{\} 0 i ie ON. ews Nowalpar pang bo. 25uh'. a Friday & Saturday: - cea FIRE". aie ~ Grace, Kelly," - Rose Granger - ~ Cinemas cope - Sunday Midnite, basittaayy & Tuesday - "USEVEN YE..R' ITCH" '= Marilyn Monroe, ir Tom Ewell NADULT" Wednesday & Thursday - WRUMBLE ON THE DOCKS" '+2 James Darren, - Laurie Carroll "ADULT" tae ie ly NURSES' NORTH SHORE GROUP The Nurses!' North Shore Group will. meet in Schreiber, on December 4th at 8 p.m., in the Guild Hall." Miss Louise Parker R.N., will be the guest speaker, All nurses are requested to be present, * * & LOCAL ASSOCIATION _. The. regular monthly meeting of the 'Local association of Guides and: Jrownies will be held on Monday, November 25th at 8 o'clock in the small meeting room of the wecreation Cénere . Hye MEN'S CHORUS The Terrace Jay Men's Chorus Members all claim to be in good voice this year and feel that they have whipped up some really good numbers for your enjoyment. The best way to find out if they are just bragging or really do have something is to keep Friday evening, December 6th free to hear the Men's Chorus sound off in their second Annual Fall Concert at the Auditorium, -3 IS SANTA CLAUS COMING THIS YEAR? - Of course "he is. Who ever heard of such a question! Yes, Santa is coming allright, at. least there is no' doubt in' the minds of -any of the children of this: town'. However, give a thought to those' who are not so, fortunate, those poor and homeless children '69 whom Christmas is. just ike any" other' time of. year. . Tt is 'with disud cutter in rind that the local boy scouts conduct their Xmas toy shop. For the information of the many new people in town this consists of collecting any old broken or unwanted toys, regardless of condition:and putting them in good shape. They are then ship- ped to the Lakehead for distribution.' The following is a letter: received last year from the Children!s- sid Society. "Dear Boys' I regret that I 'cannot address you by name, as I was unable té"find that informa- tion in any of the*cight boxes" of Fhe We received in good: shape- It was rather strange how diings all' worked out. We had been counting on gifts of toys from a particular source which did not material- ize. at the last moment we felt that some ~ needy children would have to go without toys. But just at this time we got your boxes. ' Mrs. Holt, a social worker, and myself were pretty. husy getting them distributed, thankful that they had ree oe at a time we needed them so badly. The Board of Directors and staff of. thes Port arthur Children's sic Society want to thank all who were concerned in this project most sincerely." (Signed) J. B. Skinner, | Local Director. 4S you can see from the above this is : indeed a worthwhile project, so - how about it folks? - any old toys? If so, just contact, John Shivas, Bryan Peterkin, or bill Megraw and your toys will be picked up gladly, - * * % 7 SCOUTS CHRISTMAS CARDS - The Scouts are: selling a very fine assort- ment of Christmas Cards, wrapping paper, seals, and novelties of many and various descriptions. Your patronage will assist them in financing their summer camps. So that in purchasing these cards you not only assure yourself of excellent value for your money but you have the knowledge that you are supporting a well-worthwhil cause. Late purchases can be made right up to vhristmas by contacting K, Hutchinson, 425 Elizabeth ave., Phone 3516,