct- ress; Mrs, Nettie Thrower - Associate Conductress, Mrs. Tina Young - Chaplain; Mrs. Norma Fummerton - Marshal; Mrs. agnes Bryson - Organist; Mrs. Edna Beddard - adah; Mrs. Marjorie Lundberg - Ruth; Mrs. Elizabeth Harris - Esther; Mrs. Anna Laine - Martha; Mrs. Justine Buffett - Electa; Continuing a series of questions most often Mrs. Louise Corbett -- Warder; Mrs. Kathleen Monday and~Wednesday afternoons - 2:30 to 4: Tuesday, Thursday © Fri C CO kK rs os sie a CMRP ie "UN ty °o Zz asked about credit unicns: Weppler - Sentinel. Presentation of jewels to retiring Matron a. How much should you save? Mrs. Margaret Kragero and retiring Patron Mr. A. There's no proven formula. It's differ- Alex Sinkins were made by Mrs. Elva McMillan ent for everyone, but here are a few proven and Mrs. Agnes Sinkins respectively. Gifts from ideas. - the officers presented to the retiring Natron * Save enough! Save till it "hurts" a were made by Mrs. Louise Corbett and the retiring little, because it's worth it. Even at Patron by Mrs. Helen Wallace. $5 a week, you'll have almost $3,000 in Refreshments were served from a table 10 years. covered with lace cloth decorated with two vases * Save a set amcvnt --- and do it regularly. of yellow, white and mauve mums, and mauve and white mums, gifts from Mrs. Laura Guest former member living in North Bay and the retiring Matron, Mrs. Kragero, respectively. Preceeding the meeting a Pot Luck Supper convened by Mrs. Lil Harris was held in the Church Hall. Mr. Harris Haughn acted as Chairman, Mr. C. Sitch proposed the toast to the wucen and Mrs. H. Wallace to the visitors, responded to by Mrs. Sadie boyd. How to do it: * Save every pay day -- as soon as you cash your check. Payroll deduction of course makes it easier. * Add another dollar to your regular pay day amount whenever you can, (cont'd next col.)