COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, November 3, 1957. 9:30. a.m. .Senior Sunday School, 41:00:a.m. Beginners Sunday School, 2:30 p.m. Junior Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship : PREV OH Whe Vallis od Trintty Church, Marathon will conduct the morning service and acminister : Holy Communion according to the rites of the -inglican Church, 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. - Mr. Lavender will conduct the Evening Service and will preach on -."Three Fundamental Needs," Wayside kulpit _ Many people find the sermon cold because _ they insist on sitting in the Z row. eA en Meee Pee AR STORES CLOSED ON NOVEMBER 11TH In order to allow the staff the privil- ege of attending the xemembrance Day Service at our newly erected Cenotaph the following Stores will be closed until 1 p.m. con Nov, ll, 1957: - L & L Food Market, Waghorn's TFharmacy, Hudson's Bay Company, F.0.Soughton's Gift Shop. "« 32 an 4 ex. as 36 w w w Ww ws 7 Ww On November 11th the kemembrance Day Committee have arranged for a iiemembrance Day Service at the Conmunity Cenotaph commencing at 10:45 pem. It is expected that a good: crowd will -be in attendance at this Service, especially ' veterans. In addition all veterans of the Allied Forces will hold a dinner in the evening, November llth, commencing at 6:45 pem. The inner will include a refreshment and will cost $2.00 per plate. Tickets for this dinner are-on sale now. So veterans, get your tickets early.' They may be purchased from Charlie Koski, Fred MacMillan, Mcl Nicol, Alphonse Theriault Ken Hutchinson and Wilf Corrigan. LEST WE FOuGET: Pe Ae RR RST ate a se 7 is Aaa ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH Saturday, November 2nd, 1957. Confessions, 3 - 4 p.m. fom BDSM Sunday, November 3rd, Masses --- 68:15 a.m. & 9:30 a.m, Benediction Sunday evening at 7:30, Mass during the week at 8:00 a.m. SPECIAL NOTICE Friday, November lst FEAST OF ALL SaINTS Masses at) 8215 aim.;and 5345 pim: Saturday, November 2nd ALL SAINTS DAY Masses at 7:30. a.m., 8:00 a.m. and . 8330 a.m. ee KH eX C.W.L. NewS - Mrs. Peggy Helmink chaired the regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League held on October 13th in St. Martin's Church Hall. Father Gallagher: read the opening prayer. a ae D Various convenor's reports were read and plans for the Fall Supper were finalized. The members were asked to save Betty Crocker box teps to be turned over to Mrs. Hilda Valiquette before November 25th, Mrs. Mary Clare Kennecy took the chair for a very different and interesting ieligious Quiz. She was assisted by Mrs. Helem Fedun and Mrs. Maric Vezina with Father Gallagher available for reference. ' Lunch followed served by the October committee. Special mention should be made of a beautiful cisplay made for this meeting by Miss Cathy Smith commemorating the Family nasary with a wosary loaned for the occasion by Mrs. Vezina. Fall Turkey Supper - The Fall Supper will be held on Wednesday, Nov- ember 13th in St. Martin's Church Hall with two sittings at 5330 and 6:30 p.m. Trices ares Children up to eight years 50¢ Children eight to twelve years of Age Lys hss AIUD C8 | os as cae stig eins Ladies of the C.W.L. will be contacting you with tickets soon!