October 4 & 5th, Friday & Saturday - "CANYON RIVER" (()) Geo. Montgomery, (( )) M, Randall ey) mer) October. 6, 7, Sth, Sunday Midnite, Monday & Tuesday.- " OH MEN! OH WOMEN! " Dan Dailey, Ginger Rogers, Cinemescope (Color) () October 9 & lOth, Wednesday & Thursday, (((((( ( "WRONG MAN" (( Henry Fonda, V. Miles, ((CCC( Cinemescope (Gohor) pa e )))) sda ) * * He Ke He KR H HH OK ()))) ete Dicia Teta t allo ilad Sa MISS JOAN HOPPER TO BE TERRACE BAY'S ENTRY - "MISS ONTARIO CREDIT UNION" Joan, a local High School student, age 15, 5'2" tall, weight 110 lbs, submitted two copies of a head and shoulder profile flash camera picture Her prize will be three five dollar shares in the Credit Union. Her pictures have been forwarded to the Credit Union's Toronto Office and will be entered in the "Miss Ontario! finals, Congratulations Joan! We wish you the besti\of luck, Notice - All Credit Union Members please watch for further particulars on the "Annual Dinner Meeting", . The committee members are busy attending to the details of agenda, guest speaker, nominations, etc., and you are asked to keep this event in mind and watch the "NEWS" for time, date and place, ANNOUNCEMENT It has been announced by the >» Post Office Department, Ottawa, that Miss Gail MacDonald has been appointed to the local Post Office staff replacing Mrs. Freeman, resigned, -~W. E. Cavanaugh. 0-0-0 CONGRATULATIONS - To Mr. & Mrs, F. Cornwall, on the birth of a girl on September 29th, ~ And to Mr. & Mrs, T,z ~ ~ , Hobin on the birth of a "* * son, September 26th. Py - And to Mp, & Mrs, D. Td Evans-Smith, a son on Re aay ae Sept. 26th. 0-0-0 We egae a ART CLUB NEWS ' , Mark a big red circle around Y October 12th on your calendar! ' ( y? - Well,we'll tell you. That's ve the day we hold open house for our friends, Do drop in and have a cup of tea with us and see what "fantastic" things we've been doing! And when we say "fantastic" that's what we mean, Why, just the other day someone viewed our picture of a covered bridge and asked if "it" was a barn, and why was it straddling a river? See what I mean --- fantastic! - So remember that date, -Oct. 12th, from - 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 - the work from our Spring Course under J. Cum-- ming will be displayed at the Recreation Cert re. Everyone welcome, - Class as usual Thursday - 8 pem, - 0-0-0 Fire Prevention Note -- Remember water isn't good for fighting an oil or spreads the fire, Smother such or-clothing. Even baking soda trick if the frying pan flares grease fire. It fires with a rug will help do the upe Don't rush to the door with the blazing pan. The flames may blow back, setting you afire, o-0-o