Vol. 7, No. 44 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY F : LE CLE CC ET CCL EAA te te ene et etenttstas trina, R emembrance ) OS I< imberly-Clark Obtains Contract with Irving Pulp Company of St. John, N.B, ao Dervice & D inner- Kimberly-Clark Corporation has contracted a hn Md Ml to sell the entire output of pulp from the : Irving Pulp Company, St. John, N.B. As part : Komaamrance aay 1987 . oy ror the first of the agreement, Kimberly-Clark has agreed to time a Kemembrance Day Service will be held supply certain management personnel. in Terrace Bay at the newly erected conmunity Mr. J. C. Wig, formerly Mill Manager of Cenotaph. There will be no parade as such for Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Taper Company, Terrace this first iiemembrance Day. The committee Bay, Ontario, becomes Mill Manager of Irving responsible would like as many people there Fulp Company effective November 1, 1957. Mr. as possible, expecting the veterans to lead Kobert Shirriff replaces Mr. Wig as Mill Manager the way in attending the Service. It is at Terrace Bay. : expected that the mill shift workers who are Mr, A. Potvin, formerly Assistant Sulphite not at work will turn out in good numbers, Superintendent of Spruce Falls Power and laper Veterans who can arrange to do so are asked Company, Kapuskasing, becomes Tulp Mill Super- to wear their medals. i intendent of Irving Pulp Company, also effective The Guides, Brownies, Scouts & Cubs November 1, 1957. Mr. George Arnold replaces will be in attendance. The school principals Mr. fotvin as Assistant Sulphite Superintendent will urge the children of the community to be at Kapuskasing. in attendance, and of course everyone in town The Irving Pulp Mill at the mouth of the is invited, St. John Kiver in New Brunswick produces up to The Service will commence at 10:45 a.m. and better than 70,000 tons of bleached sul- and everyone is requested to report directly phite pulp per year. to the Cenotaph area: The program of Service This production was reached by the Irving is as follows: 0 Canada, Prayer, Last Post, Pulp Company after a recent 12 million dollar Two Minutes Silence, heveille, Laying of Wreaths, expansion program. Trovision has been made God Save the Queen. for future installation of Kraft machinery and equipment, Kemembrance Day Dinner - Hotel Terrace 6:45 Silas vit wionday, November 11th. Fe) ai AR Re The deadline for veterans of the Allied COMMENCEMENT EXEI.CISES Forces to purchase tickets is, Thursday at S pom. The dinner and refreshment will cost The Terrace Bay High School will be $2,00 per plate. The program as set will not honouring its graduates and students this be too long, so that during and after dinner Friday, November 8th at 8:15, with the prés- there will be time to enjoy the fellowship entation of Diplomas and 'wards. unique perhaps among veterans, 4 cordial welcome is extended to all If you haven't received your ticket yet parents and interested persons. see one of the following today for sure: Wilf Corrigan, Charlie Koski, Fred McMillan, ee ee Mel Nicol, Alphonse Theriault, Ken Hutchinson, John Jeanneret, John Falzetta, & Gordon Black in Town.