MEN'S CLUB NEWS "CURLY" HALE ELECTED PRESIDENT - FOR 2ND TERM - The following officers were elected at a. general meeting of the Gurling 6lub held. on Monday evening April 29th: President - Curly Hale Past Pres.- Rune Ostling _ ist. Vice Pres. -- Jim MacDonald and. Vice President - Len Crockford Directors - Alex MacDonald Joe Sedge Ole Olsen Jim Clancy John Morrison Trustees - Howard Solly Art Reynolds Secretary - Don Whitley | D. Evans--Smith These officers will guide the destiny of the club for the 1957-58 season, Treasurer -- Plans for the forthcoming Curling Club wind-up are progressing very favourably. The Ladies Curling Club will cater for this banquet which will be held in-the High School Auditorium on Saturday, May 18th, at 6:15 p.m. Please make a note of. the time of the banquet. The early hour was chosen so the banquet would in no way interfere with the evening of dancing which will take place immediately after the banquet,.and end at 12:00 mid---nite. The Curling Club lounge will be open from 4:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m., at which. time refreshments will be available. (cont'd next col.) Page 6 Men's Curling (cont'd) Tickets. for this evening's entertain- ment will, go on sale soon, and will cost $1.50 for Single or $3.00 per couple and may be obtained from any of the following: Ida Romaniuk Doug Thompson, Len Crockford, Jim MacDonald. Every curler from both the Men's and -Ladie's Club and their ladies or escorts are cordially invited to attend this final Surling Club Social Evening for the season, Prizes won during the year will be awarded at the banquet. Lost Has anybody from the Curling Club in their possession a small cardboard box contain- ing about 15 club pins? If you have this box would you please return it-to Howard Solly or Curly Hale. WAH ------- --- -- LADIES 5 PIN LEAUGE Results of Roll-Off - Winners wereé"Schreiber..Five," Captain - E. Carmichael . J. Costall EK. Ross Bs; OootL B, Whent Consolation winners "Good Gals" Captain - L. Harris. H. Delong . L. Lavender A, Checkryn D. Coupal (cont'd Page 7)